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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Just finished this with Paul Ryan, a bit of a long read, but interesting points of how Ryan's sorta given up in ways, how much of a pussy he's become, and how much he's deluding himself the last couple years. A bit sad at times, I kinda like Ryan, despite not liking pretty much any of his conclusions on policy. It's his own fault though, no one's forced him to kiss Trump's ass. 



Yeesh. This bit:




He bills himself as a guardian of the free-trading, debt-shrinking notions that Republican-led governments used to stand for before Trump crashed the tent.


Yeah, George W. Bush was just a fiscally conservative Republican that improved the debt by starting two multi trillion dollar wars.




and gave tax cuts tot he rich at the same time. 

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GOP only touts the debt as a issue when a Dem is in office. IIRC the last major surpluses that help cut down the deficient were under the Clinton / Gingrich years, literally last century.

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The Other Side of John McCain


If the paeans to McCain by diverse political climbers seems detached from reality, it’s because they reflect the elite view of U.S. military interventions as a chess game, with the millions killed by unprovoked aggression mere statistics, says Max Blumenthal.




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i thought conservatives are for small government, but it sounds like he now wants government intervention with what results you get from google searches

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i thought conservatives are for small government, but it sounds like he now wants government intervention with what results you get from google searches


it's a doublespeak talking point now - they've for centralized right-wing power


"local control" is another claim they pushed hard for in Texas to pander to small town conservatives but it backfired when Denton banned fracking, Austin banned plastic bags, and other liberal / progressive policies passed in Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston. So the GOP put in a statewide ban on bans. Now they've been pushing for more laws specifically targeting progressive policies. It's authoritarian. They won't even comprehend the hypocrisy, let alone admit it.


Southern states are a good example of this as a default: Alabama has one of the longest and convoluted constitutions in existence and the state has stripped away a lot of powers of municipalities and counties. 


any of the true "small government" / libertarian minded GOP members get a bone thrown to them as needed

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"we're going to look at if google searches can be regulated."










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check this: kelli ward who is a republican candidate from arizona, replied to a facebook post started by one of her staffers, alleging that the reason mccain ended his brain cancer treatment was done to take attention away from her campaign.




when this was reported (in the arizona media) she blamed the media for painting her in a bad light 


btw: primaries for republicans start today and joe arpaio is in last place

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Jesus, Rick Scott got almost 90% of the vote in Florida for US Senate. Flori-fail.



it's a primary. so 90% of republican votes. Scott will face off against Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson in November. he coudl very well win. rick scott is a total piece of shit though. he's always been dirty. scammer. his company made it a policy to overbill medicare and they committed fraud i the 100s of millions of dollars. 


race for govenor gonna be nasty i think:


Andrew Gillum, a Black Progressive, and Ron DeSantis, a Trump Acolyte, Win Florida Governor Primaries



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^ I'm glad to see we're getting true right-wing versus left-wing elections. I hope it'll lead to less voter apathy and fewer third party throw away votes. 

check this: kelli ward who is a republican candidate from arizona, replied to a facebook post started by one of her staffers, alleging that the reason mccain ended his brain cancer treatment was done to take attention away from her campaign.




when this was reported (in the arizona media) she blamed the media for painting her in a bad light 


btw: primaries for republicans start today and joe arpaio is in last place


spoiled BABY boomers indeed - everything is about the world against them

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Sarah Palin not invited to McCain's funeral either, ouch.



good. that asshole. she should go back up to alaska and stay there. disinviting her is the least he could do. 

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Lol trump cancels raises for federal workers. So much for that 2% cola adjustment. I wonder if that includes armed forces?


Fucking guy gives $4.6 billion to farmers because of his stupid tariffs and big tax cut to the rich but oh well no wage hike for the diligent federal public servant.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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That shit don't matter. The maga faithful are so drunk on snake oil they'll support him even if he takes half their paycheck.

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Sarah Palin not invited to McCain's funeral either, ouch.



good. that asshole. she should go back up to alaska and stay there. disinviting her is the least he could do. 


No. We don't want her back.

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I would hate fuck 2008 Sarah Palin tbqh. Do some POV milf facial porn on dat ass. I wonder if McCain tapped it. Patriotism n shit


Edit: Ironically but yes

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Trump Says Mueller Investigation Is ‘Illegal’, Trump-Appointed Judge Says He’s Wrong


he's such a fuck toddler. if he gets indicted he's going to call for civil war. watch.. he'll say some more dumb shit about the "2nd amendment people" 


Donald Trump Suggests ‘Second Amendment People’ Could Act Against Hillary Clinton





remember when he said he wouldn't accept election results if he didn't win? 


Donald Trump: 'I will totally accept' election results 'if I win'




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