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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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That Kaepernick Nike ad is just  :facepalm:


It's like the board was sitting around saying "there's absolute NO WAY anyone would misconstrue this message!"



The reality is that they mean to stir the shit pot so they get more media attention/sales


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trump is a man of God. i pray for him to continue serving our country with honor and dignity, that he would drain the swamp and get us on track!



Whether or not sarcasm is intended, I am uncertain...

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trump is a man of God. i pray for him to continue serving our country with honor and dignity, that he would drain the swamp and get us on track!



Whether or not sarcasm is intended, I am uncertain...

I can imagine a giant billboard of this across a building in some dystopian future (fiction)(hopefully)

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Billings, Montana


President Donald Trump told supporters Thursday that if he is impeached "it's your fault 'cause you didn't go out to vote."
"You didn't go out to vote -- that's the only way it could happen," Trump said during a rally in Billings, Montana.
"I'll be the only President in history they'll say: 'What a job he's done! By the way, we're impeaching him,' " Trump said.
"This election, you aren't just voting for a candidate, you are voting for which party controls Congress," the President said. "Very important thing. Very important thing." 
At Thursday's rally, Trump railed against Democrats, like Rep. Maxine Waters of California, who have made impeaching him a central part of their political identity. He engaged in a mock conversation, playing both the role of supporter and defender, during one portion of the rally.
"They like to use the 'impeach' word," Trump said. " 'Impeach Trump.' Maxine Waters: 'We will impeach him.' 'But he didn't do anything wrong.' 'It doesn't matter. We will impeach him. We will impeach.' "
"But I say, how do you impeach somebody that's doing a great job, that hasn't done anything wrong?" Trump said. "Our economy is good. How do you do it? How do you do it? How do you do it?"
" 'We will impeach him!' " Trump shouted, " 'But he's doing a great job!' 'Doesn't matter.' Remember that line, 'He's doing a great job.' 'That doesn't matter. We'll impeach him.'"
Trump later warned the United States would turn into a "Third World country" because of the precedent his hypothetical impeachment would set.
"But let's say a Democrat gets elected, and let's say we have a Republican House. We will impeach that Democrat, right? And then a Republican. We won by a lot. We won by a hell of a margin," Trump said.
"If the opposite party becomes president, every time before it even starts, before you've even found out whether or not he or she is going to do a great job, they'll say, 'We want to impeach him' and you'll impeach him," Trump said. "It's so ridiculous."



"It's so ridiculous."


"It's so ridiculous."


"It's so ridiculous."

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he has a point...




i did a deep dive on a north dakota maga facebook group yesterday.


actually pretty nice of them to put the complete and total URL on there in case u forget how to get to FB groups

Edited by colunga
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Billings, Montana


President Donald Trump told supporters Thursday that if he is impeached "it's your fault 'cause you didn't go out to vote."
"You didn't go out to vote -- that's the only way it could happen," Trump said during a rally in Billings, Montana.
"I'll be the only President in history they'll say: 'What a job he's done! By the way, we're impeaching him,' " Trump said.
"This election, you aren't just voting for a candidate, you are voting for which party controls Congress," the President said. "Very important thing. Very important thing." 





This is donnie in a nutshell. If he's associated with something and it goes wrong, it's not his fault. If he's associated with something and it goes right, then he takes all the credit.


Does this sound like anyone you might know:



Narcissistic personality disorder Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:
- Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
- Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
- Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
- Exaggerate achievements and talents
- Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
- Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
- Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
- Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
- Take advantage of others to get what they want
- Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
- Be envious of others and believe others envy them
- Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
- Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office
At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:
- Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
- Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
- React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
- Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
- Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
- Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
- Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation
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that Donald rant is really one of the most literary, brilliant things that have come out of his presidency so far. it's his personality mixed with a really potent dose of insecurity and fear, thinly veiled.

Edited by sheathe
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Interesting thread, apparently you can $$$ for just showing up to Trump rallies, extra for being non-white and/or holding a sign


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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The fact that they're willing to pay people to attend his rallies is telling. Also notice how most of his rallies are filmed close up, as if to conceal the actual number of attendees (or lack thereof).

Also lol @ this part of one of the posts


I made 50 bucks a night going to these things. Don't even support Trump, I just needed drug money.

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I really need money right now and it’s either clinical trials or trump rallies.


I’ve read about participants having layers of skin come off on their sheets in the morning. Not sure if that was about clinical trials or trump rallies.

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To be honest, anyone can make that shit and post it... Wouldn't surprise me, but it's the same as the 'Soros pays them libz to come out and protest for black people to be treated like people' to hear me left-ish friends parrot that ad around.


Donald Trump needs no help destroying his presidency. Him and his base put the rest of us in the shitter and all we can do is watch more turds fall into the deep chasm of self-realization and despair realizing it was all a sham before getting sucked into the sewers below with the rest of us turds. 


I don't live in Middle America. I live in cloistered-ass Seattle up in the corner of the USA that should basically just be BC at this point. But holy fuck, having been to Vegas, Charleston, Newark, Portsmouth, Miami, Dallas and Phoenix in the last year.... It's fucking ridiculous we haven't broken into smaller nation-states... but then we'd all die in some war... 

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I don't live in Middle America. I live in cloistered-ass Seattle up in the corner of the USA that should basically just be BC at this point. But holy fuck, having been to Vegas, Charleston, Newark, Portsmouth, Miami, Dallas and Phoenix in the last year.... It's fucking ridiculous we haven't broken into smaller nation-states... but then we'd all die in some war... 

Depends on who's in the WH I guess. I could see Cascadia and California being some of the first to secede, as well as Hawaii. Not sure about Alaska because the majority of locals here are conservative af, even though we're a satellite state - unless there were another Democrat POTUS in office.


War may be unlikely, at least across new borders. Because humans have typically fought each other over primarily over territory or resources throughout the course of millennia. It would be more likely to happen from within, because we've gotten so physically integrated at this point despite our political differences. It may lead to scattered migrations though. Might be more or less like the USSR collapse in 1991, although most of us would still be speaking English.


At this point a fracturing of the continental US would depend on how much we would actually benefit from it.

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