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Funny Pictures Part IV - Funny Harder


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Ya I read about that a few months back. Apparently when the guy bought a brand new luxury VW van he was scared someone would try to break in or steal it. So this was his solution. lol.

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Guest bitroast

i dont understand why you'd get a luxury van if you're just putting yourself in a situation of needing to cover it up every day + the only time you can look at it it's covered in gross pseudo-rust.


but ...


who am i to judge ? :emotawesomepm9::emotawesomepm9:

Edited by bitroast
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i dont understand why you'd get a luxury van if you're just putting yourself in a situation of needing to cover it up every day + the only time you can look at it it's covered in gross pseudo-rust.


but ...


who am i to judge ? :emotawesomepm9::emotawesomepm9:

he also did a shitty job with it too



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with all that rust crims will probably think that the van is easier to break in to, must have busted back lock held together with coat hanger wire, and be filled with half broken tradesmans tools, adhesives, paint, and of course the ever present half smoked cigarette butts, a junkie heaven, they'll use it to level up grabbing stuff they can use to break in to other things, perhaps it'll make them feel so at home they'll even bring their sleeping bag along and the owner will come back to a cluster of them smacked out and having a kip. Of course once they get closer and see that it's decals, regular smash and grab time kicks in.


fucking junkie scum.

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