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lol so what if afx posted anything? fuck does he know? he can afford to be idealistic anyway, he's a fucking millionaire. him and his family are gonna be alright whatever happens...same cannot be said for 99% of the rest of the population tho innit.

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Ill probably vote brexit party in the eu election then labour in the general to get may out


"Brexit party" in EU elections... I'm sure they have EU's best interest in mind. Such an egocentric decision and a waste of your vote. If the UK should take part in the elections I hope that most  British voters are more reasonable



Would it be okay if Brits could vote in the upcoming EU elections if they fuck off afterwards?

I think they should leave now before elections. This shit show has gone on long enough.



Well, I'd prefer if the UK would stay. But I doubt that anyone will come up with a solution until 23rd of May. If there is a good chance that Britain will stay if the separation is postponed until after the election then why not. But I don't really see that chance

Edited by darreichungsform
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Well the EU needs to be destroyed, it is anti democratic, designed to destroy european nation states. There is no common european demos. Young people’s naivety towards it is astounding. The uk legal system has nothing in common with german or french law. British law was far superior in design. Fair Jury trial, magna carta, habeus corpus, liberty under the law. Civil liberties like these didn’t exist in france and germany. England would be better off out of this superstate, out of the eu army, out of the un plan for eurabia. Uk legal system is fucked atm, grizzly things like torture going on behind the scenes. The sooner uk leaves the better, it will give us a chance to retore our precious legal system, which is worth more than gdp or piles of gold. Historically britain traded by sea and ignored the continent, which is what we should do again in order to be a successful country. We need more Aristotle Onassis types too, we need to rebuild the merchant navy. Also we need to at all costs avoid a war with russia, only brexit and a corbyn government can achieve these things. If you vote Tory you are scum. Btw afx is 100% right to quite tony benn, a democratic hero of the left.

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Would it be okay if Brits could vote in the upcoming EU elections if they fuck off afterwards?

I think they should leave now before elections. This shit show has gone on long enough.




Leave! And take that idiot Farage with you please!


"Good riddance" 


Cheerio! ;D


edit: *reads worms post * GOOD RIDDANCE LEAVE ALREADY

Edited by goDel
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Well the EU needs to be destroyed, it is anti democratic, designed to destroy european nation states. There is no common european demos. Young people’s naivety towards it is astounding. The uk legal system has nothing in common with german or french law. British law was far superior in design. Fair Jury trial, magna carta, habeus corpus, liberty under the law. Civil liberties like these didn’t exist in france and germany. England would be better off out of this superstate, out of the eu army, out of the un plan for eurabia. Uk legal system is fucked atm, grizzly things like torture going on behind the scenes. The sooner uk leaves the better, it will give us a chance to retore our precious legal system, which is worth more than gdp or piles of gold. Historically britain traded by sea and ignored the continent, which is what we should do again in order to be a successful country. We need more Aristotle Onassis types too, we need to rebuild the merchant navy. Also we need to at all costs avoid a war with russia, only brexit and a corbyn government can achieve these things. If you vote Tory you are scum. Btw afx is 100% right to quite tony benn, a democratic hero of the left.


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I would prefer the UK to remain also, and I have sympathy for my friends who live and work there - all of whom are strongly opposed to brexit. However the uncertainty is already doing damage to neighbouring economies, no point in allowing that to continue if there is little hope of a reversal. I don’t see the point of letting the UK vote in elections when members of the ruling party have promised to send over yet more disruptive buffoons in protest.


You’ve outed yourself there my friend.

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Well the EU needs to be destroyed, it is anti democratic, designed to destroy european nation states. There is no common european demos. Young people’s naivety towards it is astounding. The uk legal system has nothing in common with german or french law. British law was far superior in design. Fair Jury trial, magna carta, habeus corpus, liberty under the law. Civil liberties like these didn’t exist in france and germany. England would be better off out of this superstate, out of the eu army, out of the un plan for eurabia. Uk legal system is fucked atm, grizzly things like torture going on behind the scenes. The sooner uk leaves the better, it will give us a chance to retore our precious legal system, which is worth more than gdp or piles of gold. Historically britain traded by sea and ignored the continent, which is what we should do again in order to be a successful country. We need more Aristotle Onassis types too, we need to rebuild the merchant navy. Also we need to at all costs avoid a war with russia, only brexit and a corbyn government can achieve these things. If you vote Tory you are scum. Btw afx is 100% right to quite tony benn, a democratic hero of the left.


delusional nonsense, so much wrong here it's hard to know where to start...

