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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Weren't Trump and Putin supposed to have some sort of bromance?


yes they were, but trump consulted his foreign policy advisor who advised him they're no longer bros



My new favourite line from the campaign: "I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things."



flol, I might have to start using that line regularly

Edited by luke viia
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Donald Trump wavers on paying legal fees for violent supporters


At a rally in February, Trump told his supporters about protesters: "Knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. OK? Just knock the hell -- I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise."


and this tuesday, here's what he had to say:


"No, no I didn't say that. I haven't looked at it yet, and nobody's asked me to pay for fees, and somebody asked me a question and I haven't even seen it, so I never said I was going to pay for fees."



A comparatively wise man once recalled a saying from down in Texas - they probably have it in Tennessee too - "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... can't get fooled again." Excluding Trump supporters, I guess.

Edited by luke viia
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A comparatively wise man once recalled a saying from down in Texas - they probably have it in Tennessee too - "fool me once, shame on... shame on you? you fool me, you cain't git fooled agin." Excluding Trump supporters, I guess.


fixt. sorry but this quote is branded on my brain and I remember like every syllable's cadence. I may put it on my gravestone.

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lol, I appreciate the correction. that's even stupider than I remember it and it's still sage advice compared to anything from this election. we're doomed. god bless this gay earth.

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it's way stupider than anyone should have to remember :cisfor: still, Trump's got the best words. he makes the best sentences.

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Donald Trump wavers on paying legal fees for violent supporters


At a rally in February, Trump told his supporters about protesters: "Knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. OK? Just knock the hell -- I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise."


and this tuesday, here's what he had to say:


"No, no I didn't say that. I haven't looked at it yet, and nobody's asked me to pay for fees, and somebody asked me a question and I haven't even seen it, so I never said I was going to pay for fees."



A comparatively wise man once recalled a saying from down in Texas - they probably have it in Tennessee too - "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... can't get fooled again." Excluding Trump supporters, I guess.



that guy ran our fucking country...all 300+ million of us were at his mercy. It's really amazing actually.

Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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A comparatively wise man once recalled a saying from down in Texas - they probably have it in Tennessee too - "fool me once, shame on... shame on you? you fool me, you cain't git fooled agin." Excluding Trump supporters, I guess.


fixt. sorry but this quote is branded on my brain and I remember like every syllable's cadence. I may put it on my gravestone.




lol, I appreciate the correction. that's even stupider than I remember it and it's still sage advice compared to anything from this election. we're doomed. god bless this gay earth.



This election actually makes me miss W. I'll never forgive him for Iraq, and while he catered to the religious right he was quite moderate compared to Cruz, Trump, Walker, Santorum, Carson, Gingrich, etc. and dare I say even endearing as a leader. He really believed in compassionate conservatism, even if it was a delusional effort. Hell, he used to literally put out weekly addresses in English and Spanish to reach all citizens and residents of this country. My god, could you even imagine a GOP candidate even entertaining that notion?


And GOP candidates before him? McCain maintained a respectable tone despite his Palin mishap. Dole was a moderate and a war veteran. HW Bush voted for gun control and even rescinded his NRA membership because the group opposed the assault weapons ban. Reagan despite his lionization was actually very much a compromise oriented president. None of these men could run today without being cast out by the right-wing voter base.

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"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."


Freudian slip?

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hmmm...are they really going to push kasich on us to try and beat trump with a moderate candidate or something?


Man, if only Rand Paul were still around this would be a real election.

I'm really kinda bummed that you still don't see how repugnant Ron and Rand Paul are

They are anarcho-capitalists...the world they want to live in would be a nightmare for most people (including me, you and everyone else here)

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hmmm...are they really going to push kasich on us to try and beat trump with a moderate candidate or something?


Man, if only Rand Paul were still around this would be a real election.

I'm really kinda bummed that you still don't see how repugnant Ron and Rand Paul are

They are anarcho-capitalists...the world they want to live in would be a nightmare for most people (including me, you and everyone else here)



Ron > Rand. Ron always had more of a true libertarian vibe to him, and more truly "hands off" approach. Even after I lost interest in his policies (or lack thereof) I always respected Ron for his transparency and statesman-oriented career. He actually care for his constituents which is why he kept office, despite being anti-war and contrarian on other issues, in a very red part of Texas.


