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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Guest WNS000


...so you get awesome things like 40% of Americans being creationists in 2016...


Wait, for real?

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“I have Democrat friends and Republican friends," Boehner said, according to the Stanford Daily. "I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a b---- in my life.”


And the following article is a perfect candidate for r/nottheonion.



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...so you get awesome things like 40% of Americans being creationists in 2016...

Wait, for real?

Yes, this one of those stats that seems like it couldn't possibly be true, but is...like how 1/3 of Americans are diabetic.

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Guest WNS000




...so you get awesome things like 40% of Americans being creationists in 2016...

Wait, for real?

Yes, this one of those stats that seems like it couldn't possibly be true, but is...like how 1/3 of Americans are diabetic.



America is an amazing country...

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What is that makes everyone hate Cruz? I want specifics.


Ted Cruz is such a misogynistic, science-denying sack of subhuman garbage that only in our Trumpty-Trump world is he still able to get within 500 feet near a candidate podium.


Here's a fairly decent primer on a few of his nicer qualities. A while back I came upon a great site which was nothing but a continuous scroll-down page load of quotes from people on what a disgusting sack of shit he is, but now I can't find it :sad: Anyway Ol' Lyin' Ted was the only candidate not to campaign in my home state (and for good reason since his conservative excrements don't hold any sway here), but he did leave us a note before the primary. For the uninitiated I've put my own translations in blue next to each of his "priorities."



Ted Cruz was the only GOP or Democratic candidate NOT to visit Rhode Island, but his campaign did send out the below email to build support with Rhode Islanders.







HONOR & PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION Probably some 2nd amendment bullshit

CRUSH THE WASHINGTON CARTEL The best way to fix a broken system is to throw a sociopathic asshole like me right in the middle of it

REPEAL OBAMACARE Access to health care isn't a right, plus most of my base hates that Socialist Kenyan Muslim, plus I've been so successful with this already

GROW THE ECONOMY I have no concrete ideas whatsoever but hey sounds good to me

DEFEND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY please, continue to discriminate based on your "beliefs"

RESTORE AMERICAN LEADERSHIP GLOBALLY C'mon you pussies let's get this M-I complex running full steam


PROTECT THE LIFE OF THE UNBORN Never mind the 1 in 5 'born' kids in this country that are malnourished or the 500+ more pressing issues facing our society

DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD Yes, I'm a misogynist asshole

STOP AMNESTY bitches (esp. non-white/christian) gonna pay

STOP THE IRANIAN NUCLEAR DEAL now more than ever America needs a scapegoat to perpetuate the Middle East shitshow

ABOLISH THE IRS who needs public spending anyway, free market gonna it out

PROTECT & HONOR OUR VETERANS continue to pay lip service to the men and women fighting on behalf of the ruling elite

END COMMON CORE Our education system is fucked anyway so why not reshuffle the deck

DEFEND THE 2ND AMENDMENT yep, I like Duck Dynasty

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Whoa I'd never heard that diabetes stat.


edit: w8 m8: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/cdc-1-in-3-americans-could-have-diabetes-by-2050/


Dammit my memory sucks

Okay so the stat i was thinking of was between 1/3 and 1/2 of Americans are PRE-diabetic


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I should have remembered the details based on a conversation i had with Ms LimpyLoo about a year ago:


LL: i think im prediabetic

MLL: i think you're catastrophising

LL: *pulls up prediabetis stats*

MLL: oh shit


(Dramatized for concision)

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I was just listening to a social psychologist talk about how there is zero correlation between 'good talkers' and 'good thinkers'...yet politics is a talking contest


We have yet to elect an awkward weirdo with great ideas

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