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i'll take a benign creep over a narcissist fascist authoritarian sociopathic rapist pedophile moron any day and twice on sunday. trump is a fucking cancer. period. 

Edited by ignatius
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6 minutes ago, ignatius said:

i'll take a benign creep over a narcissist fascist authoritarian sociopathic rapist pedophile moron any day and twice on sunday. trump is a fucking cancer. period. 

Doesn’t look benign to me. You voted for a pedo. Ha.

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3 minutes ago, drome said:

Doesn’t look benign to me. You voted for a pedo. Ha.

have you looked into trump's history like at all? he has a long history of sexual assault of minor accusations, walking into teenage beauty pageant dressing rooms, he's a self-admitted pussy grabber.  what high ground are you trying to stand on here?  you just seems generally uninformed.  yeah bidens a fucking loser.  but trump is more of one

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2 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

have you looked into trump's history like at all? he has a long history of sexual assault of minor accusations, walking into teenage beauty pageant dressing rooms, he's a self-admitted pussy grabber.  what high ground are you trying to stand on here?  you just seems generally uninformed.  yeah bidens a fucking loser.  but trump is more of one

Can’t argue with that.

They’re all fucking creeps. 

The system is run by creeps.

Fuck. The. System.

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2 minutes ago, sweepstakes said:

Every time I see someone casually laying those pedo accusations thick, I assume they're a QAnon cult member. Cheap, chinsy shit.

Watch the clip you dunce.

No agenda here just calling it like it is.

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@drome here's my post from january 23, in this thread. 

this was when the primaries were in fierce competition. my point, then, was that, if i thought the allegation were true, i would be pushing it in the public discussion because i thought it would be something the dems should address then, when there was still time to prevent him from getting the nomination. i took it seriously and looked into it for considerable time, after someone i knew told me about a video. after trying to get a sense if i thought it were true, i found that i did not.

i was not alone in looking into these videos with drum beats... many very serious political people also took notice, and gave them serious consideration. as i said in that post, i spent way too much time looking into that uncomfortable subject, but was utterly unconvinced. dude is affectionate. warren endorsed him. klobuchar. pete. bernie. pelosi. obama. everyone. these are serious people who know how to smell a rat, highly motivated to check it out and see what's what, and they wouldn't push him if he were a pedo. they didn't buy it, either. after reviewing tons of video for way too much time, i found no example that couldn't be explained as innocent, and i watched that dude to read any of the hundreds of indications that humans read on humans, that may be telling. i smelled nothing.

regarding non-pedo "sniffing," here's an article from ash carter's wife




It happened again two weeks ago. I was at an industry conference comprised of my female peers — what would be my last time there as I had announced my intent to start my own company — when a friend ran up to me joyously stating she had “seen me”. I assumed she was referring to a recent piece in an industry newsletter about my retirement from my firm and transition to entrepreneurship, but she quickly let me know that it was again that picture which Jimmy Fallon had shown the night before.

Last night, I received a text from a friend letting me know that picture was once again all over Twitter in connection to Lucy Flores’ personal account of a 2014 encounter with Joe Biden. Let me state upfront that I don’t know her, but I absolutely support her right to speak her truth and she should be, like all women, believed. But her story is not mine. The Joe Biden in my picture is a close friend helping someone get through a big day, for which I will always be grateful. So, as the sole owner of my story, it is high time that I reclaim it — from strangers, Twitter, the pundits and the late-night hosts.

On February 17, 2015, my husband was being sworn in as the Secretary of Defense — a job his years of work at the Pentagon had prepared him for and the crowning achievement of his career. I could not have been prouder and I had gushed to friends that it was like “seeing Secretariat run the Kentucky Derby”. We had started the cold, snowy day at Arlington Cemetery in Section 60 visiting the graves of our fallen. It was somber and quiet and the weight of Ash’s new responsibility was palpable. Upon our arrival at the Pentagon, I had slipped and fell on some ice — which a few journalists were nice enough to tweet about. Later, we went to the White House for the swearing in and I was feeling self-conscious and tentative (not a normal state for those who know me) about the fall — and perhaps about how much our life might change. As we walked in the room, reporters were staged and a young woman from Huffington Post shouted to me to ask if I was doing all right — I was somewhat thrown (did I not look all right?) but quickly remembered news of my fall on the ice had traveled. By the time then-Vice President Biden had arrived, he could sense I was uncharacteristically nervous- and quickly gave me a hug. After the swearing in, as Ash was giving remarks, he leaned in to tell me “thank you for letting him do this” and kept his hands on my shoulders as a means of offering his support. But a still shot taken from a video — misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends — sent out in a snarky tweet — came to be the lasting image of that day.

