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Brian Williams busted for flat out lying on the NBC News for past 12 Years

Rubin Farr

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Dismiss this as pop culture if you like, but that's some serious bullshit, and he only admitted to lying TWELVE years later, bc the commander flat out called him on his bullshit.



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I like how his apology basically comes down to:
"oh uh... sorry guys guess I just got confused, wasn't trying to fabricate news to play of sensationalized events or anything.... we're still cool right?"

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Just watched this on Channel 4 news tonight. What an absolute douche. If he had any dignity he'd resign, you can't be taken seriously as an anchor after that. These fuckwad's sensationalism are hurting more than they can know. Resign, Brian, or go to Fox where fake news is absorbed.

Brian, Get the fuck outta here.

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Although it's possible that he was indeed lying and got called out, I'd just like to point out that memory indeed corrupts.



Consider the (unsettling) likelihood that many of your memories are false, and you'll probably never know which ones.






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yeah it's an interesting thing, limpy. in nlp they say there are three ways the mind handles information: generalization, distortion, and deletion. the best way a mind can handle information is by generalizing (categorizing it with past experiences).

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but hes told the story several times over the years and it never included that he was in the helicopter that got shot, or that he was afraid for his life, until recently. so his memories wouldn't just include the actual event, but also would include all the other times he told the story, including the time he wrote a book about it. did he forget that in all of his previous tellings that he didn't say his copter was shot but that the one in front of him was? seems more likely to me that he just lied and thought he could get away with it. but hey HRC did the same thing and is a strong presidential contender, so maybe his 'story' just makes him more presidential.


he said “This was a bungled attempt by me to thank one special veteran and by extension our brave military men and women veterans everywhere, those who have served while I did not,”


calling what he said a 'bungled attempt' just seems like a weird way to explain a completely accidental, false recollection of how events went down, to me.

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Man if you're this angry about a news anchor embellishing a story a little to make himself look good, I don't even wanna be on the same planet when you start talking about the administration that lied their asses off to get the US into the biggest foreign policy shit show in decades.
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Man if you're this angry about a news anchor embellishing a story a little to make himself look good, I don't even wanna be on the same planet when you start talking about the administration that lied their asses off to get the US into the biggest foreign policy shit show in decades.






"Finally, someone is be held to account for misleading America about the Iraq War."


Jon Stewart, you'll be missed

Jon Stweart

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