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It looks like on Monday the House will formally refer former president Trump to the justice department for conspiracy to defraud, obstruction of a proceeding, and incitement of insurrection


i like how they went with fraud. fraud is a law we have on the books for disinfo, which is regularly prosecuted. and deception is an elemental aspect of the malady possessing the man.

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5 minutes ago, trying to be less rude said:

It looks like on Monday the House will formally refer former president Trump to the justice department for conspiracy, obstruction of a proceeding, and incitement of insurrection

that will be their recommendation.. then it's up to the justice dept if they want to follow that recommendation. 

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18 hours ago, ignatius said:

that will be their recommendation.. then it's up to the justice dept if they want to follow that recommendation. 

right. it's just a recommendation to investigate, with crimes and cases specified. and doj is already investigating.

there will be the formality, which has significance.

it will be interesting to see what is said or shown. i think they will vote to release their report at the same time and release materials, amounting to a bit of an info dump. specifically it would be interesting if the case is laid out for each crime tomorrow, or if there is a section of the report on criminal cases. 

this helps doj in a few ways. it prepares a case for them. new evidence may be shared. it demonstrates the strength of the cases. it helps prime the public for if an indictment happens. jack smith appointed as special counsel shows that indictment is being considered at doj, for the coup shit.

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15 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

He’s just another Mike Lindell now.

always has been.

but i guess he made some millions on those NFTs so his fans are saying he's brilliant or whatever. 

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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

always has been.

but i guess he made some millions on those NFTs so his fans are saying he's brilliant or whatever. 

the same fans that gave him the millions in the first place :facepalm:

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This shit is pretty funny 

 Donald Trump had to be told a pool of reporters would no longer follow him around because he wasn't president anymore: report 


Trump has spent most of his post-presidency in isolation at Mar-a-Lago, playing golf six days a week and using dinner at the club as an opportunity to revel in the attention of admiring fans who applaud his entrances and exits from the dining room.


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I read something awhile ago that bringing charges against him could backfire, as in give him a boost or jolt back to life. the red hat militia/Q defense men we know would all rally around the king. and the squawking from the remaining R supporters (Marjorie, Brobart) would amplify enough to possibly make team R have to come to his rescue (again)... but donald really seems to be toxic to everything around him at this point in time. seems then that it would be a smart play to bring the hammer down against trumpone about now. my gut feeling is based off of internet articles of course, but it's been proven his support hurt R mid terms. the bad idea NFTs that not even Bannon would hop on board for. Pence seems to have drifted from the fold, and absolutely wants to be president. even DeSantos seems to have some momentum going, more so than donald. is this all enough this time, for the R party to finally hang him out to dry? we'll see. but it really does seem like the orange kool aid the R's drank years ago is slowly being pissed out of the system...hopefully by enough that they won't want to try and defend him to the level they once did. 


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2 years on from jan. 6 2021, and the politics in this country are still as divided as ever. doesn't seem like they really got all that much better after that day. maybe for a bit, then back to the same now. they seem to be getting more and more childish every time I read anything about politics. how the fuck anyone can still support the R party is beyond me. the Jan 6 wake up call for the R's didn't work. millions are still brainwashed by the maga scam, and the R's could care less about snapping them out of it. the dems are far from perfect (I try and stay as independent politically as possible) but their messaging at this point in time seems to be based on a version of reality that is closer to mine. vote for the lesser of 2 evils is how I see it.

narcissism, incompetence, lack of caring, and lack of foresight are on full display and rampant in the news stories about the republican party. sure, politicians have always been guilty of these traits. but their speeches and behavior seem to be moving in a much more juvenile direction over the years. I guess not just them but all of society. fb/twitter/social sites are largely to blame for this behavioral shift IMO. attention spans are shortened. everyone stays distracted by screens, can't see the real world unless it is being viewed through some phone camera. so many fucking narcissists being created and egged on, all in order to please anonymous online followers. all this does is keep moving the goal posts of reality further and further away from their brains. IRL communication has degraded thanks to this. 

