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Who's Your Neighbor


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i live in a duplex apartment so i only have one neighbor. she's a korean photographer- really cool girl. we used to be major drinking buddies until i started dating my current girlfriend so now i just spend all my time with her (my girlfriend).


before my current neighbor moved in there was a brasilian girl next door who was in town for a television show. she was here for around 3-4 months then went back to sao paulo. i still talk to her on occasionally.


so, who's your neighbor?

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I don't talk to my neighbors, but I do hear one of them snoring sometimes. The people above me just moved out and the people below me have been gone for a while.

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all my neighbours are my pals, opposite my friend has a really nice analogue recording studio and lives with a few well spoken czech guys, upstairs are some artists who use their 4th bedroom as a studio for flinging paint around, and other guys upstairs are quite quite czech and polish guys who listen to rubbish music and love drinking.


below, a deaf italian woman.

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My neighbours are both remarkably pleasant, one works from home and has to sign for all my parcels.


I use to live above a witch who's cats would catch rats for her, she would then break their spine with a hoover and watch them slowly try and crawl across the kitchen floor away from her.

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I live in the basement of a 3 story apartment building. On the top floor is my best friend Ken and his wife. All the other people seem nice, mostly made up of older folk, and quiet. Dead quiet, the walls are super thick. I live with my brother, who likes to blast music, and we haven't had anyone say that they've even heard music coming from anywhere outside of their own apartment. Bonus! But ya, I don't really know anyone else in the place beyond a "hello/how are you?".

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Guest Aserinsky

In my flat I live next door to a guy from London, nice enough bloke although recently he's been rather reclusive and aloof whenever I've said alright to him. Next to him (there's 3 of us to a flat) is a real creepy guy that says nothing when you see him but does weird passive aggressive shit to annoy us. Recently he's been getting up at 7 in the morning just to use up all the hot water in the shower, without actually getting in it. Strange fellow.


I don't know anyone else though, I've hardly heard a peep from the people upstairs but I think the downstairs neighbours might be a bit mental. When I first moved in they used to spend their days slamming the door every 5 seconds for hours on end and recently they've started screaming at odd intervals.


Fucking university dorms.

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I live in a small complex and don't really know many of the other tennants. The only one I really know is this retired guy who lives downstairs named Dick, dude's awesome and super nice I've sat outside and had a beer with him quite a few times, he likes to cook a lot so he brings me and my gf food sometimes. The other guy downstairs is kinda weird, rumor has it he's an undercover narc, but he seems to odd for that, I think he's just on drugs and has nothing to do with busting them. People across the hall are both students at the University down the road, guy in one is studying law and not sure what his gf does, the other's just some ditzy blonde who seems like the cheerleader type. Lady right above us is a neurotic cunt who snores so loud we can hear it clearly in our bedroom (I've posted about her before in other threads), she also likes to complain about everything. Don't know any of the other upstairs tennants. For the most part everyone keeps to themselves.

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live in a tri-plex( is that a word ?) , under me 2 suites, an older man and then an even older woman. they both are nice and we talk a bit and visit a tiny bit. plus they don't complain about our loud music so cool.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i live in a neighborhood with the most intrusive people ive ever known. they arent that mean or anything but its seriously messed up. like i left for a trip for a couple of days, never told anyone and never ran into anyone, yet somehow they all knew how long i was gone and the day i left. like what the fuck? also the people that live in the house behind mine have a clear view from their house into mine, which wouldnt be too bad except for the fact that ive seen them stand in front of their window just to see whats going on inside my place. makes it hard to wank without anyone seeing.


there was one neighbor that was the worst (they moved though, thank god). like once, i was having a shed built in my yard, everything was in order to have it done and while the guy was out back putting it up my neighbor just came out and demanded that he stop working and take down everything that he had finished up to that point. luckily he was a pretty cool guy so he just ignored my neighbor and kept on working.


but yeah, this kinda shit happens all the time in my hood. like theyre conspiring against me. i plan on moving in 2 or 3 years so hopefully i can put up with it for a little while longer.

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Two loud mother fuckers above us that play shitty covers of 'Hotel California' and 'Wish You Were Here' when they're not banging club hiphop and gettin they sip on.

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The dudes above me also rarely get laid. I heard one of them having sex for four minutes last weekend.


Tsk tsk.

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My neighbor used to be this guy named Kenny who claimed to be Jimi Hendrix's cousin and part Cherokee. He had a raccoon skin hat with feathers sticking out of it and a ginormous pot belly. I would be eating lunch in the parking lot at work (opposite side of the town from where I live) and I'd see him strolling along the sidewalk. I would wonder "what the fuck is he doing here?" His other housemates include a guy I refer to as "Ghettoer Ice-T" who would offer to modify my lawnmower(WTF?) and a guy with down's syndrome who would occasionally knock on the door and ask for money before someone came along and fetched him. Luckily they all moved out and life is boring again.

