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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Classic donnie. Dipshit says he should be off the hook because it's the lawyer's fault ("he made a mistake, not me") for making hush money payments to his porn star buddies:




These were also simply private transactions among consenting adults...so donnie says why is this such a big deal? C'mon people, nothing to see here. 

Edited by zero
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It's lovely stuff this. He might basically play out his legal defence in public, before the case has even been brought against him. Helps Mueller and his team to tighten the case and close any potential holes in it. If any, that is.



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This will never happen but: In my rage-fueled fantasy land, Trump gets convicted (of something, collusion, sexual assault, being a dick, whatever) and is forced to serve a life-sentence in prison. But it's not one of those plush, country club prisons with manicured lawns, spa-treatments, and golf outings on the weekends. No, it's a 4x4 cell with a bucket for a toilet, a phone cued up to his twitter account locked inside an impenetrable glass box, and a gigantic picture window that the public can use to observe his behavior and habits menagerie style. Oh, also, a button that allows people to yell at him but no outgoing sound. 

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Won't he become like the invisible man in an orange jumpsuit? His orange hands, orange face will blend right into it. 


"Uh sir, there's an orange figure moving around down in cell block C. I can't make a positive ID it's the prisoner...too much orange emanating from that direction." 

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Won't he become like the invisible man in an orange jumpsuit? His orange hands, orange face will blend right into it. 


"Uh sir, there's an orange figure moving around down in cell block C. I can't make a positive ID it's the prisoner...too much orange emanating from that direction." 


good point. thing is though, who's going to paint him orange in prison? he'll turn white in a week. or rather, im willing to make a bet on the amount of time itll take trump to lose his orange color in prison. a week! ;D

Edited by goDel
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Won't he become like the invisible man in an orange jumpsuit? His orange hands, orange face will blend right into it. 


"Uh sir, there's an orange figure moving around down in cell block C. I can't make a positive ID it's the prisoner...too much orange emanating from that direction." 


Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers


That same year, she said, Mr. Trump had an outburst over some orange stains on the collar of his white golf shirt, which Ms. Diaz described as stubborn remnants of his makeup, which she had difficulty removing.


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This is what happens when someone who's main experience of debate is petty arguments on a reality show somehow ends up as president. Come Armageddon come.

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Mike Pence sitting there silent, dumbfounded, reminded me of a time way back when I was on acid sitting in a room of people also on acid jabberring on about nothing. I sat glued to my chair, unable to talk, and starred blankly at these jabbering peoples faces. Nothing made sense and I instead turned to watch the acid bugs move around on the carpet and walls.

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the movie/miniseries of this is gonna be great. i look forward to all the different versions. the michael bay version.. the david simon version.. the soderberg version.. the anime version.. the christian patriot film etc etc etc... 

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next he'll try to deport holocaust survivors... 



this is some straight up nazi white supremacy bullshit. dude is off his rocker and having a tantrum because he was made to look stupid yesterday

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Well wouldn't this be the point in the movie when the main villain realizes the feds are closing in all around him and it's time to bounce? In the Michael Bay version, I can picture Russian operatives moving in quickly to escort the orange villain out of the country, followed by a massive armed conflict between confused MAGA forces, Space force, and the russian army.

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