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10 minutes ago, dr lopez said:

ohio fucking sucks m8

Hey now, Ohio does kind of suck, but it's really not their fault.  99.9% of the people there were born and raised there and will die there because the mentality is that things are too shitty since the steel industry left that you just go to school and work at the factory where your dad worked.  Seriously this is what 75% of my dad and his bothers did, ended up working at the factory where their dad worked.

When I had to leave because there were no jobs for a person with a PhD in ChemE, a lot of my family couldn't process why I was leaving.

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12 minutes ago, baph said:

Yep. Even if Bernie could have been elected in 2020 he would be functionally powerless as President, which would only end up playing in favor of the GOP four years later. 

Well, I think there is a good chance Biden will end up playing in favor for the GOP come 2022/2024. If Biden turns out to be a 'meh' president, which he probably will, Trump could run again in 2024 and win.

Biden is a boring centrist politician who harps on meaningless platitudes and avoids talking about policy substance as much as possible. Trump got elected because of his right wing populism in 2016. He lied about everything populist he said, but his supporters lapped it up anyway. Come 2024, people who are on the fence may have kinda forgotten how bad Trump was, especially if he uses that populist rhetoric he used in 2016 - leading to his re-election.

And if the GOP find a Trump 2.0, they will have an even better chance of winning 2024. I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP pick some random guy and train him to be like Trump, just not as stupid as him, and less antagonistic toward other Republicans. That is what I would do if I were in charge of the GOP.

Edited by Brisbot
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If anything, the GOP will just run a smarter, less pain the ass Trump. Things are weird as fuck and the election in 2024 will matter even more. Hopefully BOTH parties quit being utterly retarded and also the polling industry should go fuck themselves for being such wrong cunts. Fucking shit fuck cunt 

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My morning cup o joe tastes bland, but thankfully I don't have to drink Trumps orange cyanide coffee anymore.

3 minutes ago, Candiru said:

If anything, the GOP will just run a smarter, less pain the ass Trump. 

I feel like there is a near 100% chance the GOP will do exactly this. Next time though Trump 2.0 will be GOPs puppet and favorite to win from the get go, and not after he wins the main election.

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1 minute ago, Brisbot said:

Well, I think there is a good chance Biden will end up playing in favor for the GOP come 2022/2024. If Biden turns out to be a 'meh' president, which he probably will, Trump could run again in 2024 and win.

Biden is a boring centrist politician who harps on meaningless platitudes and avoids talking about policy substance as much as possible. Trump got elected because of his right wing populism in 2016. He lied about everything populist he said, but his supporters lapped it up anyway. Come 2024, people who are on the fence may have kinda forgotten how bad Trump was, especially if he uses that populist rhetoric he used in 2016 - leading to his re-election.

This will probably happen as long as the Senate is red no matter who is President. But Biden has a shot at winning the election and possibly a shot at at least restoring some democratic (small d) norms to the country, and keeping the GOP from chipping away further at the judiciary, etc. And if he can control the pandemic better than Trump it’s a step towards having a functional society.  Bernie had no chance of getting that far. 

For the record, I think Bernie is 100 percent not the person who should be the standard bearer for the future of progressive politics given his actual political career, etc, but it’s a moot point. 


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17 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

Well, I think there is a good chance Biden will end up playing in favor for the GOP come 2022/2024. If Biden turns out to be a 'meh' president, which he probably will, Trump could run again in 2024 and win.

Biden is a boring centrist politician who harps on meaningless platitudes and avoids talking about policy substance as much as possible. Trump got elected because of his right wing populism in 2016. He lied about everything populist he said, but his supporters lapped it up anyway. Come 2024, people who are on the fence may have kinda forgotten how bad Trump was, especially if he uses that populist rhetoric he used in 2016 - leading to his re-election.

And if the GOP find a Trump 2.0, they will have an even better chance of winning 2024. I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP pick some random guy and train him to be like Trump, just not as stupid as him, and less antagonistic toward other Republicans. That is what I would do if I were in charge of the GOP.

I don’t this election has been about either of the candidates’ ideas. It’s been an election about whether you’re for or against Trump. 

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1 minute ago, baph said:

possibly a shot at at least restoring some democratic (small d) norms to the country

Yeah I think he will restore Obamacare and Paris agreement. That said if he is only in office 4 years he will be remembered as the president who just re-instated what Obama did.

