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18 minutes ago, ignatius said:

or all foxnews viewers age out and die and there's no market to replace them and fox goes down the toilet. 

heh wishful thinking. but some other fox news knockoff (like OAN) will no doubt step up to the plate and carry the torch, should FN ever flame out.

there is no easy out with this stuff. minds have been polluted to the point of no return. the fact that the right wing media machine knowingly does the brainwashing AND gets away with it, is a crime against humanity. how to stop it is the question. I think we have to reduce the number of players in the media realm. but that is a pipe dream. never going to happen thanks to $ influences. remember back in the day when everyone got their news from either a newspaper or evening TV broadcast? that died whenever 24/7 cable news started. then internet came along, and news kept on coming. news spread to social media, then fake news happened, alternative facts started, aaaand here we are...

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2 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

If someone like Tucker incites someone to violence, even unintentionally, that could open them up to lawsuits if the felon said they were driven or inspired by him.

That's my point.  A mob was incited to storm a full session of Congress; members of Congress narrowly escaped and one person was shot dead on the scene.  Nobody who was truly responsible has been taken to task for it.  With this precedent, what greater violence could FN "incite" that such a big company could be successfully sued?  The individual actors will always take the fall, and probably do so "bravely" as self-proclaimed "patriots".

Edited by randomsummer
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my favorite thing about the Jan 6th pathetic display of boomerism was the concessions stand at the 'riot' 


I can imagine nothing more supremely American than needing to get some chicken tenders and a funnel cake while trying to overthrow your government. maxresdefault.thumb.jpeg.daa2759cf334efb2c665864d6889c4c9.jpeg

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24 minutes ago, Audioblysk said:

my favorite thing about the Jan 6th pathetic display of boomerism was the concessions stand at the 'riot' 


I can imagine nothing more supremely American than needing to get some chicken tenders and a funnel cake while trying to overthrow your government. maxresdefault.thumb.jpeg.daa2759cf334efb2c665864d6889c4c9.jpeg

so Nathan's sponsored the attempted coup? lol

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49 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

so Nathan's sponsored the attempted coup? lol

should have the hotdog eating contest at the next storming of the capitol.  i wonder if the food concessions were part of Mark Meadows' power point on how to overthrow the gov't?

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7 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Mr. Show, Arrested Development & Bob’s Burgers actor fired after it was revealed he was at Jan. 6 insurrection


that guy is funny in all the Mr. Show episodes. politics is strange business. sucks that people get drawn into it to the point of doing really dumb shit and wrecking their lives. 

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54 minutes ago, ignatius said:

that guy is funny in all the Mr. Show episodes. politics is strange business. sucks that people get drawn into it to the point of doing really dumb shit and wrecking their lives. 

yeah i was saddened to hear this. 

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9 hours ago, ignatius said:

that guy is funny in all the Mr. Show episodes. politics is strange business. sucks that people get drawn into it to the point of doing really dumb shit and wrecking their lives. 


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15 minutes ago, trying to be less rude said:

absolutely mind-crushing compedium of information about what was going on with the pentagon on january 6th, published at Just Security.

Crisis of Command: The Pentagon, The President, and January 6

someone needs to put like 500 hits of liquid lsd into trump's next meal. old school MKUltra style.. dose him to the eyeballs. let him go bananas. where's the CIA when we need them? 

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8 hours ago, ignatius said:

someone needs to put like 500 hits of liquid lsd into trump's next meal. old school MKUltra style.. dose him to the eyeballs. let him go bananas. where's the CIA when we need them? 

he's already bananas though. doing that may...normalize him? like he takes acid, and suddenly starts behaving normally lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Trump has called off his press conference for January 6


he's doing all kinds of forums, fund raisers and rallies in the coming months to tighten up his grip on donors etc. 




Donald Trump and his allies are scheduling events and raising money for initiatives intended to make the former president a central player in the midterm elections, and possibly to set the stage for another run for the White House.

He and groups allied with him are planning policy summits, more rallies and an elaborate forum next month at his Mar-a-Lago resort for candidates he has endorsed and donors who give as much as $125,000 per person to a pro-Trump super PAC.

The efforts seem intended to reinforce the former president’s grip on the Republican Party and its donors amid questions about whether Trump will seek the party’s nomination again or settle into a role as a kingmaker.

Taken together, the pro-Trump groups form a sort of shadow political party that could help start another presidential campaign and, if that were successful, shape his administration. They include Trump’s own PACs, which amassed more than $100 million by last summer, employ an overlapping roster of former top officials from his administration and have signaled that they intend to embrace policies and candidates supported by Trump.

