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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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so, trump picked a guy that denies climate change to run the environmental protection agency and the co-founder of the wwe to run small business administration. 


btw: about jill stein asking for recounts in states where trump had marginal wins. isn't this the same woman who was so much against clinton winning and even alluded that it would be much better if trump won, and even had a few choice words for bernie after he endorsed hillary

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so, trump picked a guy that denies climate change to run the environmental protection agency and the co-founder of the wwe to run small business administration. 


btw: about jill stein asking for recounts in states where trump had marginal wins. isn't this the same woman who was so much against clinton winning and even alluded that it would be much better if trump won, and even had a few choice words for bernie after he endorsed hillary



she's opportunistic.  3rd party.. raised millions in like 2 days.. more than she raised for her campaign. she's in the press. people are asking her questions. democrats are talking to her.


at some point.. with most politicians the opportunity is all that matters. if it's big enough then it doesn't matter what they said or when or to whom etc. 

Edited by ignatius
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It's all Russia's agenda apparently.


Okay electoral college. You have one job.



it's what it was designed for right? protect against foreign manipulation? or something. 


i don't expect those people charged with voting in the electoral college to be versed in its actual meaning or have the courage to organize beyond their own self interests. 

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It's all Russia's agenda apparently.


Okay electoral college. You have one job.


it's what it was designed for right? protect against foreign manipulation? or something.


i don't expect those people charged with voting in the electoral college to be versed in its actual meaning or have the courage to organize beyond their own self interests.

Seriously. It was always stupid for the average American to vote Republican but I guess they just need to learn the hard way while everyone else pays for it too.


Wouldn't it be great if Hillary's emails were the biggest problem right now?

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more total bs in delet's post, but can't be arsed to respond to any of it

The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is.


 Can we please stop being a punk because my politics are different to yours. You weren't able to rebut my points, you just rely on invective rhetoric, don't ave any valid points of your own, it's quite tiring and is illustrative as to why so many working people ditched the dems and voted trump, they were sick of being shouted down for no reason by excitable children with no real clue about the world. It's why i haven't bothered with politics on watmm for years, you're all politically, with few exceptions, regressive lefti social justiice warriors. Everything is so politically correct and you lot are so angry when people trigger the safe space. Simma down boi. heh. Lets just get along.

I'm really not interested in whether or not people support trump. It's just the distortion of facts and self serving cherry picking to support personal ideologies, whether left or right, which is mindboggingly annoying.


im not really sure why people keep berating me for not attempting to reason with and actually debate a person so fantastically stupid or cunty that they would vote for donald trump(or ukip)

Edited by messiaen
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more total bs in delet's post, but can't be arsed to respond to any of it

The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is.

Can we please stop being a punk because my politics are different to yours. You weren't able to rebut my points, you just rely on invective rhetoric, don't ave any valid points of your own, it's quite tiring and is illustrative as to why so many working people ditched the dems and voted trump, they were sick of being shouted down for no reason by excitable children with no real clue about the world. It's why i haven't bothered with politics on watmm for years, you're all politically, with few exceptions, regressive lefti social justiice warriors. Everything is so politically correct and you lot are so angry when people trigger the safe space. Simma down boi. heh. Lets just get along.

I'm really not interested in whether or not people support trump. It's just the distortion of facts and self serving cherry picking to support personal ideologies, whether left or right, which is mindboggingly annoying.

im not really sure why people keep berating me for not attempting to reason with and actually debate a person so fantastically stupid or cunty that they would vote for donald trump(or ukip)

Well, seems to me there are roughly two ways of seeing political opponents (e.g. Trump supporters):


1) an army of evil mindless robots who must be overcome using force or cunning

2) fellow human beings with a rich inner life who are capable of reason and empathy


The implications of the first position are ultimately genocidal. I mean hey, what do you do with an adversary you can't reason with? If not reason and dialog, then what? How could things possibly change otherwise? The only answers left are: force, and random 'acts of God' (which you can't control anyway).



Anyway, maybe let's give the second one a crack for a bit, ya?

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If there has been some concrete proof that Russia has been involved with anything besides the word of someone, I would really love to see it. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia was involved with leaking the Wikileaks emails or if they were involved in his campaign, but I also wouldn't be surprised if this was a lie from the government like the the WMD talk. The new """establishment""" hates Trump, it's no secret. The old """establishment""" wanted Iraq, that's no secret either. I'm not saying that just because the big guys upstairs don't like Trump that must mean he's good, that's obviously not true at all. We just need at least a little bit of actual evidence of interference. I don't trust the Trump campaign when they tell us that they had no involvement without any proof and I also do not trust the CIA when they tell me that they did without any proof whatsoever. Does anyone have any links that would indicate at least one tiny bit of info?

