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1 hour ago, azatoth said:

So will this deal allow me to keep ordering records from the UK without paying customs whatever other fees

I don't think so. They are leaving the EU VAT regime and customs union so we will get hit with local customs and vat charges when ordering from the UK as far as I am aware. Also, EU consumer rights will no longer apply.

I got this email from Amazon Uk a while ago:



As you have placed an order on Amazon.co.uk and selected an EU delivery address in the past, we wanted to let you know that from 1 January 2021, when the Brexit transition period ends, you’ll see some changes when you shop on Amazon.co.uk and select an EU delivery address. These changes could include:

- VAT (or the regional equivalent, if applicable, https://www.amazon.co.uk/vatrates) being due in the country of delivery, or your package may be subject to customs duties, taxes and fees (“Import Fees”)
- the collection of VAT, or an estimation of Import Fees (“Import Fee Deposit” https://www.amazon.co.uk/ifd), which may result in a price change at checkout.

We will continue to accept eligible returns. If the reason for return is the result of an error (e.g. if the item is defective / damaged / incorrect), any costs incurred for the return will be paid by Amazon. Otherwise, any costs incurred for the return (including transport costs, as well as any associated import fees or customs where applicable) will be payable by the person returning the goods https://www.amazon.co.uk/returnshelp.

We hope this helps and we see you again soon.


Customer Service Department

Edit: Now I'm reading there won't be customs charges because of this deal, but VAT will be applied locally. I dunno.

Edited by Enthusiast
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There are no customs charges but you need to have the customs declaration and if the value is more than 22€ pay the local VAT in the receiving country.

Which basically means I'm going to be ordering stuff from UK about as often as I do from US which is practically never.

Anyone know if Bleep is planning to open a shop within EU?

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11 hours ago, caze said:


Cool Britannia was definitely a thing for about 3 hours. Some fucking tart wrapped in a union jack blaring out pop cruft? What could be more iconic and popular.


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5 hours ago, chenGOD said:

Cool Britannia was definitely a thing for about 3 hours.

I remember the change in the early 2000s which caught me a bit by surprise. Back in the '90s visiting UK was still something desirable but in the early 2000s my co-workers started to complain about having to visit the "foggy islands". Though I think it was mostly due to the British workplace culture, which in Finnish eyes seems quite bizarre and horrible, more than UK or England as a whole. But now I really haven't heard any people even planning to visit UK, or at least England, for a vacation in years. There are the few hardcore whisky aficionados who keep visiting Scotland, but they're not really visiting any other parts of UK.

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3 hours ago, zkom said:

But now I really haven't heard any people even planning to visit UK, or at least England, for a vacation in years. 

that's a good point. in the past 20 years or so, I can hardly think of anyone I've known who has gone to the UK on a vacation. the only people I can think of are people much older than me with pre-teen kids, who are at the age when they want to see all the London touristy stuff.

I suppose it has a lot to do with the exchange rate. it's too expensive to go for the average American. and as mentioned, the Britannia thing wore off a long time ago.

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15 minutes ago, zero said:

that's a good point. in the past 20 years or so, I can hardly think of anyone I've known who has gone to the UK on a vacation. the only people I can think of are people much older than me with pre-teen kids, who are at the age when they want to see all the London touristy stuff.

I suppose it has a lot to do with the exchange rate. it's too expensive to go for the average American. and as mentioned, the Britannia thing wore off a long time ago.

I live in the heart of tourist London. I'm 5mins walk from the Sherlock Holmes museum on Baker St. Our tourists are mainly Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.

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4 minutes ago, hello spiral said:

I live in the heart of tourist London. I'm 5mins walk from the Sherlock Holmes museum on Baker St. Our tourists are mainly Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.

That's funny because the only people who have said to me in recent years that they'd like to live in UK are Chinese. All the Finns I know that have lived in UK have either moved back to Finland or other European countries years ago. When my Chinese colleague said that she would like to live in UK I asked her why and she just said that "all the Chinese want to live there". That's the only explanation she gave, lol.

I've been to London a couple of times myself. I guess it's ok but it's so fucking expensive and it rains all the time. Besides that I've only been to NI in UK. Belfast had good drinking I guess.

