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Bought a new king-sized memory foam mattress and bedframe. I've had the same mattress for 8 years, my back is starting to show it.


Tried one at an airbnb I rented with the lady and fell in love. Decided to buy the same model. Yessss

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Bought a new king-sized memory foam mattress and bedframe. I've had the same mattress for 8 years, my back is starting to show it.


Tried one at an airbnb I rented with the lady and fell in love. Decided to buy the same model. Yessss

oooh, memory foam is nice.

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My lawyer is awesome...today he wormed me out of a year's worth of probation (i.e. peeing in a cup for "the man") and instead I merely have to do 3 months of once/week drug counseling

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Saw a chiropractor for the first time in 15 years, looks like I can be helped. So hopefully my back will soon not be horribly in pain. In the meantime, epsom salt baths, exercise and stretching, and of coarse codeine helps a lot.


As of a couple weeks ago, I was up to 50lbs lost since the middle of October. I gained 3 pounds in the last couple weeks. However, I gained muscle instead of fat, which is weird to me. I've never been able to gain muscle until now. I was scarily skinny, then a fat guy, now I'm kinda normal. I had a hard time recognizing myself right away in the mirror lol. I started Freeletics, which seems to be the culprit. I had to get new clothes from value village. Fortunately, they had a 50% off everything sale when I went! Was awesome! Also, my BoC nuclear family shirt fits again!!!


My mind is functioning well. All except that my OCD is raging more than ever. I'll take that over what things were like before, any day. Feeling great!

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I may have somehow discovered the most effective treatment for my acne i've ever been witness to.. turns out it was zinc.

Currently taking 90 mg of zinc monomethionine per day and every single active spot (cyst or nodule) on my body has began rapidly shrinking into my skin.


I know i'll probably come across as another charlatan on the internet by writing this (I know..), but this is not something I take lightly. I have had treatment resistant acne for many, many years. Been to many dermatology departments and the entire dept at University of Virginia med school ran out of ideas. I endured almost 2 years of very high doses of isotretinoin (accutane) as a last resort and it didn't do a fucking thing. My pores stopped functioning and yet I was still developing cysts/whiteheads/blackheads every week.


I don't want to sound the alarm early but i'm really struggling to understand why my skin is doing what it is doing right now. The only thing i've changed in my diet or routine is adding zinc monomethionine. Still drinking coffee, i'm eating l-theanine supplements but that does fuck all for skin. Eating healthy foods like I always do (this has in the past done NOTHING for my skin to stop acne despite my efforts to try and eliminate every variable possible).


At the moment I still have lots of red marks, scars, and damage from the active cysts that shrank that will take some time to heal over.. :(

Makes me feel weird even posting this because i'm afraid I might be convincing myself ANOTHER SOMETHING MIGHT WORK AGAIN only to get let down and want to shoot myself in the head.. been dropped on the rocks time and time again for my entire adult life now..


I just am having a really, really hard time understanding what is going on here. I've been glancing over some biochemistry to pick this apart and so far what i've come up with is this has something to do with downstream modulation of the immune system. Zinc reportedly accelerates healing of skin and has been used medically for this sometimes? It could be possible that the rapid proliferation of my skin cells is overcoming the slow pace of inflammation induced by the p. acnes organism? Trying to stick to pubmed/google scholar and find research groups working on this but there isn't much out there besides poor quality human trials and a lot of rodent work.


Really hesitant to jump the gun.. i'll report back if things go south quickly somehow.


I want to post these (embarassing :( ) images for you guys, for anyone curious. Putting it in a spoiler tag because acne is gross and some of you aren't going to want to look. Keep in mind that every red lesion in the photos is an active acne nodule or cyst that as of now dissapeared into my skin leaving the residual inflammation to heal up.. Last week the lesions in the chest photo were actually painful cysts with pus under my skin. There were 6-7 active ones on my chest and probably 5-6 active cysts on my back. They are completely gone except for the tough surface and scarring




edit: removing supplement manufacturer. i'm not a shill.

Edited by maitake
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Retinol will take care of acne scars

(I still have faint ones on my temples but mostly they're all gone thanks to Retinol)


What does your diet look like?


