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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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identity politics has literally destroyed society. it's hard to believe how bad it has gotten.


Trolling or not, I've never understood this position.  How and why has it been destroyed? Surely globalism has much more to blame for exporting jobs and leaving communities in tatters?

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identity politics has literally destroyed society. it's hard to believe how bad it has gotten.


Trolling or not, I've never understood this position.  How and why has it been destroyed? Surely globalism has much more to blame for exporting jobs and leaving communities in tatters?


I'm trolling. I actually love identity politics. It's awesome. Thanks

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the republican tactics of voter suppression and gerrymandering look like a nazi scout party sneaking into enemy territory. in the future we will look back and think we saw it coming. for decades they have been stealing control of the government, but we just wagged our fingers and said "oh, you, wascallay wepublicans..."

Edited by very honest
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identity politics has literally destroyed society. it's hard to believe how bad it has gotten.

Trolling or not, I've never understood this position. How and why has it been destroyed? Surely globalism has much more to blame for exporting jobs and leaving communities in tatters?

I'm trolling. I actually love identity politics. It's awesome. Thanks

I think it's pretty clear that bringing identity to the fore of every single issue is causing people to entrench themselves in their respective identity-based tribes.


Like, if you wanna convince someone that you and them are different in an important and fundamental way, well don't be surprised if they take your word for it.

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identity politics has literally destroyed society. it's hard to believe how bad it has gotten.

Trolling or not, I've never understood this position. How and why has it been destroyed? Surely globalism has much more to blame for exporting jobs and leaving communities in tatters?

I'm trolling. I actually love identity politics. It's awesome. Thanks

I think it's pretty clear that bringing identity to the fore of every single issue is causing people to entrench themselves in their respective identity-based tribes.


Like, if you wanna convince someone that you and them are different in an important and fundamental way, well don't be surprised if they take your word for it.


You're getting just a mite bit too close to thought crime for my liking. You're on my shit list, buddy.

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identity politics has literally destroyed society. it's hard to believe how bad it has gotten.

Trolling or not, I've never understood this position. How and why has it been destroyed? Surely globalism has much more to blame for exporting jobs and leaving communities in tatters?
I'm trolling. I actually love identity politics. It's awesome. Thanks
I think it's pretty clear that bringing identity to the fore of every single issue is causing people to entrench themselves in their respective identity-based tribes.


Like, if you wanna convince someone that you and them are different in an important and fundamental way, well don't be surprised if they take your word for it.

You're getting just a mite bit too close to thought crime for my liking. You're on my shit list, buddy.

I can't imagine what about my post would make you think of 'thought-crime'

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identity politics has literally destroyed society. it's hard to believe how bad it has gotten.

Trolling or not, I've never understood this position. How and why has it been destroyed? Surely globalism has much more to blame for exporting jobs and leaving communities in tatters?
I'm trolling. I actually love identity politics. It's awesome. Thanks
I think it's pretty clear that bringing identity to the fore of every single issue is causing people to entrench themselves in their respective identity-based tribes.


Like, if you wanna convince someone that you and them are different in an important and fundamental way, well don't be surprised if they take your word for it.

You're getting just a mite bit too close to thought crime for my liking. You're on my shit list, buddy.

I can't imagine what about my post would make you think of 'thought-crime'




EDIT: If you watch documentaries about the Rwandan genocide, the Hoodoos or whatever talk about how it was like a madness slowly came over the entire population. A darkness. And it was egged on by the media, and the radio. The people on the radio. It was like this disease, some kind of mass disease - of the mind - was spreading throughout the population. And people went from sane to completely insane. And people never thought it could happen.


But these things do really happen. They happen. And people never expect it. They think, "oh, we won't have that happen here." And then it does. And it seems like everyone is involved. That includes you. Everyone on this page. We all play a role in whether shit gets better or worse. We all play our part. And when shit gets BAD, we're all playing our part too. We're all responsible. We're all involved with these things. When bad things happen, every side is responsible. It's not just the left or the right. It's something deeper inside of us, that part of ourselves that says "eh, it's OK. you're human! I forgive you!" - when you lose that, you've lost everything. And as far as I can tell, the "progressive left" is fundamentally 100% as guilty of losing that as absolutely anyone else. If you can't even look in the mirror and question your own actions and say "maybe we're dehumanizing people with the way we talk about them" - like talking about 'white men' and shit... you don't realize that's what is driving people to feel hate and to embrace this DISEASE of thinking and PUSH it even further.


And who is egging it on? The fucking TV. Just like in Rwanda. It's all being PUSHED. And the only way to stop it is to say NO and stop fucking involving yourself in it with the shit you do.

