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Conspiracy Theories are true! mmm not so much?...


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You can't clench your butt and grit your teeth and somehow you're in love/not in love anymore


WATMM rarely drops jew(l)els like this anymore but when it does it's all the sweeter.


Am I the only one who doesn't shit about gamergate? I haven't even been bothered to get a primer on it.


I don't shit about it either, the whole thing was an utter irrelevant bore. let's not bother.

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true story one time my business got a review from a woman that said "men doing what you want when you want what more could you ask for" and i was all GAMERGAATE and grew a fedora.

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Is that the steel construction business? Specialized in bending construction steel with airplane fuel. Like a boss. ... Man! I mean like a man!


O shit


*goes into sexist episode by mangazing into the self mansplanation *

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delet what yr talking about is less of a conspiracy and more just power maintaining itself and making sure no one fucks with it


basically everyone on this forum is very aware of what you're talking about, which is good news i guess.


conspiracies in this context are like aliens n chemtrails n shit, right?

where is forum member ET?


He lives in Spy Hill here in mah city.



Not even joking, but the irony now.. lol


(ok I was half joking, spy hill is the landfill/penitentiary... but he lives right in that area)

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Yeah, I was gonna post that cause it's been floating round for a while, but apparently it had earlier usage, by government for the same purpose, which was to shut down questions or debate. So we can say that the CIA repopularised the term in the sixties, to ridicule people that had genuine problems with the obvious problems of the warren commission findings.

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Yeah, I was gonna post that cause it's been floating round for a while, but apparently it had earlier usage, by government for the same purpose, which was to shut down questions or debate. So we can say that the CIA repopularised the term in the sixties, to ridicule people that had genuine problems with the obvious problems of the warren commission findings.

Having problems with the Warren Report is one (very reasonable) thing.


Being convinced that the Cubans killed JFK (or the Mafia, or LBJ, or the CIA, or some combination thereof) is another matter altogether.


Please do not conflate the two.


The big problem I see with 'conspiracy theorists' is that they tend to have terrible standards for what constitutes 'evidence' (e.g. BoB, whoever the fuck he is). If you couple scientific illiteracy with a bad standard of evidence, then it's not surprising what some people believe.


Me and JE used to argue about standards of evidence all the time. He thought some nearby building taking out insurance before 9/11 was evidence that something was fishy. I tried to tell him repeatedly that the null hypothesis will ALWAYS produce these strange events, and that stringing them together to form a Post Hoc Hypothesis is trivial and meaningless (see 'Lincoln-Kennedy connection' and 'p-hacking).

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Whose conflating anything, you want to go that way here let me help, I think 'we' can all agree that it was an assassination, the government covered it up, executed the patsy, then executed the patsy's executioner. If 'we' start from that basis it is perfectly legitimate and 'scientific' to explore avenues of possibility for who did this all, and what their motivations were. There was a actually a conspiracy and one develops a theory as to what it was, so really even as a catch all term to defame the enquiring mind, fails a basic test of logic.


Personally as far as government pronouncements are concerned, It could be useful to presume they are lying and then find reasons why they're not, heh. Guilty until proven innocent, should be the stand one takes when evaluating their provericating crapulance.

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Whose conflating anything, you want to go that way here let me help, I think 'we' can all agree that it was an assassination, the government covered it up, executed the patsy, then executed the patsy's executioner. If 'we' start from that basis it is perfectly legitimate and 'scientific' to explore avenues of possibility for who did this all, and what their motivations were. There was a actually a conspiracy and one develops a theory as to what it was, so really even as a catch all term to defame the enquiring mind, fails a basic test of logic.


Personally as far as government pronouncements are concerned, It could be useful to presume they are lying and then find reasons why they're not, heh. Guilty until proven innocent, should be the stand one takes when evaluating their provericating crapulance.

1) The default position is not (or at least shouldn't be) to believe the Official Story: It should be to reserve Belief*.


2) What about all the 'evidence' that it was a Cuban communist plot? Or the mafia angle? Why do you believe Oswald was a patsy of a U.S. Gov't plot and not some other plot?



*if Belief is a matter of building a model of reality within your mind, then it should be Bayesian/probabilistic (not binary) based on weight of evidence (and credibility of the source of the evidence)...so what a person believes should look like some probability readout from a prediction AI instead of the usual "this is what I believe, to the exclusion of all other possibilities"

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who are you talking to?

gamergate was a conspiracy to get neckbeards laid.

Am I the only one who doesn't shit about gamergate? I haven't even been bothered to get a primer on it.

FYI I'm like decidedly indifferent and by de facto not in agreement with those trying downplay the sexism/harassment stuff. I'm not pro-PC or SJW but that said I find those who actively fight against it like it's a huge issue delusional and misguided. I just don't get that crowd at all.


yeah i'm basically in the same camp, here. there are idiots on both sides, but imo the 'gamers' who spend all day on twitter railing against 'reverse sexism' have less of a case to back them up than people who are overly sensitive about a proven form of discrimination like misogyny. it's just nowhere near as much of a big deal as they claim it to be.

Best thing about HASHTAG GAMERGATE was Davis Aurini. Real life garth marenghi. I still watch his terrible videos.

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jet fuel do melt steel beams. How else would you explain 911? :)

It doesn't need to melt steel, just weaken it


Popular Mechanics did a series of 9/11 FAQs that walks through all this stuff point by point

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Who killed Gary Webb??

Certainly wouldn't be the first time the CIA 'suicided' a political opponent (especially given all the Central America stuff)


The thing to keep in mind though (pardon the pun) is that *actual* suicides can look fishy...especially to lay people

(I'm not saying he DID commit suicide, I'm just saying something to keep in mind)


Kurt Cobain, for instance...if you don't know anything about heroin and tolerance, then you might get the impression (as many have) that he took a lethal dose of heroin and then miraculously lifted a gun to his head and killed himself (again)


Now, a two-gunshot suicide is...that is fucking weird and definitely fishy

But there are other aspects that are also fishy:

Like, who would stage a suicide that way?

Or, if there was gonna be a cover-up (e.g. By the coroner), why wouldn't the 'two-gunshot' detail also be covered up?


I don't have any answers

And I'm not slow to believe in CIA assassinations

So yeah I dunno lol

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Well, after watching Montage of Heck I can only conclude that even if Courtney Love didn't stage his suicide, she laid the groundwork by getting him tons of heroin, taking it while pregnant, which only brought further shame, then playing weird mind games with him while making him wear a dress.


There's a part in The People Vs. Larry Flynt where she's in her underwear and she spreads her emaciated chicken legs. I make an aggressive 'shove off' motion towards the screen at this point. So vile. She killed Kurt Cobain, no question.

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Not much of a conspiracy but a reality, there's plenty cases of Scientologists' mothers, wifes, sons and daughters "suiciding" via 5 shots to the chest and stuff like that. Entire towns controlled by scientology. There's a reason why it is illegal in places like Germany. Scary stuff


and btw I think Kurt at some point realized he would have to deal with Courtney for the rest of his life, who wouldn't kill himself in a situation like that

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jet fuel do melt steel beams. How else would you explain 911? :)

It doesn't need to melt steel, just weaken it

Popular Mechanics did a series of 9/11 FAQs that walks through all this stuff point by point

And it's all horseshit.


Go to architects and engineers for 911 truth and get schooled up. Three towers went down that day, one wasn't hit by an aeroplane. They can't explain building seven using their animal feces jet fuel logic, it was actually built to a much higher standard being a secure government building. nwae, whatever, some people's brains are permanently set on their built in slave mode, "master wouldn't hurt me, master is my friend". Pheh.

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