Edited by clarktrent
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If there has been some concrete proof that Russia has been involved with anything besides the word of someone, I would really love to see it. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia was involved with leaking the Wikileaks emails or if they were involved in his campaign, but I also wouldn't be surprised if this was a lie from the government like the the WMD talk. The new """establishment""" hates Trump, it's no secret. The old """establishment""" wanted Iraq, that's no secret either. I'm not saying that just because the big guys upstairs don't like Trump that must mean he's good, that's obviously not true at all. We just need at least a little bit of actual evidence of interference. I don't trust the Trump campaign when they tell us that they had no involvement without any proof and I also do not trust the CIA when they tell me that they did without any proof whatsoever. Does anyone have any links that would indicate at least one tiny bit of info?




sort of. it's well documented that the speech Colin Powell gave at the UN on WMDs was doctored after it left CIA.  it was way off script. there were several analysts who made the case that saddam adn iraq had no links to alqaeda and iraq had greatly reduced ability to make WMDs adn the reports kept getting sent back to CIA with essentially notes in the margin saying "make connections" and eventually some analysts even quit but they never lied and made shit up.. they were expecting powell to read a version of their report but it was not so. the powers that be in the administration just made up new narrative to suit their agenda.  the people in the administration who went against this agenda were dismissed and kept away from the president.


so, trump saying "these are the people who told us iraq had WMDs" is at the least disingenuous. he's controlling the narrative and basically spreading the insecurity and doutb to the public to not trust anything anyone says but him. 


17 intelligence organizations said there's evidence that russian hackers were involved.. not directly hacking voting machines but hacking the DNC and apparently the RNC as well but the RNC hacks weren't made public. 


an investigation should happen just so we know what really went on.. whether or not it changes the outcome is another story. 


personally i think USA is in store for a shit storm at every level of federal gov't.  

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If there has been some concrete proof that Russia has been involved with anything besides the word of someone, I would really love to see it. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia was involved with leaking the Wikileaks emails or if they were involved in his campaign, but I also wouldn't be surprised if this was a lie from the government like the the WMD talk. The new """establishment""" hates Trump, it's no secret. The old """establishment""" wanted Iraq, that's no secret either. I'm not saying that just because the big guys upstairs don't like Trump that must mean he's good, that's obviously not true at all. We just need at least a little bit of actual evidence of interference. I don't trust the Trump campaign when they tell us that they had no involvement without any proof and I also do not trust the CIA when they tell me that they did without any proof whatsoever. Does anyone have any links that would indicate at least one tiny bit of info?


My take on this discussion there's a bit of miscommunication involved.


I expect there's proof for the spread of misinformation or propaganda even (semantic discussion) from people who are (indirectly) on the payroll of russian government. No direct involvement in rigging the election and/or direct support of the trump campaign.


Probably similar tactics to those people spreading fake news on facebook and/or massively taking part in discussions on social media. More than we probably think. It only takes 10/20 people doing this full time to spread misinformation online (facebook, reddit, newspaper sites, youtube channels, twitter, ...). (lets say 30K salary each, and the entire investment isn't that big at all - lets say 1 mln).


You see Trump blasting the CIA, because he thinks everyone's implying he didn't win the election on his own. I don't think that is implied, but to his defense, even if it was implied, it would be near impossible to prove Trump won the election because of russian involvement. Even if the CIA have found financial ties between people spreading misinformation and the russian government. It's even near impossible to make the case Comey got Trump to win the election. 


But I don't believe anyone's arguing Trump wouldn't have won, at this point. Not even HRC. But that's clearly not what the Trump crowd's thinking.


The point is merely intelligence agencies have evidence of foreign people (russians) being structurally (and full-time) involved in western social media outlets and spreading misinformation. I doubt they have any evidence of direct involvement of the russian goverment. And evidence is mostly restricted to groups of people from russia.


But this is merely speculation of course.

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I'm going full moderate/centrist from here on. The fact that we have elected a POTUS dismissive of hostile hacking targeting our system makes my blood boil. 


If someone had told me that trusting senior senators, the CIA, FBI, and military, and our legislative process as a whole would be a sure bet way to piss off my older conservative relatives and friends I would have thought they were confused or absurdly mistaken. Yet here we fucking are, at a point where being hopeful of my government, fearing Russia, and trusting the system makes me an anti-American liberal in the eyes of the right-wing. Trump is an actual supervillian. 






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I'm going full moderate/centrist from here on. The fact that we have elected a POTUS dismissive of hostile hacking targeting our system makes my blood boil. 


If someone had told me that trusting senior senators, the CIA, FBI, and military, and our legislative process as a whole would be a sure bet way to piss off my older conservative relatives and friends I would have thought they were confused or absurdly mistaken. Yet here we fucking are, at a point where being hopeful of my government, fearing Russia, and trusting the system makes me an anti-American liberal in the eyes of the right-wing. Trump is an actual supervillian. 






On point, all of this

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I broke. I posted this on facebook. I haven't posted political stuff in years so it's likely those I know who voted for Trump might have actually saw this. 


This is doltish and ignorant on multiple levels. It's sexist. It's childish. Even I'm being generous it's a cheap, lame joke. Furthermore, man has historically been synonymous with the word "person" e.g. Neil Armstrong's quote "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." A person who knows that would not be the one to make statements like this or acknowledge them by pep rally-esque cheering.

This isn't "being un-PC" or "telling it as it is," this is pure spite and foolishness, and it is far below anything any president in my lifetime has ever uttered in public.



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jesus fuck.  this guy is gonna do this kid of petty bullshit every chance he gets and all these fucking idiot nimrods are going to yuck uck yuck and guffaw all over themselves and think they're part of the administration and have some say

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