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Vasalgel [Male birth control]


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Anyone else really, really excited for this? I am not wealthy by any means and currently have less than $1k in my pocket. Still considering donating what I can anyway.

So far it looks very effective and safe.. Guess we'll have to wait and see how human trials go in the USA. :unsure:


oops here's the link https://www.parsemusfoundation.org/projects/vasalgel/

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Some baboon trials were very promising. An alpha was allowed to bang a harem willy nilly with zero pregnancies. They flushed the polymer and let him go again and, lo, baby baboons.


Yeah! So far it seems so simple and mechanical.. Quite possibly the most effective form of birth control yet.

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Hydrogels are taking off bruv. There is also another one called Space OAR which is used for prostate cancer patients to lessen the amount of rectum in the treatment volume in radiotherapy. http://www.spaceoar.com/


There is also a thought that hydrogel could be used for erectile dysfunction.


Wonder if the gel comes with a wristband for consensual consummation.

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Hydrogels are taking off bruv. There is also another one called Space OAR which is used for prostate cancer patients to lessen the amount of rectum in the treatment volume in radiotherapy. http://www.spaceoar.com/


There is also a thought that hydrogel could be used for erectile dysfunction.


Wonder if the gel comes with a wristband for consensual consummation.


Neat! I was not aware of this. Thanks

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I've always viewed hormonal prophylactics that are the norm with female birth control as pretty pharmacologically barbaric and weird. Condoms really do suck as well... SO this seems pretty nice.



yeah, I wanna nut deep
Inside with no regrets.


No Ragrets.

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Great for couples who don't want kids but the dude wants to nut in the punani.

So basically every guy?

Except homosexuals and dudes who prefer to nut in a girls ass/mouth/ear etc etc


But in all seriousness, I don't think this is going to lead to a lot more one-night stands resulting in unprotected intercourse. STDs ain't nuttin to fuk wit.

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I saw the words injecting and testicles in the same sentence and I immediately closed the tab.


They can either knock you out, sedate you, numb things, etc..

They can stab me in the dick all they want as long as I can start having fun consentual intercourse with women and not have to worry

about whether they are being truthful with me. Never again!!!

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Keep nutting into socks, is cheaper.


Neat! I was not aware of this. Thanks


I read it this way and I'm sticking with it.


Vapour seal your junk so you dont have to worry bout STIs.


Vaporwave your donk so you dont have to worry bout aesthetics.

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