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Best/most reliable news source?


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It's The Guardian for me too - BBC are utterly biased. I think RT, Huffington and those MadameChaos mentioned.






I use google news to browse sites, it's a nice way to get multiple perspectives/bias readings fast.


I don't mind BBC for news updates, I usually hear them via NPR and PRI's The World. NPR's All Things Considered is great but a bit soft and too MOR politically, akin to BBC. For Israeli news, Haaretz is the best imo, JPost is ok.


I used to read CS Monitor, Economist, Bloomberg, and Al-Jazeera a lot for more in-depth stories (not necessarily "news" headlines or reporting though.)


Stateside, even the non-FOX local news channels are often horrendously biased - though it's usually in it's subtle means of relaying national and international news. For example, during the Malaysian shoot down incident over Ukraine, a NBC affiliate locally reported, despite the fact that it was disproven 6+ hours ago, that 20 Americans might of been on board, and then interviewed a local pro-Euromaiden woman, one who was literally a uninformed armchair activist.


Cable news channels are a joke. One America News isn't bad though, interesting to see where it goes and if it lasts.

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President Obama said read them all.


The Financial Times is for socially liberal bankers and the elites inside of the European Union's institutions.


The Times is the paper of the ruling class, close friends with the Cameron coalition government. They've known each other for over 20 years, eat dinner together, go out and socialise together, meet at the same gatherings, and they share the same ideas. If you want to know what the present government thinks, read this one.


The Huffington Post

Watch the movie Annie Hall and you will understand what this paper is about. It creeps me out that there's now a British version. Also I hate Breitbart. both weird foreign newspapers that should be laughed out of town. There's something creepy about them, just the way that they go to someone else's country and try to influence things there without knowing much about the local situation. So Breitbart and Huffpost, fuck you both!


The Sun is for builders and 'white van man'. It's a way for the ruling classes to win the votes of working people. It's said that before Rupert Murdoch owned it, it was full of poetry and educated thought. Now it's pure gloop, usually cheerleads for war, any war. But I don't agree with the British left which has tried to shut Murdoch out of the country. A lot of creepy people (common purpose, yougov, etc) have an interest in shutting down Britain's free press.


News of the World

This paper was shut down in 2011 after the scandal hinted at above.


Daily Telegraph and Spectator


Both of these newspapers were bought by a rich family (whose name I won't mention) a few years ago and since then they have dumbed down considerably. These papers are hollow shells of their former selves. The Telegraph has a new manager from America (notice the pattern, with Huffpo, Breitbart = American takeover of the British press.) The editor of the Spectator kisses the arse of the Chancellor George Osborne (because he wants a job in the government). They're pushing for Theresa May to be the next Conservative Party leader. She's a weirdo, living in a James Bond fantasy, she'll be sure to push monitoring of internet activity to be more intrusive and disgusting than ever before so she can present herself as "tough on terror". Sort of a weird mix between the Beatles and George Orwell's 1984. There's a writer for Telegraph blogs who does data analysis for the government and he reads WATMM too. He's paid to monitor what we fucking say and catalogue it in a database. Fucking creep.


Daily Mail


Is full of celebrity and junk stories from the associated press but they do publish a lot of true and interesting stories that don't receive much attention. They even had the Richie Hawtin story in there recently. It's hated by most left wing ordinary young people today. But, it's one of the only independent minded newspapers left in Britain. The editor Paul Dacre was a huge supporter of Gordon Brown (our old fashioned Scottish left wing socialist of a Prime Minister!) Why? Because Paul Dacre has respect for meritocracy and the way that people can come from poor (or at least untoffish) families and rise to the top. Daily Mail posts celebrity stories to MAKE MONEY and keep its business going. It has a working class Christian heart, which is why it is so hated.


The Guardian has become a dark horse. It was a supporter of Tony Blair and Labour but now it has become more vague. It has a new editor who is going to push things in more of a direction that supports the Coalition government and the Conservative Party. Which is going to disappoint a lot of you when you finally realise what is happening. See, guardian journalists are married to or in civil partnerships with people from the Tory party and the Times. It's no good saying you don't like the Tories or the Times and then you go off and read the Guardian. They are the same people with the same agenda (war, extreme debt, bad schools, docile unthinking population).


The Mirror is similar to the Daily Mail but even more left wing but less Christian. I don't like it at all but it is one of the few independent newspapers that we have left.


The Independent has a Russian owner. Some of its journalists are really great old fashioned writers.


Good ones: Private Eye, Standpoint, New Statesman, blogs, Guido Fawkes


The important thing is that we have a free press where people can say their opinion. Where things are going is that Brussels and Washington are trying to control what opinions we can or can't read. And they can piss off!


Zzzzzz tldr, read all papers. There are good people and good journalists in all of them. Think for yourself. Try to forget divisive notions like left and right. We are all people with experiences to share. ;-)

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it depends on what you mean by 'reliable'
I've found that following specific writers or journalists is a lot more reliable than following an entire news organization. Sometimes TV channels for example usually have maybe 1 or 2 good shows and the rest is horrible. It's been a while since i've though of an entire news organization as trustworthy or not, its hard for me to think of it that way

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Commercial news agencies will always have the profit motive first and foremost. Public news agencies can easily be bent to toe the political party-line-du-jour. So they're all bullshitting, just to varying degrees.


I trust The Economist more than most though. I read the Guardian a lot, it gives interesting and valuable perspectives but I find it is increasingly putting out clickbait gobshite

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guardian was very clickbaity during the snodwen crap, with titles like "OMG OBAMA IS WATCHING YOU MASTURBATE RIGHT NOW!" and with content about some software that can manage collected metadata or something.

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James O'Brien who is on LBC radio between 10am and 1pm is worth your time. He is very left (and on some subjects too much left for me) even so he is brilliant and provides absolute fantastic radio. I agree with 90% of what he says but as when anyone who ventures too much left or too much right they start winding me up, so I turn off when he gets too high on his pedestal.


Even so what makes his show fascinating is the sheer breadth of people who listen to him. As he says 'every walk of life and all humanity are here'. If you get him on a good subject it can really fascinating. Have a listen..


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I usually divine the news by cumming on sizzling rocks and interpreting the stains left behind.

what did the sizzlestains say today?



Rain in Vancouver, Putin will wrestle a polar bear, and something about Tom. couldn't quite make that one out.

Tom pls!

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