2 years later the world's biggest con man, and head American criminal, is still sitting in his Floridian cartel compound largely unpunished. the bullshit is still being blasted out from his half muted megaphone. what's more is after fueling the Jan. 6 clown show, he's allowed to re-enter the circus with more of the low brow dung flinging vitriol, all with familiar undertones of hate and racism. and this completely unethical, hate inducing behavior is acceptable to many. so, so many racist ignorant people out there. yeah they've always existed, but have been allowed to grow and spread, thanks to online pat on the backs from other people like them and of course, trolls.

would be nice if elon tanks twitter so it goes away. all that social media crap is vampirism sucking the good out of humanity, if you ask me. looks like the FB ban for donnie could be ending soon (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/meta-considering-letting-trump-back-on-facebook/). figures. being a lying criminal asswipe promoting violence is fine, society will not really give a shit down the road, because some new drama filled click bait headline will be more important by then anyway. 

best thing to do is to tune it all out. focus on inner peace, mental strength, and happiness. but it's hard when internet and news is everywhere, constantly reminding you what bad shit human beings do, and do to each other. 

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that was pretty fucked up, looking back. no one knew what was going on, that day. now we know more. trump planned to go to the capitol, wanted to bring the natl guard with him (to protect him, this was in planning, before the day and the violence). imagine trump planning to go to the capitol on jan 6 with the guard.


now we know trump wanted the crowd to be armed and took actions to allow it, knowing they planned to go to the capitol.


now we know pence had to disobey his secret service in order to not be removed, and they feared for their lives as they narrowly avoided contact. trump tweeted during the attack that pence was the problem.


now we know there were guns there. and we know there was a seditious conspiracy among trumpist militias


we know trump knew he lost but sought to stay in power anyway through a multi-pronged scheme that included

  • fake elector slates
  • threats to state election officials
  • an attempt to use doj to declare the election tainted
  • a violent attack on the vp and congress
  • an attempt to stop and delay the certification


amazing that dod had to deliberately insist on not getting involved.

scary how the guard deployment was handled. it's like those responsible feared deploying them because trump could seize command. they (army sec mccarthy) waited until metro cop reinforcements came and pushed back the marks

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  • 2 weeks later...



The police say that after losing his race by a landslide in November — he received 26 percent of the vote — and refusing to concede, Mr. Peña organized shootings at the homes of prominent Democrats, including two who certified the election results.

Yet powerful party leaders in New Mexico not only gave the first-time candidate, Solomon Peña, 39, full-throated endorsements, they also opened their checkbooks to fund his race for a state legislative seat in central Albuquerque long held by Democrats. Some knew about his prison record but said they felt that he had turned his life around. Local and state authorities now say they are investigating whether drug money helped fund his campaign.

It's only a matter of time before one of these nutballs actually seriously hurts or kills a Democratic politician (or a family member of one).  Will that be enough for the whackjob Rs, or those who at least have a little conscience left, to stop this "win at any cost" bullshit?

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the fact that all republicans want to do is make life worse for poor people and minorities, and impose their own religious "morals" on others, perfectly exposes their reactionary nature.  theyre not fighting for improvements to their own life, they're fighting to revert things to a previous time.  so why are they so obsessive when it doesn't even affect them? it must be the manufactured nature of their beliefs ,generated from mainstream media

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8 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

so why are they so obsessive when it doesn't even affect them? 

because they believe they are losing control of driving the narrative of how things are run in the country (i.e. who's really in charge country). 

i remember an old guy once telling me "every republican believes they're a millionaire who's just down on their luck". which explains why they don't (cannot?) identify with poor people and minorities and always vote for policies that favor major tax cuts for big companies. 

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On 1/23/2023 at 7:12 AM, randomsummer said:


It's only a matter of time before one of these nutballs actually seriously hurts or kills a Democratic politician (or a family member of one).  Will that be enough for the whackjob Rs, or those who at least have a little conscience left, to stop this "win at any cost" bullshit?

the paul pelosi attack was pretty bad. fractured his skull with a hammer. was intending to hold him hostage and wait for the congresswoman

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