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describe your ideal computer game


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Haven't read any other posts but you're on an island like Jurassic Park where you have to fight countless dinosaurs. On the island is also an X-wing and at any moment where you get bored you can fly off and blow up the Death Star.

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it would be cool if someone made a hyper realistic mundane real world version of lemmings where you get to point and click long marching lines of thousands of people, but instead of saving them from obstacles you lead them all to their deaths. It would be like Carmegeddon where you could get really good slomo replays of like 100 people all falling off a building at once. It needs to have top notch rag doll physics

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I'd like some surreal Rez style shooter that looked like Gantz Graf where the interactions changed the graphics and music algorithms which of course would be done by Autechre.


On a smaller scale I think this would also work as a simpler 2D style shmup concept.

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I'm all about atmosphere and feel of a game, the gameplay itself is secondary to me, I'm open to a lot of things (except Sport Games, obviously, or Minecraft type games - I hate those, fucking waste of time with nothing gained in return!)


My favorite games are probably Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee & Abe's Exoddus as well as Silent Hill 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Amnesia ... I don't think you could mix them all up and create THE game though. I'd actually love a genuine ghost-game that scares me in the same subtle way an oldschool ghost movie does, and that doesn't involve shooting or floating demons and such. It's difficult as a game, of course.


I'm thinking if the guys at Frictional Games make enough money with their games, they could very well create the ideal game for me. I'm very excited for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

have you played Fatal Frame? ghost game where the only shooting you do is with a camara. freaking scary.



id also like to add to my previous list. a wonderful soundtrack. ive played several games were the music ruined the game. like games where the music gets repeditive. like having "generic battle song" that always plays when you get into a fight.

i love games that make me want to play them just to hear the music.

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Grand Theft Auto San Andreas sized sandbox world with god-mode VS Katamari + ariel battles like Gradius V - all shitty videogame stories and ZERO cut-scenes that jar you out of the game's atmosphere


A game where you play a woman that is stalked by a fat plumber on mescaline.


that would be an excellent retcon of the Mario bros mythology


I'm learning Unity right now. Let's get to work!

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I'm all about atmosphere and feel of a game, the gameplay itself is secondary to me, I'm open to a lot of things (except Sport Games, obviously, or Minecraft type games - I hate those, fucking waste of time with nothing gained in return!)


My favorite games are probably Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee & Abe's Exoddus as well as Silent Hill 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Amnesia ... I don't think you could mix them all up and create THE game though. I'd actually love a genuine ghost-game that scares me in the same subtle way an oldschool ghost movie does, and that doesn't involve shooting or floating demons and such. It's difficult as a game, of course.


I'm thinking if the guys at Frictional Games make enough money with their games, they could very well create the ideal game for me. I'm very excited for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs.

Explain how Minecraft gives nothing while some other game gives you stuff. I dare you.

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A really good Blade Runner game is what the world needs.


I imagine it being similar to Mass Effect (gameplay wise, with dialogue trees), and with the same level of atmosphere of Half-life 2 or Bioshock. A bit of action mixed in, but not too much. And maybe a bit similar to L.A. Noire with some kind of crime solving gameplay. It would be set in the same universe as the movie, but not follow the story of it. And the soundtrack would obviously have to be pretty incredible.


I guess I don't really answer Kaini's question. But that would be my dream game, that's never going to happen.

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A really good Blade Runner game is what the world needs.


I imagine it being similar to Mass Effect (gameplay wise, with dialogue trees), and with the same level of atmosphere of Half-life 2 or Bioshock. A bit of action mixed in, but not too much. And maybe a bit similar to L.A. Noire with some kind of crime solving gameplay. It would be set in the same universe as the movie, but not follow the story of it. And the soundtrack would obviously have to be pretty incredible.


I guess I don't really answer Kaini's question. But that would be my dream game, that's never going to happen.

Yes, that's more or less what I was getting at with my idea earlier in the thread just not exactly Blade Runner based, I would love this.

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it would be cool if someone made a hyper realistic mundane real world version of lemmings where you get to point and click long marching lines of thousands of people, but instead of saving them from obstacles you lead them all to their deaths. It would be like Carmegeddon where you could get really good slomo replays of like 100 people all falling off a building at once. It needs to have top notch rag doll physics


Best idea I've read yet!