I already have a collection of retinoids and retinol cream. My retinoids were prescription and I have concerns about their age, so i'll probably visit the dermatologist to get more. Adapalene and tretinoin just work faster than retinol itself.. the big guns, but do the same thing. Retinoids unfotunately were never able to prevent acne lesions, only help clear the red marks and scar tissue. I gave them up because I develop new lesions faster than they were able to clear.


My diet for a long time now has been low carbohydrate. I focus on a steady stream of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, and I primarily consume carbohydrate intermittently. I eat meat/eggs -> veggie -> fruit and potatoes -> everything else (nuts,sprouted grain bread, oats, chocolate, fermented dairy, etc)..


For a really long time I was absolutely convinced that i would be able to find a diet model that fixed this. The extremes were never helpful.. Vegan, very low carb, ketogenic, etc.. I tried them all for long periods of time over the years. These were perfectly fine diets metabolically (and I prefer borderline ketogenic anyway) but try as I might they never prevented my acne at all. There was nothing special about any of them and none really improved my skin quality any better than the others.


I've since given up extremes and resolved myself to just eating low carb generally.. This can range from sub 100g daily to well above 300g even if i'm very active. I consider it low carb still but these days i'm very flexible. I tried giving up dairy for a long time too, as well as nightshades and other potential allergens, but none of that was helpful either. I suspect short-term increase in IGF-1 following dairy may have been exacerbating the cysts specifically but it's absence did nothing to prevent them. I'm also eating bread at the moment, hell i even had jimmy johns a few times this week out of laziness. I ate some cupcakes after doing a bunch of floor exercises.. Treated myself to a dr pepper one night too. Every other meal is either eggs, meat, vegetables, or fruit.


I still eat dairy.. had a bunch of cheese a couple days ago. Still eating zinc, and my skin is clearing?? I'm really puzzled at the moment and not able to think clearly about what's happening.. Am I jumping the gun?

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Well, as far as Zinc goes, just remember that humans are prone to seeing patterns where there are none

Even if you somehow were able to control all other factors in your environment besides Zinc, you have no idea what is going on in your body

Maybe your acne is clearing up because you haven't eaten [insert food] n two weeks, or you started showering at the perfect frequency coupled with washing your face with a towel instead of your hands, or maybe it is indeed the Zinc

You will probably never know

Just remember that belief is probabilistic

And all you can do is plug your observations into your rough Bayesian model of the world, and go from there

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Well, as far as Zinc goes, just remember that humans are prone to seeing patterns where there are none

Even if you somehow were able to control all other factors in your environment besides Zinc, you have no idea what is going on in your body

Maybe your acne is clearing up because you haven't eaten [insert food] n two weeks, or you started showering at the perfect frequency coupled with washing your face with a towel instead of your hands, or maybe it is indeed the Zinc

You will probably never know

Just remember that belief is probabilistic

And all you can do is plug your observations into your rough Bayesian model of the world, and go from there


Yes good advice. However, keep in mind that of all people, I am probably the most skeptical. I can not describe to you the extent that I have been hunting for a way to stop this. The list of things I tried is really, really, really big. It's an absolutely massive list of products, dietary changes, lifestyle changes.. One thing has been consistent through it all: my acne never stops. I can have better days than others but it simply does not stop at all. NOTHING. I've had periods where I feel amazing and my emotional health came a long way, but despite this my acne never changed. I would get my hopes up a lot though. I'm really used to that..



In the week that I began eating this form of zinc, my skin is not acting at all like it ever did. I feel like i'm holding my breath at the moment.. I honestly have no explanation for it right now and just have to wait and see what happens long-term

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I understand

But acne is a complex and still-somewhat-mysterious mechanism

You can't know if Zinc is acting on that mechanism

Or is simply acting on a third factor that is acting on the mechanism

I guess my point is that you can't generalize that "Zinc treats acne"

With an uncontrolled, unblinded N=1 trial

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I do remember reading in New Scientist that it's something to do with bacteria, and that acne sufferers often have a lack of zinc due to their body being overworked with combating the bacteria in the pores and zinc runs low.

