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the watmm GAS thread


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Heh, who needs to label cables, just tug at something and see which piece of gear moves. Just don't pull too hard and bring all your fancy kit down. (Or if you do, make sure you film it and share later)

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8bit Warps showed up late yesterday evening.  Only had a bit of time to try it out, mostly with the built in speaker, but so far I'm not disappointed at all.  The synth side of it is really self explanatory, I'll have to spend a couple hours with the sequencer and waveform editor before I feel really fluid with it but that seems pretty easy, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man I'm not as terminally online as I used to be so I thought the Bogdan edition Polyend Tracker was just an April Fool's prank. 

Now I got serious GAS for that.

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2 hours ago, Stickfigger said:

Really lusting after a Sherman filterbank but am also tempted by a second hand  analog heat ... I realise they aren't really comparable but cannae justify both at this point 

I'd pick the filterbank, those things are nice ?

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9 hours ago, Stickfigger said:

Really lusting after a Sherman filterbank but am also tempted by a second hand  analog heat ... I realise they aren't really comparable but cannae justify both at this point 

Get a Sherman Filterbank,

Make that Lush filterwank.


Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm trying to delete it.

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10 hours ago, Stickfigger said:

Really lusting after a Sherman filterbank but am also tempted by a second hand  analog heat ... I realise they aren't really comparable but cannae justify both at this point 

Depends what you want to make. Sherman probably better for weird, resonant distortion and experimentation. Heat is good for more controlled, basic, expected results. Heat also works really nicely in a DAW if that makes any difference. 

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24 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:

The one trouble with the Sherman Filterbank is that it's mono.

Got to get two then.


I am not qualified to give financial advice in any countries.

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Who knows if/when I'll ever be able to afford one, but I've developed a powerful urge to sell of my audio interface + ADAT expander and get one of these:




Inputs for days, no need to deal with USB or Thunderbolt (AVB/audio over Ethernet, because fuck USB) or legacy drivers or anything, no unnecessary garbage, and it doubles as a standalone 32 track recorder so I could actually theoretically hook up everything I owned to it and do live multitrack recordings without ever needing to turn on the computer at all, then move the files over when it was time to mix. 



It's really expensive, way too expensive for me to even begin thinking about now, but not actually that expensive for that many inputs. maybe I can put aside a bit at a time and get one in the summer of 2022.

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Another thing about getting that Presonus that would be a really helpful is that I record on a pretty old computer, 2009 I think, but it was a pretty beefy server in its day and still holds up fine for mixing in Reaper.  The CPU is only something like 2.2gHz bu it's dual quad core Xeons so even on a pretty dense mix my CPU load hardly ever breaks 10%.  Thing is, live monitoring through effects isn't multithreaded in Reaper like playback is, and I never do that when I'm recording but now that I livestream regularly I need to.  And it only takes a few EQs and compressors spread across a few channel and the master buss before I start having all sorts of buffer underruns.  Being able to offload all of that to the mixer in a StudioLive, record my stems with no monitoring in the DAW at all and rout the monitor mix to the livestream without having to use any ITB mixing or processing would buy me at east 2-3 more years with the old computer, maybe more.  That and being able to count on getting $400-$500 minimum by selling my old interfaces makes it seem like an even better idea. It's just getting the money that's the problem. I've got quite a bit of gear but only $300-$400 of stuff I'd be comfortable selling off right now, and the old interfaces would have to stay until I got the new one. Going to be a bit of a long haul.



EDIT: I totally forgot that the one tiny upside of losing all my freelance work last year is that I actually get a tax return this year instead of owing money.  Sooo... looks like I'll be able to save up enough to get that StudioLive 32R in a month or two instead of next year! Goddamn!

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so the M8 dirtywave tracker preorder is up. $450. it sounds really good. super slick package. nice features. can export each track as a wav for editing in a DAW. looks really deep on the sequencing side of things especially. 


there are long video streams on youtube that explore lot's of features. here's a demo from Ess



Here’s a snippet from a track I made using only the FM synth in one single monophonic channel.

The FM synth is really good too, it’s very cleverly mapped and works so well within the tracker workflow - I always wanted a great FM synth with table automation!



full wav. 


whoa..  wasn't aware the screen is a touch screen that works as xy pad. 


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14 hours ago, ignatius said:

here's a demo from Ess

It's the best thing to show people who say it's not worth the money because it's "just an eight mono track sequencer". Obviously not everyone is going to be able to pull off what Ess did here, but it's super flexible for being able to do this kind of stuff. 