As dark-humoured as it sounds, I always found hilarious to deliberately lead Lemmings to their demise.



A really good Blade Runner game is what the world needs.



imagine it being similar to Mass Effect (gameplay wise, with dialogue

trees), and with the same level of atmosphere of Half-life 2 or

Bioshock. A bit of action mixed in, but not too much. And maybe a bit

similar to L.A. Noire with some kind of crime solving gameplay. It would

be set in the same universe as the movie, but not follow the story of

it. And the soundtrack would obviously have to be pretty incredible.


I guess I don't really answer Kaini's question. But that would be my dream game, that's never going to happen.


I think Deus Ex is the closest thing we have to that idea.


Fallout: New Vegas does feature a unique weapon that closely resembles the gun Deckard used though as Blade Runner homage.




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It might have been on here in the GTA thread, but I remember someone mentioning a Pirates version of GTA which in my mind would be fucking great. Treasure, desert islands, pirate boats, rum. Sounds good to me.

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1 Multiplayer game I can not for the life of me ever stop playing is Hidden Source. Its an HL2 mod. I really love it and wish to see a real game made out of it one day. The developers seem to have abandon it.


Your a team of max 8 people who hunt this very difficult yet not impossible to see dude known as the hidden. The team known as the IRIS are equipped with weapons to kill the hidden. The hidden himself only wields a knife, but aside from his transparent body, he is able to leap very far, stick on walls and see the enemies health through walls all on a finite amount of stamina that replenishes when rested. Oh and the hidden can pick up props like barrels and crates and hurl them at the IRIS. If done in a particular manner, he can kill an IRIS recruit in 1 hit.


Its a very fun, intense and suspenseful game that keeps you constantly alert and has a variety of play tactics.


i need to look this up

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preview of kaini's game

moar like




A really good Blade Runner game is what the world needs.


I imagine it being similar to Mass Effect (gameplay wise, with dialogue trees), and with the same level of atmosphere of Half-life 2 or Bioshock. A bit of action mixed in, but not too much. And maybe a bit similar to L.A. Noire with some kind of crime solving gameplay. It would be set in the same universe as the movie, but not follow the story of it. And the soundtrack would obviously have to be pretty incredible.


I guess I don't really answer Kaini's question. But that would be my dream game, that's never going to happen.

Yes, that's more or less what I was getting at with my idea earlier in the thread just not exactly Blade Runner based, I would love this.



westwood did a really good point and click bladerunner game in the late 90s
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westwood did a really good point and click bladerunner game in the late 90s


i bought it at a thrift store for $5. best score ever


it would be cool if someone made a hyper realistic mundane real world version of lemmings where you get to point and click long marching lines of thousands of people, but instead of saving them from obstacles you lead them all to their deaths. It would be like Carmegeddon where you could get really good slomo replays of like 100 people all falling off a building at once. It needs to have top notch rag doll physics


sounds a bit like Lamers

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i am on a hoverboard desperately trying to outrun the police in 2042 and i'm being blown. I have a haptic feedback device attached to my penis. The buildings tower above me from either side of the narrow street as i race along maybe 4ft off the ground. There are many snipers in the windows watching me being blown on my hoverboard. In the distance i see a huge 60ft android destroying buildings. I understand that there are many souls perishing in those god forsaken structures. I race onwards at tremendous speed towards the carnage ahead still receiving a deep satisfying blow job. The android looms over me on my hoverboard and i press up down left right to access my assault menu as both myself and blowjob girl are punched off the hoverboard. We smash into the side of a building and are killed instantly.

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have you played Fatal Frame? ghost game where the only shooting you do is with a camara. freaking scary.



id also like to add to my previous list. a wonderful soundtrack. ive played several games were the music ruined the game. like games where the music gets repeditive. like having "generic battle song" that always plays when you get into a fight.

i love games that make me want to play them just to hear the music.


I've heard Fatal Frame mentioned a couple times but stayed away from it as I thought it was a very "Japanese" kind of game (expecting little girls with long black hair, which I don't find scary at all) - But I think I'll give them a try. What systems are they on? They're old-ish, aren't they?




I'm all about atmosphere and feel of a game, the gameplay itself is secondary to me, I'm open to a lot of things (except Sport Games, obviously, or Minecraft type games - I hate those, fucking waste of time with nothing gained in return!)