The only thing I'll say about Rand is he's smarter and calmer than most of his peers. He just is too far right imo. He indulges into right-wing nonsense a lot more: anti-vaccine crap, more hawkish than his dad, very pro-2nd amendment. He's still got that libertarian pothead pro-decriminalization angle though.

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hmmm...are they really going to push kasich on us to try and beat trump with a moderate candidate or something?


Man, if only Rand Paul were still around this would be a real election.

I'm really kinda bummed that you still don't see how repugnant Ron and Rand Paul are

They are anarcho-capitalists...the world they want to live in would be a nightmare for most people (including me, you and everyone else here)



I think taxes are completely immoral. In my opinion, It's literal theft.


I think the government is hurting a lot of people, and that corporations wield government like a sword against the best interests of most people. If you take power away from government you can at the same time take power away from corporations. For example, patents, business taxes, subsidies, registration fees, unnecessary inspections and licensing, etc.


So I think that Rand Paul's positions on a lot of government issues would alleviate problems for people.


The perfect government is as small as it can be while offering the things the populous needs, and our government is definitely not that.


Rand would fix a lot of problems just as Bernie would, and I have disagreements with both of them. I don't think any other Republican candidate would benefit the citizens.

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i don't see the need for stoplights, personally


stoplights are only implemented, because they are faster than stop signs. In lieu of either what do you think would occur at intersections? People would organize themselves like they always do when they need to.

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I think taxes are completely immoral. In my opinion, It's literal theft.


I think the government is hurting a lot of people, and that corporations wield government like a sword against the best interests of most people. If you take power away from government you can at the same time take power away from corporations. For example, patents, business taxes, subsidies, registration fees, unnecessary inspections and licensing, etc.


So I think that Rand Paul's positions on a lot of government issues would alleviate problems for people.


The perfect government is as small as it can be while offering the things the populous needs, and our government is definitely not that.


Rand would fix a lot of problems just as Bernie would, and I have disagreements with both of them. I don't think any other Republican candidate would benefit the citizens.

I disagree generally that taxes are evil but I do think the conflation of government and big business is America's (and the world's) #1 problem. Bad for the economy, bad for workers, bad for public health, bad for foreign policy, bad for the environment, bad for the future.


Although I don't have a lot of perspective on Nordic countries, I found myself nodding in agreement to basically the entirety of this article: http://www.businessinsider.com/what-americans-dont-understand-about-nordic-countries-2016-3

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Money that is not willingly given is money that is taken. You cannot refute this principle. Taxes only work because of the threat of force.


Government can be run on voluntary money. It's just that no one is yet smart or daring enough to create a government that functions this way. It's the most efficient and the only moral way.

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i don't see the need for stoplights, personally

stoplights are only implemented, because they are faster than stop signs. In lieu of either what do you think would occur at intersections? People would organize themselves like they always do when they need to.

traffic-in-india.jpg Edited by auxien
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Government can be run on voluntary money. It's just that no one is yet smart or daring enough to create a government that functions this way.

Unicorns and fairies are real, it's just that no one is smart or daring enough to look for them in the right places.

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Whoo, watchin' Bernie stream live from my city right now.



Government can be run on voluntary money. It's just that no one is yet smart or daring enough to create a government that functions this way.

Unicorns and fairies are real, it's just that no one is smart or dating enough to look for them in the right places.





i don't see the need for stoplights, personally

stoplights are only implemented, because they are faster than stop signs. In lieu of either what do you think would occur at intersections? People would organize themselves like they always do when they need to.


yet more lols

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I think taxes are completely immoral. In my opinion, It's literal theft.


I think the government is hurting a lot of people, and that corporations wield government like a sword against the best interests of most people. If you take power away from government you can at the same time take power away from corporations. For example, patents, business taxes, subsidies, registration fees, unnecessary inspections and licensing, etc.


So I think that Rand Paul's positions on a lot of government issues would alleviate problems for people.


The perfect government is as small as it can be while offering the things the populous needs, and our government is definitely not that.


Rand would fix a lot of problems just as Bernie would, and I have disagreements with both of them. I don't think any other Republican candidate would benefit the citizens.

I guess I am finally starting to understand the american dream. The dream of no government.

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