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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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trump is gonna sign the bill funding the gov't and avoiding the shutdown but is also going to declare a national emergency. 


this fucking guy needs to get rolled up in a rug and dumped in a ditch.


Silver lining: next democratic prez get to call a national emergency after the next mass shooting. And do something about it. Thx gop!!

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trump is gonna sign the bill funding the gov't and avoiding the shutdown but is also going to declare a national emergency.


this fucking guy needs to get rolled up in a rug and dumped in a ditch.

So you can "plan" a national emergency like a conference call or something?
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Yes! This is a postmodern society. National emergency is in the eye of the beholder. And if you could plan an emergency after a coming tornado, why not this? Also, Trump is like a stable tornado and arguably a national emergency. So ironically the question rises why it took so bloody damn long to call for a national emergency. It's about time.


/not cerious

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trump is gonna sign the bill funding the gov't and avoiding the shutdown but is also going to declare a national emergency.


this fucking guy needs to get rolled up in a rug and dumped in a ditch.

So you can "plan" a national emergency like a conference call or something?




you can take 2 years planning it instead of negotiating it and also turn down various deals that would have avoided along the way

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This must be obvious to people who have kids, but the shit this presidency does has got to be seriously distorting their perception of what it means to lead a country. I remember being so confused about all sorts of shit when I was a kid, just believing nonsense things because I didn't know any better. To have a president acting the fool 24/7 making delusional claims and saying so much shit that makes no sense, using executive powers in ways that aren't only abusive but also just generally irrational and sloppy has got to be warping their minds, especially the ones too young to have another precedent to compare with.

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Plus, the people pulling this crap were the exact same people who accused the government of being a swamp or corrupt. Kinda like that girlfriend who uses the "all man are pigs" argument to justify acting like a pig herself.

It's so tiresome. The bigger the accusations, the higher the likelyhood for the pot calling kettle.

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The "national emergency" in this case is the equivalent of a child throwing a fit in a retail outlet because their mother refused to buy them the toy they wanted. I guess the mother in this context would be the current House speaker.

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The "national emergency" in this case is the equivalent of a child throwing a fit in a retail outlet because their mother refused to buy them the toy they wanted. I guess the mother in this context would be the current House speaker.



except turtle face in the senate said he would support trump in declaring a national emergency.. so i guess that means the parents are divorced in this scenario and  mcconnel is the dad giving in to buy the love of the brat to spite the mother

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using executive powers in ways that aren't only abusive but also just generally irrational and sloppy has got to be warping their minds, especially the ones too young to have another precedent to compare with.

definitely no fan of Trump, but Bush 2 and Obama were arguably much worse with executive powers, maybe not in America but definitely in other places in the globe. Look at Libya, for instance. Say what you want about Gaddafi and the GSPLAJ, but at least it's an ethos. He had the lid on Africa and look at how many people have died just trying to get across the Mediterranean since he's been deposed, let alone the power vacuum and socio-political instability of that country now, let alone the seeds of tribal violence and disputes that will no doubt be sprouting there for years to come, 'our fathers died for this land, etc.' Foreign policy-wise Trump has not been nearly as deadly as the last two prezi's, but his admin's posturing and actions toward Iran are very worrying. He also seems to be serious about trying to get out of Syria and Afghanistan, but dems and repubs at home are totally resistant. 

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This must be obvious to people who have kids, but the shit this presidency does has got to be seriously distorting their perception of what it means to lead a country. I remember being so confused about all sorts of shit when I was a kid, just believing nonsense things because I didn't know any better. To have a president acting the fool 24/7 making delusional claims and saying so much shit that makes no sense, using executive powers in ways that aren't only abusive but also just generally irrational and sloppy has got to be warping their minds, especially the ones too young to have another precedent to compare with.


First time I heard my 4 year old mention "president trump" I was like AAAGGGHHH....DON'T EVER SAY THAT NAME AGAIN!!!!! 


And I hate having the news on TV when he's around because I don't want him to start asking me "why is president trump doing that" or "what is president trump talking about" because I'm gonna have no fucking clue how to explain that without using curse words.

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using executive powers in ways that aren't only abusive but also just generally irrational and sloppy has got to be warping their minds, especially the ones too young to have another precedent to compare with.

definitely no fan of Trump, but Bush 2 and Obama were arguably much worse with executive powers, maybe not in America but definitely in other places in the globe. Look at Libya, for instance. Say what you want about Gaddafi and the GSPLAJ, but at least it's an ethos. He had the lid on Africa and look at how many people have died just trying to get across the Mediterranean since he's been deposed, let alone the power vacuum and socio-political instability of that country now, let alone the seeds of tribal violence and disputes that will no doubt be sprouting there for years to come, 'our fathers died for this land, etc.' Foreign policy-wise Trump has not been nearly as deadly as the last two prezi's, but his admin's posturing and actions toward Iran are very worrying. He also seems to be serious about trying to get out of Syria and Afghanistan, but dems and repubs at home are totally resistant. 

yeah this


whats trump doing in Venezuela? he stood on a platform of not interefering in other nations' business, no more bushisms, no more iraq, afghanistan, libya, no more dumb wars. guess trump despite being a powerful billionaire is powerless to stop the agenda of other powerful billionaires. and trump promised more than he could deliver. 

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CBS cut away during his national emergency speech so they could return to regular programming if The Price is Right





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This must be obvious to people who have kids, but the shit this presidency does has got to be seriously distorting their perception of what it means to lead a country. I remember being so confused about all sorts of shit when I was a kid, just believing nonsense things because I didn't know any better. To have a president acting the fool 24/7 making delusional claims and saying so much shit that makes no sense, using executive powers in ways that aren't only abusive but also just generally irrational and sloppy has got to be warping their minds, especially the ones too young to have another precedent to compare with.


First time I heard my 4 year old mention "president trump" I was like AAAGGGHHH....DON'T EVER SAY THAT NAME AGAIN!!!!! 


And I hate having the news on TV when he's around because I don't want him to start asking me "why is president trump doing that" or "what is president trump talking about" because I'm gonna have no fucking clue how to explain that without using curse words.



Just tell them how it is:


The US is a democracy which means the people elect their leaders.  Sometimes some of us end up electing leaders who aren't good.  Trump is one of the bad ones, and he's worse than the rest of the bad ones from the past.  He didn't pay attention in school and he doesn't care about other people, and lots of people in our country are the same way so they like him.  In a couple years he has to run again to see if he gets to be President a second time, and it looks like he probably won't win, then if we're lucky we'll get someone better who cares about other people and paid attention in school.

Edited by Zeffolia
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As usual his speech was a rambling incoherent mess


In a sane world the journalists would laugh and walk off


How many times did he say billions and billions



i saw a clip where he was talking baout which talking heads have been good to him. just off the top of his head who his supporters in the media are... it was weird and like he was sitting with his fixer at table eating mcdonalds and having that conversation. 

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maddow last night was good one. podcast link. big developments yesterday including:

  • manafort's sentencing recomendation from the special counsel's office lays out that the things he lied about - breaching his plea deal and utterly fucking himself - were largely about his contacts with kilimnik. 
  • stone's case is linked with the gru case and the special counsel's office has communications between both stone and gru (guccifer2) and stone and wikileaks. 


the manafort one is compelling. just flynn lying to the fbi about talking with russians about sanctions is startling. manafort lying while engaged in a cooperation agreement earned him life in prison, and the thing he lied about was contacts with russian intelligence.


mueller's write-up about manafort is wild





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