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I always work out at night. Keeps me burning fat at night plus muscles recover faster when sleeping. If you’re going for five days a week (I might suggest easing into it), muscle recovery will be key.


Obviously, YMMV.

I have a hard time sleeping if I work out later in the day (2-3hrs before bedtime type of thing). 

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Got two dates this week with two pretty hot women. Both of whom seem extremely interested, constant unprompted messages on whatsapp etc.

I assume the fwp will come when I like both of them and both of them like me and I have to choose one.

Or the opposite :^)

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I always work out at night. Keeps me burning fat at night plus muscles recover faster when sleeping. If you’re going for five days a week (I might suggest easing into it), muscle recovery will be key.


Obviously, YMMV.

I have a hard time sleeping if I work out later in the day (2-3hrs before bedtime type of thing). 


I literally Googled the question "is it better to work out in the morning or in the evening" the other day, and part of the answer I got was that evening workouts actually result in a 25 percent reduction in sleep. So there you go.

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that's really lovely and all guys but let's be real, how fucking uncomfortable is it to do that for more than like 2 hours?


i mean, the ergonomics of fallen trees is pretty shit. i think that's why they invented tables and eventually desks innit

Sitting in a tree......




this is fine, should’ve brought a cushion..

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My phone died in the middle of my last delivery, which was at an apartment with no buzzer number given.  Luckily I memorized the address right before the phone died (which I rely on 100% for directions + getting paid for deliveries I complete), and when I showed up the girls who ordered it were waiting in the lobby.  They were all drunk and happy.  Crisis averted!  Charged my phone when I got home so I could still get paid for it.  Though even if I didn't, I still would have felt satisfied with actually making that delivery happen.  I had one major order fuckup last week and probably can't afford another one, so this was a lucky FWS indeed.  

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lmao phling keep on keepin' on dude. Love it.


Zephyr do you not have a charger for your car? Glad it all worked out (yay memory) but still they're like $5


SFWA&S: found a long I forgot I recorded a few weeks ago, it's really cool, tried to record it with some small changes but totally lost the individual instrument settings and overall feel so I guess I'll just keep the original? I like it as it is anyway, if imperfect. Recording tracks is sometimes sorta like being in another world right now, I just do it and then find them later and sometimes I cannot quite fathom how I got to that point or occasionally even remember recording them at all, and I think that is an achievement?

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Yeah I resolved to get a portable charger pretty much as soon as my phone died.  My shifts are usually 4 and a half hours, which is typically enough time for me to get through everything with 10% of my battery to spare.  But this time I opted to check in 45 minutes early and didn't take that into account.  It's a lucky thing I was familiar with the street on which my final delivery was located.  

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After 3 days of being snowed in(and enjoying myself immensely) I had to shovel a path to the street so I could walk to work this morning.  My car is stuck(the smooth hump in the middle of the picture is the car).  Shoveling the path took me all day yesterday.  Besides not wanting to give myself a heart-attack, I also have a permanent back injury and the shoveling motion is just about as bad as it gets for me physically.  So I was only able to clear a few feet at a time.  But I got it done.  Working all day on my feet was rough, but now I'm home enjoying a joint and sharing this picture with you.



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Damn. Most of our snow in Anchorage is gone. I hope you guys get a heat wave soon so that shit can melt.

Also, I'd soak in a nice hot bath if I were you.

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My department at work is poorly managed (mainly because of one particular product manager) and I realized the other day that much of my job can be automated. I'm writing a python script right now to help cut down on bullshit I don't need to be doing.

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i was doing my landscaping job today, i usually blast rock music on my phone when working but today i put on chemical brothers (surrender and come with us) and no one complained. maybe i'll continue to put on weirder and weirder music  :biggrin:

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My bialetti coffee thing broke, so I had no coffee this morning and was feeling quite WHACK


thought instead of getting another one or hunting for replacement parts I’d try aeropress. So early afternoon biked to a shop which has them and just now had my first ever cup of aeropress filter coffee and tbqh it really isn’t bad at all. Fuck yeah, coffeeee!!!

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