Perhaps this is why such a simple addition to your diet is doing wonders. If I find the relevant article I'll post it here for you.


From the sounds of things, as long as you keep on doing the zinc you're doing, you might be free of acne from now on. I hope it works!

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I do remember reading in New Scientist that it's something to do with bacteria, and that acne sufferers often have a lack of zinc due to their body being overworked with combating the bacteria in the pores and zinc runs low.

Perhaps this is why such a simple addition to your diet is doing wonders. If I find the relevant article I'll post it here for you.


From the sounds of things, as long as you keep on doing the zinc you're doing, you might be free of acne from now on. I hope it works!

Wow that is news to me!

I guess I fell off with the acne science a few years ago

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I do remember reading in New Scientist that it's something to do with bacteria, and that acne sufferers often have a lack of zinc due to their body being overworked with combating the bacteria in the pores and zinc runs low.

Perhaps this is why such a simple addition to your diet is doing wonders. If I find the relevant article I'll post it here for you.


From the sounds of things, as long as you keep on doing the zinc you're doing, you might be free of acne from now on. I hope it works!


Yes, I was aware of this one after a few quick searches.. I've been at this so long I tend to skip any journalism and go straight for the scientific literature itself when coming up with new ideas.


A quick dump (hoping to read more into these tonight):






^^ these two don't look great to me.. i need to check impact factor later


a weird mixture called (Testis compositum (lol)): https://ujdigispace.uj.ac.za/handle/10210/8267 stupid homeopathy shit


zinc gluconate was not very useful here: http://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/51728


zinc sulphate somewhat beneficial here: http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/6163281


a really old paper from british journal of derm: http://tinyurl.com/zzg3ayb

sulphate again bombs here: http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/70931
I haven't read the full-text for any of these, will probably start archiving them from lib-gen..
This paper in Dermatologic Therapy hits closer to home, but for some reason they chose to use a mixture.
"APC is a novel methionine-based zinc complex with antioxidants"



APC is a novel methionine-based zinc complex with antioxidants that has been used in acne as a nutritional supplement. This is based on the proven role of zinc and antioxidants in improving acne, specially the inflammatory lesions. The objectives of this study are to explore the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of APC in acne patients with mild to moderate facial acne vulgaris. In this exploratory trial, 48 patients were treated with oral APC thrice a day for 3 months followed by a 4-week treatment-free period. At the end of treatment (Week 12), there was a statistically significant improvement in the global acne count (p < 0.05), which began after 8 weeks (p < 0.05). Almost 79% (38/48) of the patients had 80–100% improvement. There was a significant reduction in pustules (8 weeks (p < 0.05) and 12 weeks (p < 0.001)), and papules and closed comedones (8 weeks (p < 0.05) and 12 weeks (p < 0.001)). Only two patients had side effects. The current data indicate that treatment with oral APC thrice daily for 12 weeks in patients with mild to moderate facial acne vulgaris is efficacious and well tolerated. As the onset of action is late, concomitant topical therapy can enhance the results.



The same research team published another paper discussing the implications of using zinc in the Int. Journal of Dermatology too.. I am already familiar with that journal. Have not read the paper yet.

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WATMM knows by now how much I love a good P-value

*unzips pants*


lol :emotawesomepm9:


P value NOT FOUND. these paper's i am digging up look really bad. certainly not making a strong case for zinc here. little to nothing about the form i'm taking either.

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Saw OPN do an hour and a half set for $3 last night, it was fucking amazing... I put up some pics in the Garden of Delete thread.

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Saw OPN do an hour and a half set for $3 last night, it was fucking amazing... I put up some pics in the Garden of Delete thread.


damn I'm jealous as hell right now. *goes to GoD thread to see pics*

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Holy shit, that gif ^


I was ranting in the fwp thread a while ago about how some lovely woodland near me was going to be sold off to developers; they've now decided to give it to the Forestry Service instead and not sell it, hooray! Always got the trees fam

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have managed to defeat king poop, big basin of water and a flush at the same time... gone to the land of other poops.

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