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Yeah honestly thats a main reason why I want it. That late-80s to mid-90s rompler sound really does it for me, and it looks much easier to edit than the original synths from around that time.

Does the Argon8 contain full length samples or just single cycle waves?

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21 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

I love that plasticy Korg sound, it's the audio equivalent of the alienated, existential dread of having a bad psychedelic experience at a mall.



Listening to that Barker jam though, it's pretty nice. It's what I would do when told to mess around for 10 mins. Maybe I don't know the Elektron gear that well but those don't sound like presets to me either. That plate reverb makes me think I should finally hook up my Koma Field Kit again.

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23 hours ago, modey said:

Yeah honestly thats a main reason why I want it. That late-80s to mid-90s rompler sound really does it for me, and it looks much easier to edit than the original synths from around that time.

Does the Argon8 contain full length samples or just single cycle waves?

I agree but to me part of that sound is the aliasing and pitching samples down until they sound like Satan's trash compactor. It gets just close enough to that sound to make me lust for a K4 (whew lad have those gone up in price).

Just single cycles on that Argon8. It's got a much narrower focus and comparatively takes itself way more seriously. I'm sure the Wavestate is an absolute riot and if it was a little cheaper it'd be an instabuy for me (not that the price is unreasonable at all).

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9 hours ago, sweepstakes said:

I agree but to me part of that sound is the aliasing and pitching samples down until they sound like Satan's trash compactor.

Very true. I have the SY22 for that though ? I'm really keen on this because it sounds legitimately lush and very much in line with what I've been getting into lately. I'll give it a few months of cooling off time before I go selling something and potentially regretting it though, haha. 

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Holy crap, I've been looking mor einto the Serge DIY world and I actually did the currency conversion for the 73-75 DIY kit.  Just shy of $400 USD for the PCBs and panels to build TWO full 17" 4u Serge panel clones (the , and the mouser cart for the full BOM for both panels is only $237. Insane when you compare to the second cheapest DIY kits for Serge style panels being around $1000 per panel. In either case you'd still need the case and power supply so that's not a factor.


So yeah, look for some of my stuff to show up in the Gear Box in a week or so, unless I find out there's some terrible catch that I'm missing here (the site doesn't appear to have been updated since 2017...).


EDIT: the catch is that it's out of stock, and I doubt it will be back in at that price since they're selling PCB+panel kits for each panel separately at almost $700, so still a good price but at that point I'd rather just build individual models slowly over next fall and winter. 


Slow day at work today!

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It seems like you narrowly avoided being sucked into the modular world! That's a good thing really!

I am going to try and fight the modular urge by patching together more MIDI mangling things in Pure Data.


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5 hours ago, MIXL2 said:

Arturia keystep pro please no

is this a negative or positive comment?

I have a BSP and I really like it but sometimes the lack of keyboard and sequencing options is annoying.  Ultimately I just don't have enough external synths that require sequencing but if I did I'd be all over this for €400.  

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21 minutes ago, b born droid said:
5 hours ago, MIXL2 said:

Arturia keystep pro please no

is this a negative or positive comment?

I have a BSP and I really like it but sometimes the lack of keyboard and sequencing options is annoying.  Ultimately I just don't have enough external synths that require sequencing but if I did I'd be all over this for €400.  

as in pls no more gas :catnope:

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I like the idea of the Arturia Keystep, unfortunately I never got a real chance to try it out. Not going to buy one either because my desk is full of gear "I swear I will integrate to the setup one day" and currently having quite a good time exploring stuff in Pure Data which is FREE and ACTUALLY QUITE GOOD.

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That Keystep Pro looks awesome. With that said, losing the assignable encoders of the Beatstep Pro is a deal-breaker for me. I love using the BSP for MIDI control of effects (great for an Eventide H9, for instance).

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13 minutes ago, chim said:

Looking at some fancier Epiphone LP's and they're about 70% of the cheaper Gibsons. Is there a big difference?

Short answer: if you are asking this question, then you won't probably care about the difference. Stickfigger's post has the long answer. ?

I would say go to the store and buy a guitar that sounds good to you and is nice to play. In the end what matters most is whether the instrument gets your creativity going and you can do the things you want with it.

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1 hour ago, chim said:

Looking at some fancier Epiphone LP's and they're about 70% of the cheaper Gibsons. Is there a big difference?

