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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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My apathy is through the roof right now. Have you guys heard anything about the largest prison work strike in American history going on for the past month? Pretty wild news going on behind the exchanges of slander and wikileaks stealing the headlines.


and the largest ever strike that happened in india. made the news for about 10 seconds.. and also the 'black strike' in poland over access to abortion... 


can't wait for this shit show of an election to be over.


not that i want to pay attention to the world news in any way. the world is an intrusion. 

Edited by ignatius
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not sure if awesome or delirious or sick of it or joining in or good or bad or meme or joke or jump off a bridge or move to cabin in the woods or eat a bowl of cereal. 




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So, anyone hear about all of Bill's magical rape victims that have come to light the past 2 days right after the TRUMP SCANDAL? I've heard this a few times since yesterday. Also Hillary condoned the rapes, then tormented the victims into keeping silent. Googling it brings up popular right wing conspiracy websites....so... I don't want you guys to get trackers because I posted something. They aren't exactly the most trustworthy sources.


Some people will make up/believe anything.


If this was actual evidence, why wasn't this a story before Trump's blunder?

They haven't just come to light, the Clintons have been dealing with those allegations and such for decades. Trump is just trying to make it a 'new' thing because nothing else he's trying is working. I imagine wikipedia probably has some legitimate sources for the various stories, since your google searching isn't turning up anything but bullshit.



I'm surprised Trump hasn't brought up Vince Foster's staged suicide.

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A new poll in Utah has Trump and Clinton tied, on 26%, with the other republican who's running (former CIA officer and Mormon) Evan McMullen on 22%, Gary Johnson has 16%. Utah last voted for a democrat in '64, LBJ. McMullen has steadily been taking voters off Trump (who had a 20 point lead over Clinton before McMullen entered the race) in the last few polls there, though there haven't been many done so it might be a one-off. Mormons are big on the whole 'family values' thing, so pussygate can't have helped him.


Interestingly Clinton is only 6 points behind in Texas, even a further collapse by Trump and he'd probably still squeak through there, but it's interesting that it's even that close. There was another poll I saw there with a majority of Trump supporters favouring secession from the US if Clinton wins, lol.

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I'm more concerned about what happens after the elections at this point, tbh. Either Trump wins and the entire political system implodes, or Clinton wins and Trump begins his own TV network - with help from ailes and his breitbart buddy - spewing more vile propaganda, making the world more miserable.

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we better all prepare for nuclear armageddon so I guess... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

He's not wrong (unless Trump changes his mind which I wouldn't be surprised if he did), like I've said 100+ times in this thread, a US no fly zone would cause nuclear war.

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well the no-fly-zone isn't actually on the cards at the moment, it might've made sense before Russia got involved and started mercilessly butchering civilians, but not now. NATO doesn't back it for one thing (they recently poo-pooed Turkey's suggestion of a limited one in the north, we might see one limited to northern syria if nothing else changes before the new year perhaps).

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I'm more concerned about what happens after the elections at this point, tbh. Either Trump wins and the entire political system implodes, or Clinton wins and Trump begins his own TV network - with help from ailes and his breitbart buddy - spewing more vile propaganda, making the world more miserable.

Hopefully Trump will crawl back into his pussy-grabbing hole he came out of after he loses in November.

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we better all prepare for nuclear armageddon so I guess... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

He's not wrong (unless Trump changes his mind which I wouldn't be surprised if he did), like I've said 100+ times in this thread, a US no fly zone would cause nuclear war.


It would be very, very bad, yes. But cause a nuclear war? Doubtful.


Also fucking lol at the guy in the link claiming this shit. I know America looks like a bunch of idiots a lot of the time lately, but that ain't the actual case.

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I'm more concerned about what happens after the elections at this point, tbh. Either Trump wins and the entire political system implodes, or Clinton wins and Trump begins his own TV network - with help from ailes and his breitbart buddy - spewing more vile propaganda, making the world more miserable.



After they release the dirt they have on him his only fans will be bottom of the barrel cunts not enough for a tv network

Edited by Deer
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You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing. You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left.


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You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing. You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left.




that link doesn't work for me.


also, it's weird that he perfectly explained the basis for moral sexual activity as if it somehow does not make sense.

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I'm more concerned about what happens after the elections at this point, tbh. Either Trump wins and the entire political system implodes, or Clinton wins and Trump begins his own TV network - with help from ailes and his breitbart buddy - spewing more vile propaganda, making the world more miserable.


It bet he'll be taken out by one of his impending lawsuits. Recently at a rally he told his supporters to vote on November 28... LOL!


It turns out that's actually the court date for his Trump University lawsuit. It must be on his mind. 

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Any activity between two or more people is fine as long as it's what all of the people want to do and no one is being harmed. But as soon as there's a hint that you might have killed somebody or multiple people, here come the left with their "murder police'. 

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Just when Trump thought it couldn't get any worse, it does.  The floodgates have opened, and numerous women are coming forward saying he sexually assaulted them.  Stick a fork in him, he's done.




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Just when Trump thought it couldn't get any worse, it does.  The floodgates have opened, and numerous women are coming forward saying he sexually assaulted them.  Stick a fork in him, he's done.





there's also the Miss teen USA contestant who said he would wander into the dressing room amidst naked teens some as young as 15. 




he's a full on creeper

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