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Bill Cosby is a big old rapist (on the loose)

Rubin Farr

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I think that everyone with a name that is a tongue and check rework play on words/fictional charactor from 1970's TV shows rework is saying they don't take themselves too seriously can laugh at the world and the bs music industry. To each his own

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we rebuild

find strength in ourselves and in others

take LSD and get an HJ from a hobo


I see we had the same therapist.

Lol I knew some of my patients were on watmm. Hey guys!

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If I can get to 77 before my bad sexual etiquette comes to light, I'll be pretty happy.

Good one...buuuuut on a quasi serious note, I'm guessing most people would have stopped being in the public eye long before reaching 77. Billy boy is still doing shows and tv appearances. Or rather, was. He must have seriously thought he could get away with it. Or more probable, didn't see any harm because thats how things were in the 60s/70s.


2015 will be the year of racial and sexual inequalities getting into peoples faces like never before..

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When my imagination runs away with me, I picture Hannibal Burress being paid by some shady government official to bring up the Cosby allegations in his act. Meanwhile, he'd be filming it from the back. He's guilty, but timing is everything


This is a wag the dog to distract from the police brutality Ferguson shit sandwich extravaganza. Think about how unlikely it is.

Edited by Candiru
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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Quite the coincidence so many people suddenly got their memories back after all these years. And at the same time even! Miracles still happen.


The other way of looking at it would be that actually sexual abuse is one of the most traumatic experiences someone can go through. The fear of what might happen if you try to speak out because the person in question is powerful and well respected - living your life for decades with the shame and guilt and fear hanging over you, then seeing for the first time that other people have been in exactly the same position as you and that you're not alone after all. Finding the courage and speaking out at a time when others are too isn't a coincidence at all. It's happening in the UK in a number of sexual abuse investigations at the moment as well, same pattern of people coming forward after living with the burden silently for years because they thought they wouldn't be taken seriously before. If the allegations they are bringing forward are true, there's nothing wrong with their memories - they'll have been reliving the experience daily. That's not something to be flippantly dismissed

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I'm not denying or dismissing anything. It's just kind of disturbing how so many people jump on the "omg rapist"-bandwagon right away. Where I come from, people are normally considered innocent until proven otherwise but it kind of seems like the accused has to prove he (or she?!) didn't do it instead of the other way around, in these types of cases. And that's weird.

Maybe I just missed some super important piece of evidence. Haven't paid much attention to this thing.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

The 'innocent until proven guilty' principle in cases like this needs to extend to the people you're being sceptical about too - the alleged victims. You can't just assume everyone that comes forward and says they're the victim of abuse is lying until what they're saying is proven to be true. It's exactly this kind of attitude that makes it so difficult for them to come forward in the first place - in some cases deciding not to at all and instead trying to quietly move on with their lives while the perpetrators of the act are free to continue to abuse still more people. In the case of Bill, the history of out of court settlements and hush hush chicanery combined with the fact that he hasn't made any attempt to protest his innocence, along with the fact that more and more people have been coming forward all saying the same things about him... it doesn't paint a very optimistic picture really. If he'd been actively protesting his innocence from the start maybe less people would be jumping on the "omg rapist" train. But as far as I'm aware, he hasn't.

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Quite the coincidence so many people suddenly got their memories back after all these years. And at the same time even! Miracles still happen.



Or people decided to start listening to the victims.


And as far as "innocent until proven" guilty...there will be no criminal trials as per the statute of limitations. Rather, we are simply trying to determine if this widely-loved public figure is a serial rapist with the evidence we have at hand: that is, 30+ accusers.


Rape victims are notoriously ignored (especially 20, 30 years ago). Most rapes go unreported (for the reason stated in the previous sentence). Only 25% of reports result in arrests, and then only 2% of rapists actually go to jail. It's a depressing state of things and not really surprising that rapes go unreported.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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