Unsolicited advice: don't buy a new one. Big brand guitars (ie. Gibson and Fender) are overpriced for what they are, and have been for decades. 

For the price, you'd probably get more out of a nice condition (or even something a bit worn with character) second hand Gibson from the 90s or earlier, than whatever they're pumping out these days. 

Back to your original question though: I've played a few Epiphones and they're great. I have a $150 super entry level "LP Special" that I use as my doom metal guitar, it sounds awesome and is nice to play.

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2 hours ago, Stickfigger said:

I'd assume its covered pretty extensively on the web?


What kind of stuff you looking to record?


I was looking at the same pages but they're rather dry and clinical, so I was hoping for some real world input. 

I play fairly clean stuff.

2 hours ago, thawkins said:

Short answer: if you are asking this question, then you won't probably care about the difference. Stickfigger's post has the long answer. ?

I would say go to the store and buy a guitar that sounds good to you and is nice to play. In the end what matters most is whether the instrument gets your creativity going and you can do the things you want with it.

Music stores are all out of business where I live. No big deal, would just like input on this.

40 minutes ago, modey said:

Unsolicited advice: don't buy a new one. Big brand guitars (ie. Gibson and Fender) are overpriced for what they are, and have been for decades. 

For the price, you'd probably get more out of a nice condition (or even something a bit worn with character) second hand Gibson from the 90s or earlier, than whatever they're pumping out these days. 

Back to your original question though: I've played a few Epiphones and they're great. I have a $150 super entry level "LP Special" that I use as my doom metal guitar, it sounds awesome and is nice to play.

I am open to second hand but am a bit wary of what people do to their guitars. I used to have a second hand Prophecy EX, 2010-ish model that felt fantastic, played and sounded well, the tone just came out a tad brittle when I recorded it. And the previous owner had fucked with the action which was difficult to deal with. Peace of mind is worth its price.

An LP style guitar is the only thing I'm interested in and I'm convinced a remotely decent model will more than satisfy, the only thing is that I'd probably like one with better pickups than the previous EMG's. I was doing a bit of reading and it's confusing. 

 I was looking at a Prophecy GX kit and it's just under 900 eur, then there's Gibson LP's for around 1100 eur. Since the epis are the budget variant I was worried it's a bit of a dolled up shell by comparison. The Gibson humbuckers seem nice on the epiphone and are the same as a lot of Gibson guitars. The Gibson i was looking at has the P90 which some people claim is more dynamic. Then there's the burstbuckers that are supposed to be really lush?

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1 hour ago, modey said:

Unsolicited advice: don't buy a new one. Big brand guitars (ie. Gibson and Fender) are overpriced for what they are, and have been for decades. 

For the price, you'd probably get more out of a nice condition (or even something a bit worn with character) second hand Gibson from the 90s or earlier, than whatever they're pumping out these days. 

Back to your original question though: I've played a few Epiphones and they're great. I have a $150 super entry level "LP Special" that I use as my doom metal guitar, it sounds awesome and is nice to play.

A 70s or even 80s (now that the 70s ones aren't so cheap) Ibanez is usually going to be better than anything Gibson put out after 1970 or so.  Especially the pre-lawsuit ones that were basically Gibson clones but higher quality, but again those aren't cheap anymore.


Still, something like this may not be exactly low budget but it's a really good deal for the quality (assuming it's legit, and I'm guessing at this point the hardware upgrades brought the value DOWN so it probably is).


EDIT: just noticed it's a bolt-on, which says nothing about quality (a good bolt on is arguably better than a set neck in terms of actual sound and much more likely than a set neck to be in decent condition 43 years later, but it also explains the decent price because guitarists can be a bit superstitious about set necks, especially if they're looking at a Gibson-style guitar).

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Did some snooping around and it looks like an epi is the more sensible option in the price range. I was demoing various pickups last night and the much sought-after chime of the vintage style ones is really the opposite of what I'm after. 490 humbuckers sounded full and great. I noticed the epi LP Tribute series have 57 classic pickups that get a good rep, I have to demo those too. Shame it doesn't come in luscious black like the Prophecy...

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Pladask Eletrisk announcing their 2020 range of pedals....

(sorry can't imbed Instagram pics)


Draume looks amazing, its a digital reverb engine.  The manual is on the website now.

And I want to know what the Bakfram does, looks like an octave drop / looper. 

Lush all around.

The fabrikat is the most playful and versatile pedal that I own, worth every penny.

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