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I'd almost build them Brits a bunch of classic wooden ships. So they can pretend being an empire again. And sail the world seas as if it was yesteryear.


Call it "keeping up appearances" if you will. You know, being a proper Brit and all that.


*sips English blend tea*



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The sooner they go the sooner the United Kingdom collapses. We’ll welcome the independent Scots with open arms and Ireland will be united at last.


So much fun! Allahu Akbar!

Edited by Crossword Enthusiast
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Would it be okay if Brits could vote in the upcoming EU elections if they fuck off afterwards?

I think they should leave now before elections. This shit show has gone on long enough.




Leave! And take that idiot Farage with you please!


"Good riddance" 


Cheerio! ;D


edit: *reads worms post * GOOD RIDDANCE LEAVE ALREADY


lol, I definitely understand how posts like worm's can make you think this. But a great deal of the (especially younger) Brits aren't such shitheads. The UK leaving the EU doesn't make sense in many ways. Brexit is irrational even if you don't love the shit out of the other EU members.

But it's not that much about rationality but more about national pride it seems

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Well the EU needs to be destroyed, it is anti democratic, designed to destroy european nation states. There is no common european demos. Young people’s naivety towards it is astounding. The uk legal system has nothing in common with german or french law. British law was far superior in design. Fair Jury trial, magna carta, habeus corpus, liberty under the law. Civil liberties like these didn’t exist in france and germany. England would be better off out of this superstate, out of the eu army, out of the un plan for eurabia. Uk legal system is fucked atm, grizzly things like torture going on behind the scenes. The sooner uk leaves the better, it will give us a chance to retore our precious legal system, which is worth more than gdp or piles of gold. Historically britain traded by sea and ignored the continent, which is what we should do again in order to be a successful country. We need more Aristotle Onassis types too, we need to rebuild the merchant navy. Also we need to at all costs avoid a war with russia, only brexit and a corbyn government can achieve these things. If you vote Tory you are scum. Btw afx is 100% right to quite tony benn, a democratic hero of the left.


Fucking yikes



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Would it be okay if Brits could vote in the upcoming EU elections if they fuck off afterwards?

I think they should leave now before elections. This shit show has gone on long enough.




Leave! And take that idiot Farage with you please!


"Good riddance" 


Cheerio! ;D


edit: *reads worms post * GOOD RIDDANCE LEAVE ALREADY


lol, I definitely understand how posts like worm's can make you think this. But a great deal of the (especially younger) Brits aren't such shitheads. The UK leaving the EU doesn't make sense in many ways. Brexit is irrational even if you don't love the shit out of the other EU members.

But it's not that much about rationality but more about national pride it seems



I kinda get where you're coming from. But seriously, I think Brexit could be a good thing for the EU.


All the populist nonsense about the EU, I'm growing tired of it. With a real Brexit we can finally get a definitive answer on how stupid the entire idea is. And given that this populist nonsense is spreading throughout the EU like wildfire, I'd say it should happen sooner than later.


We'll survive the economic disaster. And in the end, the island will remain exactly where it is. So you can still meet your British buddies. And given that borders between EU and UK always were a bit different, I'd argue you wouldn't even notice the difference. Apart from a pisspoor British economy that is. But hey, a Brit not complaining about the economy or politics is not a real Brit. ;)

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"best for everybody" is a relative thing. Half of the Brits think it's best to leave. I think it's best for people to get the chance to learn from their mistakes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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but sucks for the ones who didn't make that mistake to suffer from it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


it's a cooperative experience. i'd rather share the misery of a brexit, than the remain misery. :p

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"best for everybody" is a relative thing. Half of the Brits think it's best to leave. I think it's best for people to get the chance to learn from their mistakes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




isn't that's what's happening right now though? i mean.. i hope someone is learning something.  not that it matters.. the saying is those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it but i think it doesn't matter that no matter what the same mistakes are made over and over again. 


as in america, it seems enough people bought the lie and now are stuck with it regardless of any regrets. there's so much ego and grandstanding tied up in politics. people rarely admit they were wrong. 

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