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Bill Cosby is a big old rapist (on the loose)

Rubin Farr

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Yoga is great, Bikram is a dick. Silly to dismiss it because of one guy imo.


I practiced 3ho kundalini yoga and the guy was a total cultleader. it pains me to admit that i fell for his lies, but it showed me (again..) the power of willful denial.


bikram is sorta the same; based around one person. so i wont do that either.


i will not dismiss yoga entirely, but i am a bit shocked and want to calm down first before i practice something else.

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it's not like these guys invented yoga, it's an ancient practise that there are myriad books that teach you how to do, so why get caught up with this whole guru bs ? /does not compute


Then again, it's the sales pitch isn't it. Like with jesus, you can't just agree that peace and love and turning the other cheek and helping your fellow man and kicking the money changers out of the temple are a good thing. There has to be something in it for the adherent, buzzwords for personal growth, and the promise of life changing material enhancement (even if it's couched as spiritual we all know that it's about the worldly possessions, otherwise these people wouldn't show up (although in yoga perhaps it's the promise of a sick bod, and getting to be fondled by the guru, then you get the women then you get the empower)).

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i am in the fucking void man. i desperately sought something or someone that would give answers to some of the stuff that happened. i do not know the why. life has been pretty fucking overwhelming ever since.. well, jesus, ever since i 'woke up'


I guess I never considered myself strong enough to be able to carve out my own path, thus I latched on to some seemingly purposeful teachings that told me what to do (which is really fukken strange because my natural reaction to "have to's" is "says the fuck who?"


Again; not proud, but that's the long and short of it.


Maybe that's the thing innit? Pride (or lack thereof)

it is a sales pitch. it is exactly that. "you are special. you are unique." My mechanisms are certainly something alright. I feel like a walking contradiction most of the times.




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you seem like a nice kid, so you must be doing something right/ ;-]

thanks delet... i really appreciate your comment


is there a path of deletism, which i can follow and contribute money to ;)

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no no no, you're doing it wrong, you are to find your own,,,, ahh you got me. heh. Actually you hadn't, that's cause i'm level high level dleet. But it's nice to share a joke, even if one has to lower oneself and bruise thine mighty ego slightly to do so, if even for a second, before the much longer caveat, which is where it's really at for the whole thing to be exact.

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tv land just pulled all repeats of the cosby show .


this is pretty amazing considering these are still allegations right?



welcome to the age of .. well what you call it? guilty until proven otherwise? sounds a bit pedantic


welcome to the age of cocksmashing



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LOL Don Lemon had to go on CNN and apologize for suggesting one of his victims should have bitten off his cock when he shoved it down her throat.


the best part about his suggestion was how much he clarified what she should have done. he's like "you know there are ways not to perform oral right? use your teeth! use your teeth as a weapon..... BITING"

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tv land just pulled all repeats of the cosby show .


this is pretty amazing considering these are still allegations right?



welcome to the age of .. well what you call it? guilty until proven otherwise? sounds a bit pedantic



or maybe the age of....you can't do fucked up shit without consequences

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tv land just pulled all repeats of the cosby show .


this is pretty amazing considering these are still allegations right?


They are trying to bankrupt him obs, by killing his income stream now (yes i know that he's probably mega loaded and could pay for lawyers for a long time but still yaknow). If the show is still making money and people want to watch it, leave it on, as you stated, these are untried allegations. I'm sure hollywood has much more sinister dicks to confront, who will never face justice.

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its starting to look like the stuff may be true. i think its more condemning of the entertainment industry than just him, because i've heard of at least a few guys who got to be big shots out in hollywood and raped women as if they knew they could get away with it.


also, sorry but i have to say, bill clinton has had probably as many or more accusations of RAPE and sexual harassment against him, and he's still one of the most powerful people in the world, and praised and idolized by many who are now decrying cosby, while cosbys shows are being taken off air simply because of accusations. seems funny (not haha) to me.

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LOL Don Lemon had to go on CNN and apologize for suggesting one of his victims should have bitten off his cock when he shoved it down her throat.


the best part about his suggestion was how much he clarified what she should have done. he's like "you know there are ways not to perform oral right? use your teeth! use your teeth as a weapon..... BITING"


that isn't anywhere near funny enough to warrant mocking a rape victim who wld likely have been too scared to bite his knob off

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