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On 4/10/2021 at 1:18 AM, TubularCorporation said:

Another thing about getting that Presonus that would be a really helpful is that I record on a pretty old computer, 2009 I think, but it was a pretty beefy server in its day and still holds up fine for mixing in Reaper.  The CPU is only something like 2.2gHz bu it's dual quad core Xeons so even on a pretty dense mix my CPU load hardly ever breaks 10%.  Thing is, live monitoring through effects isn't multithreaded in Reaper like playback is, and I never do that when I'm recording but now that I livestream regularly I need to.  And it only takes a few EQs and compressors spread across a few channel and the master buss before I start having all sorts of buffer underruns.  Being able to offload all of that to the mixer in a StudioLive, record my stems with no monitoring in the DAW at all and rout the monitor mix to the livestream without having to use any ITB mixing or processing would buy me at east 2-3 more years with the old computer, maybe more.  That and being able to count on getting $400-$500 minimum by selling my old interfaces makes it seem like an even better idea. It's just getting the money that's the problem. I've got quite a bit of gear but only $300-$400 of stuff I'd be comfortable selling off right now, and the old interfaces would have to stay until I got the new one. Going to be a bit of a long haul.



EDIT: I totally forgot that the one tiny upside of losing all my freelance work last year is that I actually get a tax return this year instead of owing money.  Sooo... looks like I'll be able to save up enough to get that StudioLive 32R in a month or two instead of next year! Goddamn!

I think a huge rack unit is what I need too, but that thing is too insane.

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This is the first time I've actually gotten a tax return in years, might as well blow it.  it's either that hing or a new computer, and that thing will stay relevant longer than a new computer would.

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1 hour ago, TubularCorporation said:

This is the first time I've actually gotten a tax return in years, might as well blow it.  it's either that hing or a new computer, and that thing will stay relevant longer than a new computer would.

It all depends on how long they keep updating the drivers. Of course even then you can still maintain an old beater computer that runs the last supported operating system and drivers.

I think if I sold my Track16 and the M-Audio Profire 2626 I could justify getting the 16 track version of that though. I like that no frills 1U rack unit form factor.

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1 hour ago, thawkins said:

It all depends on how long they keep updating the drivers. Of course even then you can still maintain an old beater computer that runs the last supported operating system and drivers.

I think if I sold my Track16 and the M-Audio Profire 2626 I could justify getting the 16 track version of that though. I like that no frills 1U rack unit form factor.

I think that because AVB is an open standard that should be manageable for a long time (although I'll start with using it USB because I don't want to spend money on an AVB compatible ethernet card), plus backward compatibility is better on the PC side.  My current interface's drivers were last updated in 2009 or something and it still works fine. A s long as it doesn't sue 3d accelleration you can usually get most software made since Windows 2000 to run OK on any newer version, the only times I've had trouble have been 32 bit software or drivers that won't run on 64 bit Windows, but if it was really that important (it wasn't) I'd dual boot.


If I used Mac I'd be a lot more nervous about that sort of thing since it seems like they break backward compatibility every 3 years or so.

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On 4/8/2021 at 6:12 PM, TubularCorporation said:

Who knows if/when I'll ever be able to afford one, but I've developed a powerful urge to sell of my audio interface + ADAT expander and get one of these:




Inputs for days, no need to deal with USB or Thunderbolt (AVB/audio over Ethernet, because fuck USB) or legacy drivers or anything, no unnecessary garbage, and it doubles as a standalone 32 track recorder so I could actually theoretically hook up everything I owned to it and do live multitrack recordings without ever needing to turn on the computer at all, then move the files over when it was time to mix. 



It's really expensive, way too expensive for me to even begin thinking about now, but not actually that expensive for that many inputs. maybe I can put aside a bit at a time and get one in the summer of 2022.

I went to a product demonstration done by them a few years ago for the presonus stuff when they started really incorporating iPad connectivity and whatnot. I was super impressed, I’ve also heard good things about their channel strips and quality in general. I think you should get it, for sure. 

