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Two Thousand and Sixteen: The Thread


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Finally complete my transformation into the obese perv from Mark 13 Hardware.

I had no idea what Mark 13 Hardware was so I looked it up on Google and found this


I'm totally gonna watch this movie now.

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Finally complete my transformation into the obese perv from Mark 13 Hardware.

I had no idea what Mark 13 Hardware was so I looked it up on Google and found this


I'm totally gonna watch this movie now.



you should. it's awful/great. remember when we were shitting on Terminator Salvation for being such a joke? this is like the same thing except in a good way.

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I'm gonna build a little studio in an alcove, make an album and an accompanying visual set, which I'm gonna premiere on Light Night festival in a planetarium. Also gonna get fit, do a circuit class, drink less and smoke more.

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live on my own, no roomate


another job. money


more inspiration to create art i hope


Spend a day with your head full of mushrooms. That will get the juices flowing. :)

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Finally complete my transformation into the obese perv from Mark 13 Hardware.

I had no idea what Mark 13 Hardware was so I looked it up on Google and found this


I'm totally gonna watch this movie now.



you should. it's awful/great. remember when we were shitting on Terminator Salvation for being such a joke? this is like the same thing except in a good way.


+1, cheese making is an art - this movie is how bad sci-fi is supposed to be done

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Ending my dry spell.

Coming into prime time action over the next couple of days. Throw up a profile somewhere and observe the thirst.




live on my own, no roomate


another job. money


more inspiration to create art i hope


Spend a day with your head full of mushrooms. That will get the juices flowing. :)



yeah i don't do drugs anymore...

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no excuse, this is a new years resolution you won't want to break, cuz.


more drugs, more threesomes


Yeah, I'm going to make that my resolution. Thanks.

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no excuse, this is a new years resolution you won't want to break, cuz.


more drugs, more threesomes

Thug Rock Star Life


Yek has a point tho. Just because most of us are into IDM doesn't mean we all do drugs. Not trying to preach GI Joe PSA style or nothin'. Just a matter of personal lifestyle choice.

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(hopes, not expectations)
- losing 50 lbs

- getting my MIDI controller in a performance-usable form with the functionality I want

- better pay
- no more CC debt

- new Autechre album/EP
- being able to hold a conversation in Japanese
- being able to walk to work again

- making new friends

- playing another show

- doing a better job of maintaining the friendships I have

also, hope to make more tunes. maybe throw up a bandcamp release or something.

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- become self-employed

Yeah, I wanna do this too. I don't think 2016 is going to be the year but if I lose my job and can't find another one, that might be a fire under my ass to monetize my skills (i.e. make money doing what I actually wanna do) and finally figure out how to stand on my own. Then I just have to figure out the health insurance situation.

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resolution tings:


cook more/eat more meals (I live on my own so slip into the lazy trap when it comes to eating. if I eat dinner at all.)

see my friends more (hardly saw people this year because everybody is flaky as fuck)

continue making music

do more drawing, painting and other visual arts

buy some more furniture. I've lived in this flat for 2 years and still don't have a bed, wardrobe, proper curtains (the flat across from me can see my every move at the moment and it's a bit weird), a dinner table, etcetcetc



probably won't happen but a boy can dream:


get a new job




I have a good feeling about this year

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Video games. Only video games.

No FF you have to write more tunes too pls thx.


Also sweepstakes and MGF have their plans on point. I hope you both succeed. Also MGF I'm stealing that evolving gif cause it's great.


I will hopefully release my second album, as well as regular (monthly or more often perhaps) singles/EPs. Oh and read more/pay better attention to my gf. And get a new fucking job. 2015 is dead, goodbye.


sent using magic space waves

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lol Glunk


Dec 31 2014 - I vowed to quit smoking cigs after 15 years.

Dec 31 2015 - Zero cigs smoked in 2015.

This time around I don't have any particular goals to SET, but the finish line of a goal I set in 2010 is now well within sight. When I check that one off the list, I guess it'll be time to make a whole new list!

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