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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Aw c'mon, Trump isn't that bad. Deep inside is heart he is a nice and caring person I believe. All that racism and misogyny - you know - he ... erm doesn't mean it that way, just came out wrong. Just give him a chance... and hilary would have been a bad president as well... and, it's not all that bad. We are all humans, you know, nobody is perfect. He hates muslims? Aw come on, he didn't mean it that way

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Looks like Native American is back on the menu, boys: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/01/24/trump-gives-green-light-to-dakota-access-keystone-xl-oil-pipelines/?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_xlpipeline-1130a%3Ahomepage%2Fstory




President Trump signed executive orders Tuesday clearing the way for the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines to move forward, another step in Trump’s effort to dismantle former President Obama’s environmental legacy.



not to mention that trump has stock with the company building the DAPL. he claims to have sold it but i highly doubt that, another reason why he doesn't want to release his tax returns



It's such a fuck you to Obama's legacy, environmentalists, the EPA and other regulatory agencies more so than any substantive pro-oil effort. The saddest, most infuriating thing is they retort any facts and logic proving otherwise by saying it will bring jobs and growth.


In fact this pipeline is completely based off the proposal to import oil from Canada, not promote oil export production in the U.S. It literally goes against his populist economic rhetoric, not surprising because I don't think he actually believes it. Also, the need for it has been hampered by fracking and natural oil boom stateside. It's needless in the long-run which makes it infuriating that lobby for it keeps winning, they know better but they will shamelessly beg for subsidies and approval anyway. Besides, if he really wants to promote American first and only he'd be advocating clean energy just as much as domestic oil/gas production. 

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This administration is Hydra, Trump is just one head, removing it won't do shit, Pence, Bannon , the weirdo christians and the Putin sympathisers would still be in there. If trump is assassinated they would make him a martyr.


what we need is a scandal to sink all these cunts to to the bottom of obscurity 

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I'm not a proponent of violence personally. Libya already went that route with Ghaddafi in late 2011. As I understand there's been ongoing unrest in one form or another in the country since.

Trump's obvious weakness is embarrassment. He should be scrutinized and ridiculed mercilessly, to the point where he'll shit himself, if only out of sheer amusement. I don't wish him to be assassinated. I just want him and is group of oligarchic dinosaurs out of the highest positions of power. If they weren't in these positions or aspiring to occupy them, they wouldn't even be a concern for me.

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No need for violence, I believe there is enough shit on trump to impeach him, there are forces working 24/7 to find shit on him its just a matter of time

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what we need is a scandal to sink all these cunts to to the bottom of obscurity 



Maybe a dead prostitute in the white house? Do we know any hookers willing to get down with the cause?


Or we could just get Trump to lie under oath. Orchestrating a situation to get him in the court room would be tougher than getting him to lie about whatever it is he's there for.

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'Trump administration officials instructed employees at multiple agencies in recent days to cease communicating with the public through news releases, official social media accounts and correspondence, raising concerns that federal employees will be able to convey only information that supports the new president’s agenda.'


At the EPA, for example, communications staff received a memo instructing them that “no social media will be going out” and “a digital strategist will be coming on board” to oversee it. It added, “Incoming media requests will carefully screened.”



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He can be impeached right now for his conflicts of interests, against which there is a clearly-written safeguard in the constitution called the Emoluments Clause. Unfortunately, the republicans controlling congress want Trump's help dismantling financial reform, giving tax breaks to the rich, and reversing progress on fossil fuel dependence.


Washington think tank the Brookings Institution put together this paper, THE EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE: ITS TEXT, MEANING, AND APPLICATION TO DONALD J. TRUMP. On page 22 they get to the interesting section "Remedies for Emolument Clause Violations." One such remedy:



Second, if Mr. Trump  enters office in  what would obviously constitute  a knowing  and  indeed  intentional  violation  of  the  Emoluments  Clause  and  then  declines  to  cure  that  violation  during  his  tenure,  Congress  would  be  well  within  its  rights  to  impeach  him  for  engaging in “high crimes and misdemeanors.” This  would  not  require  any  evidence  of  provable  bribes  or  other  specific  malfeasance,  since  the  whole  aim  and  theory  of  the  Emoluments Clause is that the President (among others) is not lawfully permitted to  order  his private dealings with foreign powers such that they are  vulnerable to  systemic , invidious,  undetectable corruption. So long as Mr. Trump persists in doing so, Congress would have a  plainly  valid  basis under the Constitution for concluding he cannot serve in office -- both as  a  matter  of  first  principles  and  given  evidence  that  at  least  one  prominent  leader  in  the  ratification process saw violations of this Clause as grounds for impeachment.

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All these executive orders are just the climaxes of a rump for Trump voters, the foreplay being the primaries, the election being 3rd base, the sex being the lame duck period. This is peak orgasm? Next. He naps, acts like an asshole the next morning before abruptly leaving, he won't call back, he'll slut-shame America, and then he'll come back as a violent jealous ex. 

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Trump having Jewish blood and a negroid love child are the only things that could topple this mountain of shit.


Nah they'll find some way of excusing that, even the neo-Nazis find a way to defend the existence of Israel (they claim it's a case example of race based government white supremacists can learn from).


It needs to be a leaked email of him lol'ing with Clinton about Benghazi or some shit.

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Having him undone by his Clinton connections would be a thing of beauty.



I don't believe there

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b-b-b-but gummint caint fix nuthin


Send some fucking textbooks and get all those schools reopened, you fucking horrendous shitheap of a man

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