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Let’s not turn this into the shit on the UK thread. Still some lovely people and cracking tunes. 
Much like the US, some questionable decisions in choosing leaders. Olds in both countries bought into fear heavily. 
There are some good touristy bits (even in London - but you need a local guide there - @hello spiral offers some cracking tours - the Hunterian museum was great, and almost no one knows about it it seems). 

Still a bit of inflated sense of the whole “sun never sets” kicking around but as the last of the former olds die and are replaced by the current mids, that will inevitable be replaced by bitter cynicism and sad acceptance. Like the 5 stages of grief or whatever. And then some inevitable groveling to get back into the EU. 

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5 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Let’s not turn this into the shit on the UK thread.

Yes, we should have a "How does the world view UK these days?" thread. :wink:

I wouldn't mind if people complained about Finland here. I mean I could bitch about this place endlessly. Today in Helsinki the sunset was at 3:20pm and the streets are filled with slush for starters. If it wasn't for the fucking pandemic I'd be somewhere else.

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8 minutes ago, zkom said:

Yes, we should have a "How does the world view UK these days?" thread. :wink:

I wouldn't mind if people complained about Finland here. I mean I could bitch about this place endlessly. Today in Helsinki the sunset was at 3:20pm and the streets are filled with slush for starters. If it wasn't for the fucking pandemic I'd be somewhere else.

I mean you could probably start that thread ?

Finland, the Canada of Europe. No one really gives a shit about either of us, it’s cold or slushy (Vancouver doesn’t exist) and there are a lot of alcoholics. 

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1 hour ago, chenGOD said:

There are some good touristy bits (even in London - but you need a local guide there - @hello spiral offers some cracking tours - the Hunterian museum was great, and almost no one knows about it it seems). 

Dunno if I've mentioned it to you before but Hilary Mantel wrote a book about the giant whose skeleton is in that museum. The Museum's namesake procured it by dodgy means.



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2 hours ago, zero said:

that's a good point. in the past 20 years or so, I can hardly think of anyone I've known who has gone to the UK on a vacation. the only people I can think of are people much older than me with pre-teen kids, who are at the age when they want to see all the London touristy stuff.

I suppose it has a lot to do with the exchange rate. it's too expensive to go for the average American. and as mentioned, the Britannia thing wore off a long time ago.

Oxford is full of tourists from all over the world.

The colleges earn a mint from having ex-students visit and stay for a week, loads of Americans do it.

1 hour ago, Enthusiast said:

Possibly my last package from Amazon UK arrived today. It's been one hell of a ride.

My last Amazon package arrived in November, and Im still living here ?

I've binned them off now. Good luck Bezos.

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49 minutes ago, Soloman Tump said:

Oxford is full of tourists from all over the world.

The colleges earn a mint from having ex-students visit and stay for a week, loads of Americans do it.

yeah I'm sure there is a thriving American market for UK tourism, well pre-pandemic that is. most Americans I know all would prefer to go to less expensive tropical locales, like Costa Rica or the Yucatan.

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58 minutes ago, zero said:

yeah I'm sure there is a thriving American market for UK tourism, well pre-pandemic that is. most Americans I know all would prefer to go to less expensive tropical locales, like Costa Rica or the Yucatan.

I'll bet there are a LOT of Americans who want to go somewhere across the ocean but not have to speak another language.  Australia is too far, so yay for the UK!

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48 minutes ago, marf said:

Was Brexit just about getting rid of Polish waitresses?

Did they end up getting that? Because for everything else the UK basically had to do what the EU told them to.

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4 hours ago, hello spiral said:

Dunno if I've mentioned it to you before but Hilary Mantel wrote a book about the giant whose skeleton is in that museum. The Museum's namesake procured it by dodgy means.



You gave me a copy of the book. ? I read it and passed it on to someone else who i thought would appreciate it. 

It was a great read. Full of scumbags in general. 

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14 hours ago, chenGOD said:

You gave me a copy of the book. ? I read it and passed it on to someone else who i thought would appreciate it. 

It was a great read. Full of scumbags in general. 

lol excellent. I am old, my brain resembling a swiss cheese

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