I have separated my new computer from my studio and don’t plan to ever upgrade. I’ll still use my MacBook Pro, because it runs the current version of cubase that I use just fine. My thoughts are pretty much this: I’ve always used the computer for midi composition/routing and multitrack/over dubbing- but now they make things that can handle these pretty well with no computer. So, the akai mpc live (wish I would have waited and got one with cv) and the sound devices mix pre with the “musician plug in” seem like a totally perfect swap. Of course I’ll need class compliant usb midi stuff for the mpc live- but I have enough random usb midi things now to connect all my gear (it would be too complicated tho.) My plan is to get a big class compliant midi interface to replace my motu midi express. This will mean that I can still have my old Mac with cubase, max/msp, ableton, and other junk, plus my saffire interface, and motu midi express as a separate system if I need any of that.

The real problem (with going all hardware) is updating things like firmware, doing video editing, and all the stuff that computers do other than making music. So I have decided that from now on I’ll just keep an up to date pc desktop in a different room for all those tasks.

Just some random things going on in my head regarding gear, haha. Also, I want to get more into location recording for things like writing music outside, field recording and whatnot, hence the sound devices mixpre.

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I'm also using a really old computer that's dedicated to recording (and until last summer was completely airgapped) and it's still more than enough for the kind of recording I do, but for livestreaming I have to monitor through plugins and for that t's not so hot, since monitoring through plugins isn't multithreaded in Reaper so instead of being a still-useful 2.2mHz dual quad-core Xeon from 2009 it's acting like one crusty 2.2mHz CPU and I can run maybe 5 modern plugins on 3 or 4 tracks before I either start getting buffer underruns or have to increase my buffer size so much that the latency is completely out of hand.  The presonus would solve all of that by offloading the input effects AND monitoring completely, and that should buy me at least 2 more years before I start thinking about a new recording computer again, if not longer.


Of course the downside is that livestreaming and dealing with video more in general is really pushing the limits of what the other desktop (a trash picked, small form factor, 3.3gHz Dell Optilex something-or-other) can handle.  I've got three HD capture dongles and encode at 720p and the lowest quality settings that will still work with the video feedback stuff I'm doing (which is absolutely brutal to encode without it turning into a mess of compression artifacts) puts it at about 60%-70% CPU.  Because it's small form factor and I need one of the two PCIe slots for a capture card I can't fit a new GPU into it to offload the encoding, but I could build a perfectly adequate system for streaming 1080p 60fps at high quality for around $500-$600 in parts, so maybe next winter I'll do that instead of building another synth.

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6 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:

I'm also using a really old computer that's dedicated to recording (and until last summer was completely airgapped) and it's still more than enough for the kind of recording I do, but for livestreaming I have to monitor through plugins and for that t's not so hot, since monitoring through plugins isn't multithreaded in Reaper so instead of being a still-useful 2.2mHz dual quad-core Xeon from 2009 it's acting like one crusty 2.2mHz CPU and I can run maybe 5 modern plugins on 3 or 4 tracks before I either start getting buffer underruns or have to increase my buffer size so much that the latency is completely out of hand.  The presonus would solve all of that by offloading the input effects AND monitoring completely, and that should buy me at least 2 more years before I start thinking about a new recording computer again, if not longer.


Of course the downside is that livestreaming and dealing with video more in general is really pushing the limits of what the other desktop (a trash picked, small form factor, 3.3gHz Dell Optilex something-or-other) can handle.  I've got three HD capture dongles and encode at 720p and the lowest quality settings that will still work with the video feedback stuff I'm doing (which is absolutely brutal to encode without it turning into a mess of compression artifacts) puts it at about 60%-70% CPU.  Because it's small form factor and I need one of the two PCIe slots for a capture card I can't fit a new GPU into it to offload the encoding, but I could build a perfectly adequate system for streaming 1080p 60fps at high quality for around $500-$600 in parts, so maybe next winter I'll do that instead of building another synth.

I forgot about live streaming, yeah you gotta have a whole different approach to quality. Are those zoom and Yamaha standalone mixer things designed for podcasters good for live streaming? I ended up getting one of the 12 channel zooms that were for podcasting (live track?) but I returned it because it ultimately couldn’t record in 24/96. I thought that it sounded pretty high quality tho, way more than I expect from zoom.

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I have no idea, the issues with livestreaming for me are all on the video side.  For audio I do the mixing on my recording computer ITB and then send the mix over the network to the computer I encode on (reaper has a free audio-over-LAN VST, but there are other free options too).


The trouble for me is that the video side of things is a bunch of glitchy feedback and that's exactly the worst kind of stuff to try to encode. Lots of motion, noise, high contrast, fine detail and strobing, all the worst stuff for compressed video, so the quality settings that would look almost flawless for a typical gaming stream or something are just barely acceptable.

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