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we have some quiet Polish family that are absolutely shit scared of us and I can hardly blame them with all the howls, screams and whatnot that can come from from this house till the wee hours :emb:


my last two houses I lived with a few musicians and both neighbours actually appreciated the racket that was made where I was always the Squidward who was paranoid that the noise was pissing them off! We found out later that my old housemate who was once casually jamming the blues on his bass apparently brought Mr Ghandi next door to tears!

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The only neighbors I recognize on sight are the ones directly across from us. They're a young quiet couple with a kitten. We bonded over kittens once, and usually make small talk about our cats on the rare occassion we enter the elevator at the same time. The neighbor around the corner called the cops on us at like 10pm the only time we ever had a party (my surprise 30th bday party!), and we suspect they're also the ones who complained the couple times one of us was playing piano passed 10pm. The cops told us we were good to make as much noise as we wanted until 11pm, so we did... (though it was a pretty tame party, ie. noise = people talking to one another at a reasonable volume). No idea what those neighbors look like, but I dislike them for being whiny bitches.

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havoc from mobb deep


You live in the Queensbridge Projects?


In my neighborhood everyone keeps to themselves. The only people I talk to is an interracial couple with 4 kids, a white lady from New York who wonders why no one talks to anyone in the hood, and a black couple with 2 kids... Those are the only people I know out of the whole hood.


The black couple I probably have the most in common with since he's into underground hip hop. The others are just nice to talk to since they are the only ones that do.

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Guest yikes


havoc from mobb deep


You live in the Queensbridge Projects?


In my neighborhood everyone keeps to themselves. The only people I talk to is an interracial couple with 4 kids, a white lady from New York who wonders why no one talks to anyone in the hood, and a black couple with 2 kids... Those are the only people I know out of the whole hood.


The black couple I probably have the most in common with since he's into underground hip hop. The others are just nice to talk to since they are the only ones that do.

havoc moved out of the hood a loooooong time ago

it ain't 94 anymore bro

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next flat - brash glaswegian woman and nervy irish guy, we say hi and exchange niceties. the guy seems nice but looks like he's shit himself if you speak to him. i often hear the girl making herself sick, gagging with her fingers down her throat and puking.


flat below - horrible loud american woman and long suffering english husband, often hear them fucking with her faking it with animal noises and ooh fuck me fuck me ooh yeah oh my god yeah jesus shit fuck... they fight a LOT! or she does... can only ever hear her shouting for hours on end - big loud deep angry voice all the time. they're weird and unfriendly and look at the floor when i say hi. they smell, their apartment wafts an awful stench out into the communal stair, they have 2 old stinking huge dogs that can't walk the 2 flights of the stairs so the guy has to carry them up and down one at a time every day. i'm sure they just let them shit in their flat to save them having to walk them. i recently saved the guy from getting his face caved in by some young guys he told to shut the fuck up when he was drunk. they attacked him with metal bars broken off from the stair bannisters. they've had the same thanks giving wreath pinned to their door for over 4 years, no joke. they leave junk and rubbish outside their door for ages, walking past it every day.


ground floor guy - older guy dave lives on his own, doesn't work, total alky, often find him in a heap outside his door, sleeping in a stupor with his keys on the floor in front of him.


there's a nice decent couple my age also on the ground floor who i chat to sometimes.


man i can't wait to leave flat/apartment living behind and move into my new house at end of the month.

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I'm surrounded by scum, blacks, gypsies, white trash... all thanks to socialism, they built a project right next to me and since there was so much scum the mayor thought "hey you know what? let's dump them in your building as well" and so they did. The only legit neighbors are below me who are excellent and the top apartment in which a mean cunt middle aged woman decided to get a dog, not just any dog, no that wouldn't be able to annoy me, no, a dog that barks at anything at all hours of the day and if that wasn't enough she puts it in the window so it can bark at things and people on the street as well.


The idea of becoming an hermit is starting to sound more and more appealing to me.

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To my left they're a pleasant old company who gladly take any deliveries in for me when I'm at work; They get a bottle of wine every now and then for the trouble. To my right are a standard family although the dad owns quite a nice old Riley, he was also quite helpful when I was getting problems with my Capri.


Not next door but opposite and up two houses a bunch of scummers. The dad was recently put away for murdering a guy in Luton.

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oddball mountain man looking religious nut who has a strange fascination with all things NASA (even though he has born-again tendencies), and a fat lady who has a QVC problem.


You live in Niagra? I would of guess somewhere in the rural deserted southwest or some mountain town based on that description, full of a lot of people like that first guy.


Reminds me when I was at this cool sci-fi/fantasy oriented bookstore in SE New Mexico and I slowly realized the geeky kid at the cashier I was chatting to, the son of the bookstore owner actually, was a fundamentalist religious missionary. He described a trip to Greece as "beautiful" but full of heathens and those of false beliefs - I thought he meant secularists but then he clarified that the country was a challenge because so many are Orthodox Christians. This was all baffling to me because we had been discussing sci-fi novels for over 20 minutes. My wife slowly backed away with our paid for books and were like "k thnk bai!"

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