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the watmm GAS thread


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I've never really been into the idea of the kaossilator tbh.. I enjoyed the KP3+ I had for a while, but for cheap melodic devices I prefer the volcas.



This gave me pause, though.

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My Waldorf 2 Pole died suddenly so now I am obsessin about a new filter box.


Vermona retroverb lancet is almost double the price but seems like it's worth it. Anyone have one? Man I wish my 2 Pole wasn't gone.

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My Waldorf 2 Pole died suddenly so now I am obsessin about a new filter box.


Vermona retroverb lancet is almost double the price but seems like it's worth it. Anyone have one? Man I wish my 2 Pole wasn't gone.


What happened?  And what did you do with it?

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Guest Chesney

Your first Elektron?

Once you get your head around the elektron sequencer, which is only 10 mins and then you work out what the shorthand for the parameters are it's just a basic synth but with lots of options.

Good luck man, if you get stuck let us know.

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I still want one. They're back in stock where I live and payday is next friday.......


I should be boring and get some monitors though. And/or a better audio interface.

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To each is own but buying great monitors was my wisest gear purchase / decision ever. The better I hear the deeper the sound-design and connection to the music / sound it-self IMHO. And it's so rewarding / liberating when you can trust what you hear.

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Guest Chesney

I absolutely agree, I hope my flippant comment didn't add to the procrastination of essential purchases.

Interface and monitors are the most important things when recording gear. get them sorted before any more random GAS attacks ;) ;) ;)

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Guest Chesney

I can't think of any worse monitors than Rockits. They enhance loads and make shit sound muddy. I can see why non musical HipHop "producers" used to use them but they sound like shit with anything else put through them. Well, the ones I tried anyway ;)

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Yeah they were my first monitors so I thought the shittiness of them was like the NS10s where "if it sounds good on those, it sounds good on anything". At this point I'm used to them but I'm sure if I got anything even slightly better it'll be like that feeling when you finally take a piss after holding it for hours.

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Guest Chesney

who knows, you might hate more neutral monitors. Better than having good monitors is knowing the monitors you have.

I had some really cheap Carrilon ones (they looked like bottom grade Mackie's with new badges) for 10 years and I actually really liked them. The difference when I bought the Adam's was pretty striking though.

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Knowing some good monitors is even better. The ones I own don't sound good whenever the music itself isn't. Yet now that I've understood how they voice the music, I've never got such good sounding result in so little time, they're invaluably useful. And it's puzzling how they translate accurately, never heard such constant results across so many different systems.

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Your first Elektron?

Once you get your head around the elektron sequencer, which is only 10 mins and then you work out what the shorthand for the parameters are it's just a basic synth but with lots of options.

Good luck man, if you get stuck let us know.

Yeah, first Elektron. Really want to take my time and understand all the options, I'm not in a big rush to start composing. Presets get a lot of shit, but I'm really appreciating having half decent ideas already there so I can concentrate on understanding the thing, without having to create it at the same time.


Gesendet von meinem SM-G920F mit Tapatalk

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my yama hs5's, now that i've had them in the equilateral triangle setup for several months, are amazing. i've never been as confident as i am now as far as mixing goes. plus some beyerdynamic dt880s for extra refrence


RSP, on 05 Jul 2017 - 11:59 PM, said:


sheathe, on 05 Jul 2017 - 8:13 PM, said:

My Waldorf 2 Pole died suddenly so now I am obsessin about a new filter box.


Vermona retroverb lancet is almost double the price but seems like it's worth it. Anyone have one? Man I wish my 2 Pole wasn't gone.

What happened? And what did you do with it?

my friend borrowed it and texted me "dude it died". i dunno. i think his apartment isn't grounded and it took a surge or something, but nothing happened to any of his stuff. basically the output is very, very quiet, where it used to be at line level/unity, and the gain and drive parameters could really melt whatever you put into it. now you have to crank everything to hear it at all. so it's unusable.


i don't know what to do with it :(


i'm sad. i used it so much. it could color sound so many different ways.

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Guest Chesney

email waldorf. ther support isn't that amazing but worth a try. You've not had it that long.

Or open her up and have a look around. Anything out of the ordinary? 

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i emailed them and they DID respond but i dont think they will do anything. i bought it new thru ebay but it's been 1.5 years. i opened it up but it's all factory machined tiny bits. way beyond my skill to discern. i took it to switched on in austin but they said they couldn't do anything.

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I'm about to pull the trigger on a Machinedrum UW. On the other hand I'm thinking that I should wait a little longer and save up for a new apple because I'd probably be able to do most of the things that the machinedrum can do on a new machine running max for live patches and operator drums. With a completely different interface of course. The machinedrum is 750 euro's, a new (or refurbished, I'm running a 2011 mbp right now) macbook would set me back around 1200... for that money I could get the machindrum and a dominion club in a couple of months. Aaaaargh.

Feedback please.

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^ you're talking about hw vs sw here. that's a tough one...

yes, of course, with a new apple comp you can do anything and pairing it with max, only the sky is the limit, but... on the other hand having a mduw is another great thing. i have both of them and i need them both, and believe me, you at least need to try the elektron. such fun!

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Just because you *can* do everything a machinedrum can do using software, doesn't mean you will. I've found the elektron workflow/interface design inspires me more, when I have no real plans to make anything specific, than sitting in front of puredata and thinking "well, I could make literally anything I want, what first?".

If you need a new computer though, you should probably get one before anything else!

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Forgot I pulled the trigger on this Kickstarter months ago but it randomly showed up in the mail today -- Gechologic Gecho Loopsynth


Very neat little open source box with photoresistor, magnetic response, and contact mic controls + lots of open connections on the board allowing one to add MIDI, CV controls, etc. Really looking forward to seeing this thing develop.



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