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Obama wins the election

Guest abusivegeorge

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So what do you guys think? My personal experience is that I was online with a big group of friends from the states (many different ones) all of this evening/tonight and they wanted Obama to win, although they all seem to like Paul Ryan and hope that he will run for election next year. A little part of them hoped that Romney would win because of this Paul dude.


i think it's pretty amazing that there are people that were rooting for (romney and) paul ryan. these are guys who basically NEVER once explained how they were going to solve the deficit and got to where they were by screwing people over. exactly what do people see in that that's better than obama? but i guess they don't have to explain- since neither did romney and ryan.


Were you rooting for Obama or did Romney seem to have a fresh approach to you?


voted for obama


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i'm scared that we'll get a republican for eight years in 2016.


I don't know about that. It's hard to predict who are the next big things for either party. I doubt Hillary will run for 2016, if she would she would have a good chance to get the WH. Dunno about what the GOP would put up, Marco Rubio to excite the latino vote? It all depends on how things turn out.

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It's fucking disgusting how much media space these American elections take up in countries outside of America. Fucking disgusting I say. Why don't they just make us all have American flags and framed pictures of Obama (or insert whoever else wins in future elections) above out beds already.

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Diane Sawyer was totally drunk, lissen to that slurrr




hahahaha yes


I remember during a cruise I went on the events director dude mentioned she was a VIP guest a couple years before. He said she was one of the nicest celebrity guests they hosted...and also she was essentially wasted the entire time.

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It's fucking disgusting how much media space these American elections take up in countries outside of America. Fucking disgusting I say. Why don't they just make us all have American flags and framed pictures of Obama (or insert whoever else wins in future elections) above out beds already.


well...why dont you have them already?

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i'm interested to see what obama does with his 2nd term, thought he was a bit of a pussy the first time around.

Same. I voted for him rather unenthusiastically. I kinda feel now like I should have voted 3rd party cos I really wanted to, but I'm glad Ralmenney didn't win. I hope we get to see a ballsier side of Obammers.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

So weed is now legal in Colorado and Washington and nobody talks about it ?? I mean, it's not legal even in Holland.

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So weed is now legal in Colorado and Washington and nobody talks about it ?? I mean, it's not legal even in Holland.


It is big news, but then again marijuana enforcement has been varied and contentious issue in the U.S. The big question is how Obama and the Federal government will react to these two states making it more legal than anywhere else in the world (save Holland and the far more lax enforcement in various European countries). The sooner Federal government decriminalization it from top-down, the better. It won't mean a free for all everywhere: even after prohibition various local governments still place ridiculous limits on alcohol thousands of counties are still dry. I imagine the same will happen if pot is decriminalized, though it will be a huge positive change overall: less people in jail, way less money wasted on the war on drugs, and hopefully a huge dent in the trafficking of drugs from Mexico.

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Diane Sawyer was totally drunk, lissen to that slurrr




hahahaha yes


I remember during a cruise I went on the events director dude mentioned she was a VIP guest a couple years before. He said she was one of the nicest celebrity guests they hosted...and also she was essentially wasted the entire time.


When it comes to newscasters and anchorpeople, I've learned not to ascribe to alcoholism that which can be ascribed to stroke or cold meds

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i'm scared that we'll get a republican for eight years in 2016.


In 2016 the white voter will have even less influence on the ballot. If the Reps are going to win in 2016, they won't lok like anything they currently are, imo. It'd look like the latino party, or something.


I hope I'm not coming across as too racial, but the success of the reps in the future largely depends on them adapting fresh blood, so to speak. This would have been the last white majority election.

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