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Perturbator robbed in San Francisco

Rubin Farr

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His van window got smashed and all the gear is gone. He's still gonna try to continue the current tour though, bless him.




"We're all ok but unfortunately all the gear is gone. We won't cancel any of the upcoming dates (Chicago, NY, Montreal, Boston), and will try our best to provide a good show no matter what.

If anyone in these cities happen to own, or know someone who owns a Prophet 6 synth and a moog sub 37, and is willing to let me borrow it for the show, please send me a message. That would be extremely kind. Show must go on."

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Saw this last night, fucking sucks Perturbator's good stuff... SanFran sounds like a real shithole from everything I've heard about it.

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Homeless people are the first thing I think of when SF is mentioned.


edit - There's no city in this country where nice shit is safe in a car/van though. I swear a WATMM fav gets his gear snatched in a new town every year.

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out of curiosity, what do people say about san fran? i always figured it was super gentrified, or does this just make it a hotspot for theft? 

Beautiful city, unique within the US in that it has a much higher population density than average and is also quite walkable (in spite of being famously hilly). Income gap is tremendous between the upper and lower brackets and continues to widen. Property values are absurdly high compared to the national average and mitigate who can and cannot rent/own. Being largely left-leaning there are also loads of social programs to help those on the lower income tier but Social Housing is almost non existent so those who are homeless must choose between overly crowded Shelters or the street. The Bay Area is Ground Zero for the national dialogue on income inequality and social strata.

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well, seems like he at least got a temporary solution sorted quite quickly. he's been loaned some gear.


also he mentioned that the gear was stolen in from a secure parking lot in a hotel, next to a security guard.

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out of curiosity, what do people say about san fran? i always figured it was super gentrified, or does this just make it a hotspot for theft? 


yeah, rampant homelessness, good pot, insane real estate values.  I have some good friends there, but no way I could ever afford to live there, unless across the bay in Oakland.  Good basketball team too, lol

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he seems amused in that pic


going by the tracks of his ive listened to, the moment the burglar plugs the gear in its gonna produce the loudest sound known to mankind, so he should just have to follow the seismic waves back to his stolen goods

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out of curiosity, what do people say about san fran? i always figured it was super gentrified, or does this just make it a hotspot for theft? 

Beautiful city, unique within the US in that it has a much higher population density than average and is also quite walkable (in spite of being famously hilly). Income gap is tremendous between the upper and lower brackets and continues to widen. Property values are absurdly high compared to the national average and mitigate who can and cannot rent/own. Being largely left-leaning there are also loads of social programs to help those on the lower income tier but Social Housing is almost non existent so those who are homeless must choose between overly crowded Shelters or the street. The Bay Area is Ground Zero for the national dialogue on income inequality and social strata.


ah cool that makes sense. i feel a bit less naive now. it's interesting that san fran is probably one of the most left leaning places in the US yet there seems to be a lack of solutions for homeless people. why would you say this is so? not enough money? (going back to being naive here)



It's a problem everywhere in the U.S., it just manifests itself differently depending on the regions depending on the socioeconomic situation, urban vs rural makeup, geography and history variables etc. Goiter succinctly summed it up in terms of the bay area though.


Texas is the inverse - right-leaning but more affordable than other states on average. So there's more affordable housing (for now) but unlike San Fran/California there a far fewer social programs and those that exist are underfunded or threatened...or private entities / non-profits including religious organizations pick up the slack for better or worse. It's a lot more deregulated which in theory makes it more business friendly but at a cost - lower wages, less benefits for workers, no unions, etc.


Without going into a long rant we have a very inefficient Federal system and a wide, haphazard range of income and employment levels because of such a lack of basic social welfare programs like single payer healthcare. Some states have gone fairly left to try to deal with it, others have gone pretty right-wing. Corruption still permeates in the South (GOP good ole' boy domination in small cities and towns) and in urban midwest/east coast cities (Democrat 'boss' mayors) in a way that has little to do with the actual politics of either party.

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he seems amused in that pic


going by the tracks of his ive listened to, the moment the burglar plugs the gear in its gonna produce the loudest sound known to mankind, so he should just have to follow the seismic waves back to his stolen goods




or just browse craigslist, pawn shops, etc - buddy of mine had his gear stolen from his own driveway, the drum kit (the most expensive of the stuff) was custom made and the guy who bought it from the thief contacted the company because he was suspicious of the low price. the company contacted my friend and the police. they traced it back to some shitty house that was basically a front for stolen items flipped for drug money. it looked like a pack rat / hoarder situation. got some items back, issued an arrest i think too. but like any burglary case it was probably in the system for months or years.

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Saw this last night, fucking sucks Perturbator's good stuff... SanFran sounds like a real shithole from everything I've heard about it.


i feel bad for perturbator and really hope his show is successful regardless, but in all fairness san francisco isn't a shithole. there are areas that can be pretty shit (the tenderloin, parts of the mission, downtown etc and yeah, there's lots of homeless people there but i never recall any bad situations with them because (from what i remember) a majority were genuinely crazy.


like any city in this word (except maybe monaco?) it's all about "where" in the city you're talking about

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out of curiosity, what do people say about san fran? i always figured it was super gentrified, or does this just make it a hotspot for theft? 

Beautiful city, unique within the US in that it has a much higher population density than average and is also quite walkable (in spite of being famously hilly). Income gap is tremendous between the upper and lower brackets and continues to widen. Property values are absurdly high compared to the national average and mitigate who can and cannot rent/own. Being largely left-leaning there are also loads of social programs to help those on the lower income tier but Social Housing is almost non existent so those who are homeless must choose between overly crowded Shelters or the street. The Bay Area is Ground Zero for the national dialogue on income inequality and social strata.


ah cool that makes sense. i feel a bit less naive now. it's interesting that san fran is probably one of the most left leaning places in the US yet there seems to be a lack of solutions for homeless people. why would you say this is so? not enough money? (going back to being naive here)




Frankly, the city doesn't give a shit about the homeless. The mayor's office cares only about appeasing tech companies. Ed Lee is a cunt.


Mayor Cuts Homeless Prevention Money; Hundreds at Risk

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That sucks about his gear though. Odds are the person who stole it has no idea what it's worth and will be sold for cheap.


I was planning on going to the show but (in classic SF fashion) I got too drunk at brunch and had to go home early that day.

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the tenderloin

"There is nothing tender about that place. I've never seen crack smoked so openly"

--Dave Chappelle


my gf was robbed at gunpoint on forehead while leaving me a voicemail in the tenderloin. was without a doubt the weirdest most scary voicemail ive ever received

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