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Swans' Michael Gira accused of rape by singer Larkin Grimm

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A lot of artsy girls with poisonous histrionic personalities are really easy to spot. Never let them in your bed. She needs a guy with a beard and suspenders and an english degree that pets cats for hours on end and never speaks, just looks stoic.

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I am actually amazed by some of the people who post on the Swans page sometimes, not just recently in regards to this nasty thing, but in the past too. a while ago Gira posted an article about the global population exploding beyond control and threatening to overwhelm resources, with the line "time to thin the herd". this was followed by outraged comments by supposed Swans fans along the lines of "how dare you, are you suggesting something vaguely along the lines of eugenics, why don't you off yourself first u fukker"


it's like... some people who are drawn to confrontational music addressing deep/dark subjects learn nothing from it except how to be micro-triggered cunts.

I know, right? What kind of utter cunt would be offended by an influential musician advocating mass genocide? Political correctness gone mad.

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don't be retarded. anyone with half a brain would understand it's not a call for genocide but a basic warning against the exploding population problem. I can't believe this needs explaining to some people. it's all the more baffling when it's posted by fans on the official page, like... they listen to this music, they kind of get what it's about (I assume?) and yet they allow themselves to be triggered by this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gira is playing a gig with Thurston Moore in London today.

This is the top comment currently on the FB event page.




Thanks for reminding me, I had forgotten.


Will make sure to not get drunk with him after the show.

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