Edited by vamos scorcho
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with the identity politics stuff i think if people really want it to die down a bit just stop giving those people so much attention. as it is, it gets focused on way too much as a strawman for "the left" meanwhile plenty of people who are more concerned with economic and humanitarian issues get pushed aside in this process. now that i think about it, the overwhelming majority of lefty political people that i know of are not concerned with identity stuff at all. they're more into the chomsky and sanders approach of tackling economic issues. but they're not as vocal as the 'tumblr sjw' stereotypes.


if you troll them then you push them even further down the rabbit hole. same goes for any zealot, they've trained themselves to see anyone criticising as evil and the enemy and when you attack them you justify your position as that person in their minds.


i can never decide if identity politics is fundamentally a left wing collectivism idea or a right wing individualism idea. or maybe both. but there seems to be some dissonance there.


now, it's easy for me and others as (mostly) white men to shit on identity politics. we need to remember that we may not fully understand the mindset behind that way of thinking because of our privilege.

Yeah I mean there are tons of people who would immediately dismiss your opinion simply because you're a straight white male.


My girlfriend recently made a post on FB about how maybe moral indignation isn't the best strategy for changing minds, and she got accused of 'tone-policing.'


That stuff is dialogue poison.

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Is it just me or is this largely an internet thing, or maybe a murrikah thing? (which is the same to me - I can view murrikah only through the internet, and my internet is mostly murikan). I've not seen any of that with IRL people. A few crazy zealous feminists and vegans maybe, but none of that insane 2016 extreme triggering/shaming stuff.

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Older relatives i know who voted for Trump / disliked Obama either brag like they won a football games or speak about this country falling apart as if its a teenage break up. The rest of the time they act and speak normally. Its like a sport to them. Its much nicer than them being perpetually abrasive politically yet ironically its more frustrating: they are good people who love us IRL that are voting recklessly on delusional whims. Trump winning, the Tea Party movement, Brexit, antiprogressive and antigovernment ethos...its all one big 'fuck you' to me and my generation and my kids future.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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the sport analogy gets at an interesting aspect of it. the vast majority of trump supporters are not very well informed, both on issues relevant to the presidency and on trump himself.


but... try to point that out to them. they will not like it one bit.


they want to have an opinion,and for others to take it seriously. even if it is based on baloney, they reject a challenge to it.


it smacks of the hollow bravado of asserting the favorability of one's team.


in sports, through the centuries, we've cultivated a mechanism for people to enact roles of asserting ideas, regardless of their merit.


throughout history people have found it more important to act confident than to be right.

Edited by very honest
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What in that article convinced you that he has suddenly become smart? Was it the lie about climate change (contrary to his statement, there is near unanimity on climate change); or was it his statement about putting experts in positions of authority within his cabinet (climate change denier as head of EPA, ambassador to UN with zero foreign policy experience, education secretary in favour of defunding public education, and Ben Carson); or was it the change of heart about the electoral college?

Not that he has suddenly become smart. But that he is talking in a way that makes me realize he has potential to do a good job. He has dropped the rhetoric, and he is talking real shit now.


There is no consensus on climate change. There is data, and there are people interpreting that data. In the interview he concedes that humans play a part, to what extent he doesn't fully know yet. This is about as close as you can get to the truth about climate change. We have contributed yes, but to what extent fully? It depends on who you are talking to, and what are the ramifications? Again, it depends on who you are talking to. But the most important thing to consider is that it's much better for our planet to be warm than cold. We've had cooling events, and when it happens lots of people die.


Everything he said made sense. If you don't like his appointments that's fine, but what he is saying makes sense.

Have you ever seen an X-Y graph of climate vs green-house gas levels? I mean, I believe in coincidences and all, but sheesh...



no, I'm not saying it's a coincidence though

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His political background consists of howling in the background of my Dad's business facetime meetings with Boeing and inspecting the screen and camera by sitting on or in front of the laptop meowing.




boy do I know this story the last few weeks. every time I gotta do anything important, Thor either starts yowling at me or just flops himself all over the papers on my desk. how do they know?!

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though with climate change it's not necessarily just 'things getting hotter' but the extremes getting more extreme. that's why they changed the name from global warming innit?


I think it was that and the temperature prediction models they had at the time didn't turnout to be true

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I'd vote for locking this thread when reacing page 200



i'd vote for locking the internet. 


this trump youtube video thing is creeping me out. if this is how he intends to communicate with the public its just going to get weirder and more and more like big brother checking in with directives. 


it feels even more fake and surreal now than it did on election day. 

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