My favorite games are probably Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee & Abe's Exoddus as well as Silent Hill 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Amnesia ... I don't think you could mix them all up and create THE game though. I'd actually love a genuine ghost-game that scares me in the same subtle way an oldschool ghost movie does, and that doesn't involve shooting or floating demons and such. It's difficult as a game, of course.


I'm thinking if the guys at Frictional Games make enough money with their games, they could very well create the ideal game for me. I'm very excited for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs.

Explain how Minecraft gives nothing while some other game gives you stuff. I dare you.


Well that's easy (if you're me!) - I play games to experience the atmosphere and story and admire the artwork and so on ... so in return for playing, I get to see more of that and experience the story further, while Minecraft to me is totally repetitive, dull and also particularly UGLY! - I don't need new games that show off their graphic engines or anything, some of my favorite games are rather old, but Minecraft does nothing for me. It's certainly not the "creativeness" that puts me off about it, but it just doesn't feel very creative to me. It get zero feeling of accomplishment from building something in a limited, ugly-ass 3D Lego Environment. When it comes to building something, I do that with my own hands or from scratch. Minecraft seems like the kind of game that makes people get "creative" who otherwise don't do this type of thing. In that sense, it's the game-equivalent of knitting, or making papermaché-windowcolor-art or something ... :spiteful:

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I agree with almost everything you said, except two things. Ugly, I'd rather say different and minimal. And accomplishment, that I feel strongly in Minecraft. But this a subjective thing.


Sometimes I wish I thought like you and din't waste a 1000 hours playing a cube-moving game :)

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westwood did a really good point and click bladerunner game in the late 90s


i bought it at a thrift store for $5. best score ever


A forgotten classic. I've owned 3 different copies of it over the years.

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perpetual expansions of Monkey Island franchise with the same graphics/MIDI as the 1st & 2nd games






westwood did a really good point and click bladerunner game in the late 90s

i bought it at a thrift store for $5. best score ever


A forgotten classic. I've owned 3 different copies of it over the years.


that was actually my first exposure the Blade Runner in general, I remember watching the trailer for the game on my copy of Command and Conquer...


...and holy-nostalgia-batman someone actually uploaded it (@4:43):


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Red Alert was the first game I owned. The replay value was unlimited.


I've just always heard that the Blade Runner game was kind of average, so I've never got around to it. But I didn't know that it was made by Westwood. So now I definitely have to buy it.

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Guest Frankie5fingers


have you played Fatal Frame? ghost game where the only shooting you do is with a camara. freaking scary.



id also like to add to my previous list. a wonderful soundtrack. ive played several games were the music ruined the game. like games where the music gets repeditive. like having "generic battle song" that always plays when you get into a fight.

i love games that make me want to play them just to hear the music.


I've heard Fatal Frame mentioned a couple times but stayed away from it as I thought it was a very "Japanese" kind of game (expecting little girls with long black hair, which I don't find scary at all) - But I think I'll give them a try. What systems are they on? They're old-ish, aren't they?

well it does take place in Japan so there is the culture factor, but its straight up ghosts. nothing like the girl from The Ring or cat boy from Grudge. more like the creatures from Silent Hill but see through. also you cant directly see the ghosts, you can only see them through your camera. its very dark, fucks with your brain, and you never feel at ease. and for what its worth Fatal Frame 2 is considered by many to be one of the scariest games ever made.


theyre on the PS2.



Red alert was pretty awesome. but i was more of a Red Alert 2 fan. i still play that game to this day.

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i was stuck without the internet or any games apart from red alert yuri's revenge for a year when i was in my second year of uni, literally all i did that year was go out all weekend, play piano, and play yuris revenge. fuckin love that game. i wish they were still just rattling out new command and conquers that good but with new and ridiculous infantry and units.



in fact that is my ideal game. a command and conquer style strategy with stupid and psychics defying weaponry.

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fuck yes yuri's revenge! LAN games every night with my cousins. good times.


that reminds me, I saw a deal on play.com a few months ago. It was all the classic C&C games, from tiberium sun to RA2... I think it may have included Renegade too actually. and all that for like 10 quid. I feel so stupid for not buying it

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