As I arrived home to my apartment that night, I was starting to get a sense from incoming texts that that picture was picking up steam. I got on the elevator and must have been too lost in thought to notice someone next to me. As I got off the elevator, the young woman started walking down my hall (which I found odd since there are few apartments leaving very few doors she could be going to) and began to feel her footsteps pick up close to mine. As I reached my door, I turned around to find her practically on top of me. When I confronted her, she said she was a reporter from the New York Post and did I have a comment about that picture. I quickly went inside and locked the door.

It didn’t stop the next day, or the day after or the day after that. Friends tried to comfort me — they knew we had known Joe and Jill Biden for many years, long before he had become vice president, and that this presumption on the part of reporters wasn’t the type of attention I wanted. Ash tried to joke that it was the only way people knew that he had been sworn in. At his first available opportunity, he told the press that we had been friends with the Bidens for years and it wasn’t at all what people thought. But that didn’t stop people I had not heard from since high school sending me messages — usually with some joke or demanding to know what he had said to me.

Meanwhile, when I next saw the Bidens, I told them I felt awful that after he had generously taken time out of his day to swear in an old friend, his attempt to support me had become a joke and even more — supposed proof positive that he didn’t understand how to respect women. I thought it would all blow over if I didn’t dignify it with a response. But clearly that was wishful thinking.

I won’t pretend that this will be the last of that picture, but it will be the last of other people speaking for me.


i hope you see here a clear example of people pedalling a false representation in order to dishonestly smear a politician

Edited by very honest
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3 minutes ago, very honest said:

@drome here's my post from january 23, in this thread. 

this was when the primaries were in fierce competition. my point, then, was that, if i thought the allegation were true, i would be pushing it in the public discussion because i thought it would be something the dems should address then, when there was still time to prevent him from getting the nomination. i took it seriously and looked into for considerable time, after someone i knew told me about the videos, and i saw one. at first, i didn't know what to think.

i was not alone in looking into these videos with drum beats... many very serious political people also took notice, and gave them serious consideration. as i said in that post, i spent way too much time looking into that uncomfortable subject, but came away utterly unconvinced. dude is affectionate. warren endorsed him. klobuchar. pete. bernie. pelosi. obama. everyone. these are serious people who know how to smell a rat, highly motivated to check it out and see what's what, and they wouldn't push him if he were a pedo. they didn't buy it, either. after reviewing tons of video for way too much time, i came away without one example i could point to that couldn't be explained as innocent, and i watched that dude to read any of the hundreds of indications that humans read on humans, that may be telling. i smelled nothing.

regarding non-pedo "sniffing," here's an article from ash carter's wife



i hope you see here a clear example of people pedalling a false representation in order to dishonestly smear a politician

Come on man. Just look at Biden around those kids! Are you blind?

Who cares who endorses him. Politicians and their ilk - for the most part - are soulless cretins with zero integrity. They simply saw Biden as the only appealing choice for voters.

If anyone did that around your kids or your family’s kids you would be uncomfortable.

It boggles my mind how people choose to deny something that is in plain sight.

Cognitive dissonance rules most minds yet again.

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1 minute ago, drome said:

Come on man. Just look at Biden around those kids! Are you blind?

i just told you that i did look at it, extensively

2 minutes ago, drome said:

Who cares who endorses him. Politicians and their ilk - for the most part - are soulless cretins with zero integrity. They simply saw Biden as the only appealing choice for voters.

sweeping generalization that mischaracterizes the individuals i listed

3 minutes ago, drome said:

If anyone did that around your kids or your family’s kids you would be uncomfortable.

as i alluded to in the january post i embedded, above, affection can be uncomfortable, sometimes, and unwanted. that is leagues distant from copping a pedo feel. they are not the same thing. call biden uncomfortably affectionate, not a pedo.