1 minute ago, Squee said:

I don’t this election has been about either of the candidates’ ideas. It’s been an election about whether you’re for or against Trump. 

Well yeah. I am just saying at the end of the day Biden is still a centrist husk. I don't expect much from him beyond fixing some stuff Trump screwed up. I am a little happy though that I would have an anxiety attack just by looking at what Trump is doing. I would rather have a presidency that gets NOTHING done than a Trump presidency.

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5 minutes ago, ignatius said:

omg someone put him out of his misery


Holly Herndon already remixed with some lush reverb.  


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The same people who were rolling their eyes when we were angry/upset after Trump won in 2016. Except you know, we didn't have a nuclear meltdown and immediately whine about voter fraud with no evidence to back it up.

Well there was that Russia thing, but that was later.

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1 minute ago, Brisbot said:

The same people who were rolling their eyes when we were angry/upset after Trump won in 2016. Except you know, we didn't have a nuclear meltdown and immediately whine about voter fraud with no evidence to back it up.

Well there was that Russia thing, but that was later.

You know, I think you're onto something. Not just the emotions but the fact they have been so fucking smug (just like we were) about winning this thing.

Difference is, Trump hasn't even officially lost yet.

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7 minutes ago, sweepstakes said:

You know, I think you're onto something. Not just the emotions but the fact they have been so fucking smug (just like we were) about winning this thing.

Difference is, Trump hasn't even officially lost yet.

It's hypocrisy due to thinking of the Republican Party as being their home team instead of actually agreeing with them on policy, which MANY do not if you question them without it being about politics , or say the poll is apolitical. I wish I could find that study to post it, but it was back in like 2014 or 2015 or something. A few people may know what I am talking about, where conservatives tend to be more progressive than their chosen political party suggests. But that isn't important, just reminds me of it.

Basically they were raised Republican so that is who they root for.

And yes Trump has not officially lost yet. To me he won't have officially lost until Biden is in the white house. I am betting there is going to be a few crazy things going down in the next two months.

I am looking forward to seeing how many votes Trump needs to 'throw away' to get him to 270. I am glad Biden has a very large lead here because I am sure Republicans will be able to throw ballots out somewhere.

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Just now, Brisbot said:

And yes Trump has not officially lost yet. To me he won't have officially lost until Biden is in the white house. I am betting there is going to be a few crazy things going down in the next two months.

I definitely share the sentiment but I don't really think he is smart enough to be effective in the courts. He's probably just melting the fuck down right now. They put a media lid on him for the rest of the day and he's just posting Breitbart stories on Twitter now.

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Just now, hijexx said:

I definitely share the sentiment but I don't really think he is smart enough to be effective in the courts.

Yeah dude that "claim" tweet... holy fuck. He clearly does not comprehend how elections work.

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Just now, hijexx said:

I definitely share the sentiment but I don't really think he is smart enough to be effective in the courts. He's probably just melting the fuck down right now. They put a media lid on him for the rest of the day and he's just posting Breitbart stories on Twitter now.

You know I am happy the media that has traditionally been Pro-Trump, like The Washington Post, are doing their part in calling Trumps claims false... I would have expected them to go along with him. But they understand why the USA elections are important and don't want to just throw them out because they don't like the outcome.

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1 hour ago, Brisbot said:

This is what I have been thinking the past few years. Bernie's ideas will EVENTUALLY win over, but won't be viable till... I dunno... 2040ish. Country is just too conservative and the Trump administration has proven that to me.

It strikes me as sad that the Boomers who marched and protested in the 60s, now revert to overt racism and prejudice, because life didn’t go their way. The also didn’t save shit for retirement.

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3 minutes ago, sweepstakes said:

Yeah dude that "claim" tweet... holy fuck. He clearly does not comprehend how elections work.

These people are the best people to have on your side as you work to make a country more authoritarian. Stupid people who think they are smart.

2 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

It strikes me as sad that the Boomers who marched and protested in the 60s, now revert to overt racism and prejudice, because life didn’t go their way. The also didn’t save shit for retirement.

It's pretty sad to see that the more elderly someone gets, the more conservative they get. I REALLY hope this doesn't happen with me or anyone I know who dislikes conservatism.

They didn't "save shit" for retirement and yet they vote for the party who wants to weaken any support for them as they grow old. These people can drive btw. Lol

Edited by Brisbot
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