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Most emotive Plaid track


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Safety In Solitude

This City

Two Rooms


Those always break my heart




sorry didn't read "pick one" I'll go with Safety In Solitude just because is my nostalgifav of those 3

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Missing (brings tears to my eyes), Nafovanny, Founded, White's Dream, Zeal, This City, OH, Slam...to me, a LOT of their music is emotive in so many ways I could go on forever.


Diddymousedid, Dang Spot, Serket L, Zala...........

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Missing (brings tears to my eyes), Nafovanny, Founded, White's Dream, Zeal, This City, OH, Slam...to me, a LOT of their music is emotive in so many ways I could go on forever.


Diddymousedid, Dang Spot, Serket L, Zala...........


OH! Of course! Also Gel Lab.

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P-Brane is my fav EP of theirs overall!



OMFG yes, Stills! I yelled out for them to play this as an encore track when they played Mezzanine in SF for their Scintilli tour...Andy looked up and smiled, but they instead played "At Last" as their finale. I was not upset!

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Guest Chesney

All is full of love remix is stunning.


Also, Tokyo drive and No hoi from heaven's door.


Wallet is amazingly emotive.


Dead sea.

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