The groups have also helped reinforce his properties as a center of Republican power, holding events at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, and at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. Trump has welcomed to the clubs a stream of Republicans seeking his political blessing, issuing nearly 100 endorsements to aligned candidates, including challengers to GOP incumbents who voted for Trump’s impeachment or supported the certification of his loss to President Joe Biden in the 2020 election.



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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

he's doing all kinds of forums, fund raisers and rallies in the coming months to tighten up his grip on donors etc. 



*ahem* you mean he's doing all kinds of grifting, right out in the open, where everyone can see, to tighten up his grip on all the marks still lining up to hand over buckets of cash to him, so they can receive their blessing from the almighty spray-tanned one, and possibly get a free sample of his exquisite new line of snake oil he's planning to roll out in the next coming months.

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8 minutes ago, zero said:

*ahem* you mean he's doing all kinds of grifting, right out in the open, where everyone can see, to tighten up his grip on all the marks still lining up to hand over buckets of cash to him, so they can receive their blessing from the almighty spray-tanned one, and possibly get a free sample of his exquisite new line of snake oil he's planning to roll out in the next coming months.

yeah.. he's been shitting extra hard on social media as he ramps up his own brand of social media. 

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53 minutes ago, Nebraska said:


a little dramatic with the flame thrower and truck running over the MAGA hat, but i can appreciate the shots being fired here. 

That's an interesting thing about the type of hold that Trump has on a lot of his followers.  Sure, there are the die-hards, but I think that there are many more that are less hardcore; and they're the type of people who would snap against Trump and grandstand like this for their own egos if they sense a slight change in the direction that the wind is blowing.  If they start to gain momentum I think it could lead to a mass (but not complete) exodus from Trump to some other leader, which may or may not be a better outcome for the rest of us reasonable people.

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i don't see how even crazier people doubling down on double crazy is good except that maybe they'll eat themselves a little and split the crazy party.. but it only adds up to more fringe lunatics coming forward and furthering all the conspiracy lunacy and pushing us another step closer to some fucked up authoritarian situation

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Watched Biden’s Jan 6 speech. More than anything else, it sounded like a campaign speech for democracy in general. More like a literal plea, actually.  If that’s really what is required in his messaging right now then that’s pretty scary. 

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wonder if Jan. 6th will one day be celebrated as a holiday in the Q/loco/maga camps, kinda like some bizarro world version of Guy Fawkes night. burn an effigy of mike pence and all that.

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7 hours ago, J3FF3R00 said:

Watched Biden’s Jan 6 speech. More than anything else, it sounded like a campaign speech for democracy in general. More like a literal plea, actually.  If that’s really what is required in his messaging right now then that’s pretty scary. 




fascism is a real phenomenon. i think back in 2020 i wrote here that we shouldn't use that term, and authoritarianism is better. mainly i wanted to discourage its usage because bill barr was laying groundwork to use an antifa threat as some kind of a pretext.


but, "fascism," though a relatively recent term, and kind of historically specific, points to an interesting combination of tendencies: the tendency for power to consolidate itself, and the tendency of the masses to fall under the sway of a demagogue, best illustrated by Hitler's Germany. and the term points to psychological manipulation employed by such tyrannical demagogues, such as by pandering to prejudices.


it's continually shocking to behold people eating out of trump's hand. how much more obvious of a lying scoundrel could exist? he's literally a simpsons character. 


it's like fires in a dry forest. there is just an inherent danger that we must be on guard against. for me personally, i'm lucky that i happened to have had opportunities, and to have been disposed to learning skills and knowledge that, over many years, helped me to view things with a verification-based perspective. but i remember what it was like before i kind of learned the lay of the land. it's hard to know what is going on in the world, and who to believe. someone tells a story and it may sound compelling.


even worse, we have the oil industry with their back against the wall, and the tools in their hands are to confuse people and disrupt governments and political parties that would institute green energy policies. so, highly motivated and powerful actors are exploiting the weakness. there is a measurable trend of increasing authoritarianism, and it coincides with the oil industry becoming more desperate. they have effectively infinite money, and they can just give it to entities that will convert it into narratives impacting politics to prolong fossil fuel dominance, and they can give it to politicians.


unfortunately, reaching net zero is an incredibly hard problem to solve. we urgently need to get to work earnestly solving it. raising awareness of this whole thing is the way to get through this.

Edited by trying to be less rude
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