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evening all,


?? those who follow me on social media may have caught wind of this already, but I've taken it upon myself to curate a [what is now shaping up to be a massive] tribute album to Leyland Kirby in regards to his Caretaker project - I've already received an upwards of 30 quality submissions in a matter of a week - at this point, I'm thinking I'll cut it off at 72 tracks as a nod to Theoretically pure anterograde amnesia - figured now is the time to open up submissions to watmm artists.


for those interested in contributing -- tracks would need to fall in line with the style of the Caretaker material (i.e. haunted ballroom music, dark ambient drones, noise, subdued sampling of 1920's and 1930's jazz, orchestral, and big band music - original compositions are welcome, as is any "Shining" fanfare (as long as it's not too 'disruptive').
track length should preferably not exceed 10 minutes - no intentional remixes of existing Caretaker tracks, no trap beats (you wouldn't think I'd have to say that, but seeing as how I received 3 already), i'd also suggest steering clear of sampling "Midnight, The Stars, And You" - email submissions (.wav) to elastic.ocean@gmail.com - general inquiries can be addressed there as well.
the loose deadline for now is August, might possibly release it in October, or at least some time after Stage 3 of Everywhere At The End Of Time has soaked in a bit - this should give everyone ample time to turn in tracks - right now I'm thinking this will be released via a one-off bandcamp page, sold digitally - that's not to say arrangements won't be made with a label, if it's a deemed a worthy venture (physical run, etc).
in the spirit of the subject matter, all digital proceeds will be donated to the Alzheimer's Association, which aims to advance research, and enhance care for those living with Alzheimer's and dementia.
hope to hear from some of you!
Alex / Nmesh





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Is this just a tribute album

Aye :)


contributing -- tracks would need to fall in line with the style of the Caretaker material (i.e. haunted ballroom music, dark ambient drones, noise, subdued sampling of 1920's and 1930's jazz, orchestral, and big band music - original compositions are welcome, as is any "Shining" fanfare (as long as it's not too 'disruptive')

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I'm not sure I understand? Is this just a tribute album or...?




I'm not sure I understand? Is this just a tribute album or...?


me too. i purchased the album though because i like it a lot. 



yea guys, it's a tribute album!  apologies if that was unclear  :cerious:


around 30 artists have already contributed and there's many more lined up - proceeds will be donated to charity - guidelines are in OP

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Thread is called Caretaker Tribute compilation.


People asking if it's about a tribute album.



Yeah, I realised that after asking the question - lol. I think what I actually wanted to ask was "why a tribute album"? At first I thought Leyland Kirby had died or something, haha

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Thread is called Caretaker Tribute compilation.


People asking if it's about a tribute album.



Yeah, I realised that after asking the question - lol. I think what I actually wanted to ask was "why a tribute album"? At first I thought Leyland Kirby had died or something, haha



ah, well thankfully he's still very much alive lol - I thought it would be a fun, conceptual project paying homage to one of the masters - i've been on a huge Caretaker kick as of late, since he dropped the first stage of Everywhere At The End Of Time - felt like doing some tracks in that vein, and thought, why not get others in on it


and here we are  :music:

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey everyone - it's been about a month since i posted this here, just giving it a little 'bump' for those who may have missed it.


been receiving some amazing submissions for this project, i think we're at close to 40 tracks (being used) - again, the cutoff will be at 72 (an homage to Theoretically pure anterograde amnesia)


deadline is the 1st of August, and there is now a good chance this will get a physical run, probably a cassette release through a fairly notable label - more details on that later.


have a great weekend   :beer:


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  • 1 month later...

copied from my 07/04/17 facebook update:


Not a whole lot of new revelations in regards to this project, but deserving of an update nevertheless - the working title right now is "Memories Overlooked: A Tribute To The Caretaker", but subject to change, as were the last couple titles I had - Ivan Seal respectfully declined the use of one of his paintings for the cover (and for thoughtful reasons), but I have another original painting to fall back on which I feel fits the spirit of Ivan Seal's artwork for the Caretaker albums - I hope everyone likes it.
I'm blown away at the response to this, you guys have sent in some truly wonderful and moody pieces for this thing - shaping up to be an amazing (and lengthy) compilation - right now we're at a little over 50 tracks that are locked in - my goal is to cap this off at 72 tracks, that being a nod to the 72 memories on 'Theoretically pure anterograde amnesia" - Once all submissions are in, I'll be mixing and mastering the entire thing, constructing it in a way that reflects the slowly deteriorating qualities of dementia.
A few notable labels have expressed an interest in releasing a physical version of this, those of which I'll refrain from mentioning at this time - A decision has not been reached on this yet - if any labels would like to contact me in regards to this, feel free, but keep in mind the size and scope - a cassette release would most likely need to be some sort of box set (which sounds rather amazing in all honesty...) Please note that the digital version will be available EXCLUSIVELY on it's own unique Bandcamp page, in which all proceeds will go to the Alzheimer's Association (https://www.alz.org/), which advances research to end Alzheimer's and dementia while enhancing care for those living with the disease.
Looking to release this some time after September, allowing the next installment of "Everywhere at the end of time" to breathe a little before dropping this bomb. Again, submissions are due August 1st, and need to fall in line with the style / subject matter of Leyland Kirby's Caretaker project - dark ambient drones, subdued sampling of 1920's and 1930's orchestral/jazz music, etc, and any subtle 'Shining' fanfare are welcomed.
➥ Please send .wav's only, to: elastic.ocean@gmail.com.
thanks everyone.
- alex / Nmesh
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