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MGMT Is Too Cool To Play Their Hits


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dont they have other hits though?


how often does Radiohead still play Creep, btw?



but comparing mgmt and radiohead is quite a bit of a lol



Let's also keep in mind that MGMT embraced it's success. I suppose that's why on further thought I'm not sympathetic to their sudden "reluctance" to play the song. It's not like they have a core group of fans, long history, and a vast discography.




What I've heard of their new songs isn't bad, but it isn't distinct either.

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I got their new album last night... listening to it on the bus this morning, almost halfway though (only 10 songs totaling 44mins), and I have yet to hear something that stands out - it sounds like they are trying to painfully imitate the Flaming Lips and other bands who do it much better. I think they shot their wad on Oracular Spectacular, and until the money runs out and they need more heroin, they'll probably continue this trend.

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I got their new album last night... listening to it on the bus this morning, almost halfway though (only 10 songs totaling 44mins), and I have yet to hear something that stands out - it sounds like they are trying to painfully imitate the Flaming Lips and other bands who do it much better. I think they shot their wad on Oracular Spectacular, and until the money runs out and they need more heroin, they'll probably continue this trend.

you should have got the Yeesus album instead Joymeng

i think it's cool that they try something different and not give the instant-like pop to the mass of fans who want more of the same *cough*afx*cough*autechre*

you bought the album, now you gotta give it decent listenings, then time will tell if its crap, meh or cum, that's how it works

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I got their new album last night... listening to it on the bus this morning, almost halfway though (only 10 songs totaling 44mins), and I have yet to hear something that stands out - it sounds like they are trying to painfully imitate the Flaming Lips and other bands who do it much better.


I got that vibe too! Or like a less entertaining and less whimsical version of recent hyped band Foxygen

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Guest RadarJammer

its almost like Joyrex is angry at an artists freedom to express themselves

playing the same songs over and over for years has a neurotic effect

after awhile you start to get some of the negative psychological effects of cocaine or speed without actually using drugs

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I got their new album last night... listening to it on the bus this morning, almost halfway though (only 10 songs totaling 44mins), and I have yet to hear something that stands out - it sounds like they are trying to painfully imitate the Flaming Lips and other bands who do it much better.


I got that vibe too! Or like a less entertaining and less whimsical version of recent hyped band Foxygen


FOXYGEN? Seriously?




*pants heavily*




I don't like that band name.


But yeah, MGMT is pretty much done crawling up it's own ironically gaping asshole. I have zero interest in listening to the rest, but I will I guess.


Up next: the new NIN!

its almost like Joyrex is angry at an artists freedom to express themselves

No, I'm angry at their pretentious bullshit - I haven't had rage like this since Smojphace...

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I got their new album last night... listening to it on the bus this morning, almost halfway though (only 10 songs totaling 44mins), and I have yet to hear something that stands out - it sounds like they are trying to painfully imitate the Flaming Lips and other bands who do it much better.


I got that vibe too! Or like a less entertaining and less whimsical version of recent hyped band Foxygen


FOXYGEN? Seriously?




*pants heavily*




I don't like that band name.




I guess I'm so fucking used to shitty names that the name Foxygen doesn't even get so much as a meager sigh when I think about it.


You want to know how ridiculous it is now? There was beat scene/glo fi producer with the gimmicky name Run DMT who was sued, SUED by a dubstep/EDM group that emerged a year later for "stealing their name." Or they bothered to trademark it, which is really sad if that's the case. The original guy goes by Semya and Salvia Plath now (he's good too, puts out beat scene and glo-fi stuff on tape labels).



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Guest cult fiction



By the way OP's attitude is the reason why bands like the beach boys died, people demanding "play the hits" "sing about beaches". Experimentation gave us stuff Pet Sounds, Revolver, etc. Bands need to evolve, if you want the hits go watch a cover band.




- Radiohead (though I stopped listening to them after ok computer)

- David Bowie (made an industry on disappointing fans)

- Bob Dylan (personally not a big fan of his, either)

- The Beastie Boys


... That's a handful of obscure names that switched up their approach and effectively insured their legacy by doing so.



Legacy secured

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Yeah that song and video are pretty awesome. It reminds me a lot of Blur or Yo La Tengo.



And I must be the only person on earth that didn't like Kids at all.

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LIke I said, it's not the fact they won't play Kids - it's the hipster bullshit attitude that goes with it. I get artists want to grow and move forward (most of our favourite electronic artists here are big adherents to that philosophy), but when you're playing live to your fans, I personally think you should give your fans who are paying for tickets to hear you play THEIR (not yours, band) favourite hits live.


Not the thread for it, but new NIN - urgh, Trent's balls must have shrunk when he 'roided out and lost his neck. Totally NOT what NIN should be.


2013 has been a year of big disappointments from some of my favourite bands new releases. BOC and AE are the only ones to strike gold again.

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i rememeber when i saw Sonic Youth at Glastonbury and they refused to play ANY of their old hits. they just played the new album. :facepalm:

See, that's the hard thing - I can understand a band wanting to promote and play their new music (or a label putting pressure on them to promote the new work to increase sales), but for a concert, it should be structured towards the fans' favourites, not just promoting a new release.

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i rememeber when i saw Sonic Youth at Glastonbury and they refused to play ANY of their old hits. they just played the new album. :facepalm:

See, that's the hard thing - I can understand a band wanting to promote and play their new music (or a label putting pressure on them to promote the new work to increase sales), but for a concert, it should be structured towards the fans' favourites, not just promoting a new release.


it's kind of a given that you will play at least a few old hits for the fans right?

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Well, that's what I think bands should do with live performances - you've got a captive audience of people who obviously love your music - why wouldn't you want to make them happy by playing what attracted them to you in the first place?

Anyways, I don't plan on holding out hope on any future MGMT releases ever coming close to their first release - and that's fine if they're happy with the direction they want their music to go in - I just won't be consuming their music anymore.

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