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Funny Pictures Part IV - Funny Harder


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Seeing as most feminists are against the draft in principle anyway, it's hardly hypocrisy on their part.

But men are definitely for the draft, right? Gimme the GOOD bits of gender equality but not the BAD bits

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Seeing as most feminists are against the draft in principle anyway, it's hardly hypocrisy on their part.

But men are definitely for the draft, right? Gimme the GOOD bits of gender equality but not the BAD bits



no I mean they're against the draft for both men and women.

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She's not saying "nobody should be drafted" she said "I suddenly don't want equality" meaning roughly "I liked it better when things were unequal and only men were getting drafted...I'm only interested in reaping the BENEFITs of equality, I don't actually have a principled desire for equality"

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Umm there isn't a military draft in place, and there is talk that Selective Service (which is what they might open up to both men and women) will be done away with. Since all the pictures and handles are blacked out in that pic, we don't know who said what, maybe it was a man trying to be "funny".

So, yeah - this should be filed in the "dumb pictures" thread. Oh we don't have that, maybe just keep that shit on 4chan or r/redpill.


The No-Face costume was brilliant.

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Umm there isn't a military draft in place, and there is talk that Selective Service (which is what they might open up to both men and women) will be done away with. Since all the pictures and handles are blacked out in that pic, we don't know who said what, maybe it was a man trying to be "funny".

So, yeah - this should be filed in the "dumb pictures" thread. Oh we don't have that, maybe just keep that shit on 4chan or r/redpill.


The No-Face costume was brilliant.

1) Remember when there was talk of a bill requiring women to register for the draft?


2) it wasn't a guy who said it, and the Internet is lousy with evidence of these sorts of attitudes


3) yeah, the Tumblr-Left is quickly becoming mainstream because of this "go back to r/redpill" attitude...like only a 4chan power-user could possibly have such concerns

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Limpy - the draft doesn't exist right now.


you seem to vastly overestimate the power of tumblr.


Please for the love of all that's holy, get off tumblr and reddit etc. That shit is poisonous.


And someone please post a funny pic in here stat. Jesus fucking wept.

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