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How much time do you spend not computing/not on the internet (the second time)


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Nah, but internet is pretty good.  The potential of it is incredible.  What we now know as the internet, is actually the start of the unification of consciousness of humanity.  If you have my phone number, you can send me images, audio, video, documents, news, and communicate with me, 24/7-- information from soul to soul, in almost real time.  That kind of technology previously only existed with telepathy.




21 hours a day in my head, past year staring at strips of prescribed benzos...

Stay safe my man, benzos are a bitch to quit, but the earlier the better.



But u kno..gotsa qeustion 4 u: which one is harder to quit: benzos or Ethernet?

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There's a meme been going around lately...something like 'we used to say AFK and BRB but no one does that now because we live here, we're always on the internet' and it's a cheesy way to think of it but also it's pretty true, for people my age or so. We transitioned into the internet and now it's everything...I think if you grew up with it being ubiquitous maybe it's not quite the same, at least I imagine it to be a touch different. My assumption though really.


Trying to spend more time away from the internet though and it's working partly. At least the social interaction side of it all. I still spend way too much time browsing through/skimming/reading articles, watching YT videos, shit like that. Not sure if that's better or worse, but seeing social media in the last year I know that I'm (personally) better off without it, for the time being, at least. Completely disconnecting from internet feeds of any sort, even passive browsing, is difficult. That's where everything is...it seems. I know that's false, but...I'm blabbering.


Ye I jsut want to stop :( But can't go back..2 far gone...


All the gurls are hornier IRL too. On the ethernet they are all so fukn angry and asking "are u catfish" or just not answering.

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21 hours a day in my head, past year staring at strips of prescribed benzos...

Stay safe my man, benzos are a bitch to quit, but the earlier the better.


cheers for the advice but i find them easy to stop hence why i have not been taking them...

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21 hours a day in my head, past year staring at strips of prescribed benzos...

Stay safe my man, benzos are a bitch to quit, but the earlier the better.


cheers for the advice but i find them easy to stop hence why i have not been taking them...



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21 hours a day in my head, past year staring at strips of prescribed benzos...

Stay safe my man, benzos are a bitch to quit, but the earlier the better.


cheers for the advice but i find them easy to stop hence why i have not been taking them...




today i thought why not crack a few packs open and see how reserved my dumb ass opinions can be tamed...

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21 hours a day in my head, past year staring at strips of prescribed benzos...

Stay safe my man, benzos are a bitch to quit, but the earlier the better.


cheers for the advice but i find them easy to stop hence why i have not been taking them...




today i thought why not crack a few packs open and see how reserved my dumb ass opinions can be tamed...




a delicate range of chemicals, wholly appropriate at times, others can be problematic, i have a script & have to eek em out or the benzo gremlins would wreak havoc


catch 22 some times, not preaching just watch those lil bastards

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Damng I think I understand the web surf thing.. the old saying "surfing the web". It's about forgetting yourself . INtenret is the massive wave that you are riding. there is nothing else than you and the wave. and you are inside  the wave. and u've been inside the wave so long time u forgot yourself and all friends and none of that exists anymore. It's just U and your surf board (the computer). It's just about surviving becus if U trip then u die because the wave is so fukn massive that you can't catch a breath never again and then u succumb to the deepest pit of the ocean. watmm.



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When I cook, I bring my laptop to the watch stuff on YouTube or listen to podcasts. I’m always online and I’m always sitting in front of my computer(s). At night I’m watching Netflix, YouTube, and so on - or working.

And you know what... I love it.

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just do the moral thing and install noscript and turn off java permanently . ull have an xcuse to go outside when you can only access 2% of the www


EDIT: when i move out next year i'm going to try and live without an internet connection at home, instead only using the web at the library, uni, coffee shop, etc. I wonder if my artistic and general productivity will go up

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just do the moral thing and install noscript and turn off java permanently . ull have an xcuse to go outside when you can only access 2% of the www


EDIT: when i move out next year i'm going to try and live without an internet connection at home, instead only using the web at the library, uni, coffee shop, etc. I wonder if my artistic and general productivity will go up


I did that for a while. I also didn't have a cell phone. Or a job. And I was just sleeping on couches and riding my bike around and swimming in rivers and stuff. So it's not the same as increasing productivity unless productivity means having fun outside and bein chill n shit

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just do the moral thing and install noscript and turn off java permanently . ull have an xcuse to go outside when you can only access 2% of the www


EDIT: when i move out next year i'm going to try and live without an internet connection at home, instead only using the web at the library, uni, coffee shop, etc. I wonder if my artistic and general productivity will go up


I did that for a while. I also didn't have a cell phone. Or a job. And I was just sleeping on couches and riding my bike around and swimming in rivers and stuff. So it's not the same as increasing productivity unless productivity means having fun outside and bein chill n shit


bro lets escape

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