5 minutes ago, drome said:

It boggles my mind how people choose to deny something that is in plain sight.

i know the feeling

5 minutes ago, drome said:

Cognitive dissonance rules most minds yet again.

i'm happy to debate, further

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Lost cause mate.

If that’s uncomfortable affection to you then that’s just your biased and subjective take. 

Biden’s behaviour around those kids is objectively creepy. Fact.

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5 minutes ago, drome said:

@veryhonest: lost cause mate

the video you think is such proof is a compilation from hours of footage from swearing-in ceremonies. biden presided over them for many years, as vice. you think he was deliberately sneaking feels on the kids of congress members while on camera, serially? really? you don't think it's more likely that someone got the publicly available footage and made a reel that delivers a misleading hit-job? 

try to not be an easy mark, please

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12 minutes ago, very honest said:

the video you think is such proof is a compilation from hours of footage from swearing in ceremonies. biden presided over them for many years, as vice. you think he was deliberately sneaking feels on the kids of congress members while on camera, serially? really? you don't think it's more likely that someone got the publicly available footage and made a reel that delivers a misleading hit-job? 

try to not be an easy mark, please

That’s not the only footage of him doing that.


Keep on defending pedos. Die on that hill ha.

Edited by drome
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16 minutes ago, drome said:

If that’s uncomfortable affection to you then that’s just your biased and subjective take. 

Biden’s behaviour around those kids is objectively creepy. Fact.

look man i'm glad you're out there trying to stand up against pedos. i'm sharing my take after really trying to get to the bottom of it.

here's a post i did on concerning shit with donald


5 minutes ago, drome said:

That’s not the only footage of him doing that.


Anyway, piss off ?

Keep on defending pedos. Die on that hill ha.

how about logic? presumption of innocence? i don't see you being receptive to or engaging with my honest arguments. i think you've lost, here

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3 minutes ago, very honest said:

look man i'm glad you're out there trying to stand up against pedos. i'm sharing my take after really trying to get to the bottom of it.

here's a post i did on concerning shit with donald


how about logic? presumption of innocence? i don't see you being receptive to or engaging with my honest arguments. i think you've lost, here

You’re lost chap.

Enough hogging this thread with you trying to goad me.

Biden’s a creep (oh laptop gate too while I think of it) end of.

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7 hours ago, Nebraska said:

i wouldn't accuse T of using donations for the legal fees to sue states of the campaign theft to pay of his debt, but i would call this hint to something like that

yeah, obviously as long as he can keep up hope for a turn of events in his followers he can keep em donating and paying for his campaigning debts.

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2 hours ago, drome said:

Come on man. Just look at Biden around those kids! Are you blind?

Who cares who endorses him. Politicians and their ilk - for the most part - are soulless cretins with zero integrity. They simply saw Biden as the only appealing choice for voters.

If anyone did that around your kids or your family’s kids you would be uncomfortable.

It boggles my mind how people choose to deny something that is in plain sight.

Cognitive dissonance rules most minds yet again.

Oh my god. You think you can tell he is a pedo from those clips? Clearly that "pedo" stuff is a tool for emotional manipulation and you fell for it. It's basically the worst accusation you can make, there is no tolerance for pedophilia in society. So naturally this narrative is pushed by his opponents in that mud fight US politics is these days. And you buy into it thinking you're super red-pilled and woke.


2 hours ago, drome said:

Lost cause mate. ... that’s just your biased and subjective take. 

Projecting really hard there.


3 hours ago, drome said:

Fuck you creep

Do you now think I'm a pedophile?

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On 11/7/2020 at 8:08 PM, sweepstakes said:

Honestly I do hope that we never hear the word socialism spoken again, at least by GOP. They have completely driven that term into the ground, they just use it like an epithet with no thought behind it, just some archetype of a Stalin boogeyman. I hope to hear "public" and "for all" replacing "socialism", i.e. as applied to health care, education, etc.


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That voice masking sounds like Detroit Grand Pubahs Sandwiches vocals

Yeah this makes total sense, if I'm gonna go hand out fake ballots I'm gonna use a BIDEN/HARRIS van to do it.

Read that Project Veritas paid the USPS "whistle blower" $130k for his allegations, wonder how much this one got

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