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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I'm amazed there was never an attempt on Obama.



he got more than average



there's even a seperate wiki for the threats he got:



Edited by triachus
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Don't kill him, give him a high dose of psilocybin and see what happens


He would be stuck in front of his golden mirror for hours watching his combover transform and grow upon itself. All the while mumbling " yuge...yuge...yuge..."

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Sadly, I think killing the beast would only make things worse.


Not to mention an assault on our what is left of our republic and democratic values. I don't condone killing him of course but that aspect of it is why even hypothetical talk of him being killed bothers me. We have to get through this shitshow and come out stronger.


Don't kill him, give him a high dose of psilocybin and see what happens


He would be stuck in front of his golden mirror for hours watching his combover transform and grow upon itself. All the while mumbling " yuge...yuge...yuge..."



now this I can get behind in theory

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One last shout out to Obama. I don't hold much against him and he was a level headed sane man in an insane world. It boggles my mind that people passionately hate him. 


I would be more than happy to talk to the guy, and I can't say the same for any other president I've seen in my lifetime. 

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One last shout out to Obama. I don't hold much against him and he was a level headed sane man in an insane world. It boggles my mind that people passionately hate him. 


I would be more than happy to talk to the guy, and I can't say the same for any other president I've seen in my lifetime. 


Same here, and I say that as someone who cynically rolled my eyes at him and his supporters back in 2008. I voted for him in 2012 and would have easily voted for him again if it wasn't for this country's term limits. He's had his missteps and weaknesses but I think he sincerely and honestly lead us for 8 years. 


Ironically I think he matured and got a better handle as POTUS the more and more people despised him. Steadfastness irks opponents.  

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Watching last night's Frontline made me wonder how Trump would have responded to any of the Obama era tragedies (e.g. Boston, Sandy Hook, Emmanuel Methodist). I can't imagine this graceless prick offering any kind of comfort (or sense of stability) after the first terror attack/mass shooting/natural disaster of his reign. 


Even the Antichrist Bush managed to hit the right emotional note on occasion. 

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Watching last night's Frontline made me wonder how Trump would have responded to any of the Obama era tragedies (e.g. Boston, Sandy Hook, Emmanuel Methodist). I can't imagine this graceless prick offering any kind of comfort (or sense of stability) after the first terror attack/mass shooting/natural disaster of his reign. 


Even the Antichrist Bush managed to hit the right emotional note on occasion. 


He dials it in as needed, then usually follows up with some angry counterproductive bullshit. I can't think of one 'bold' and original statement of empathy he or most of his diehard followers have ever espoused. They don't care unless they get their feelings hurt. They are spoiled, rotten children.


Bush was severely misguided but he did actually espouse 'compassionate conservationism' - he did weekly speeches in spanish, worked on bipartisan funding of aid of Africa, medicare expansion, actively sought to work with, not against, the Muslim American community, etc. 

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cunts like Soros are the deal-makers n breakers & how can you ever regulate a vampire like that


it would be easy to list Bush & Obama's war crimes records, but real money is always ahead of politics


at least you didnt have a cunt like B.liar lapping out a fellow war criminal's ring-piece publicly week in week out, his end will be the only human death i could ever raise a pint to

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"A homeless man with links to Bill and Hillary Clinton..."


no doubt he's part of the pizzagate sex trafficking ring. 

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fuhrer trump BABY fuckin HELL YEA BABY let's GET EM. lib cuck salty pepe sandiwiches AMERICA FUCKIN FUCK YEA, lets go get some scummy beaners and muzzies. i've never been so proud to be AMERICAN, eat shit weakling eurocucks



my homie john dropping truth bombs on youtube

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