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How does the World view China these days?


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What on Earth is happening in China? The country that has been trying to present itself to the world as an appealing alternative to Western-style democracy looks like the stage of a sinister mystery play, with major characters disappearing from view, and government officials acting like nothing unusual is going on. But this is not normal. Or perhaps it is: Unexplained disappearances are a feature of repressive autocracies.

The latest to vanish from view is China’s Defense Minister Li Shangfu. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) general became defense minister barely six months ago. Now, nobody seems to know where he is. His last public appearance was in August. Asked about the enigma, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson replied, “I’m not aware of the situation.”

just disappearing people over there. they've also recently started to restrict some exporting of chip-centric minerals and supposedly have ramped up some military exercises around Taiwan. tensions slowly ramping, and the economy is still in decline there too from what i've seen.

Edited by auxien
rewording for clarity
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China diversifying its investments, sells over 53 billion dollars of the US debt that it owned in bonds: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-sells-record-sum-us-040447496.html


With China selling dollar assets, its holdings of gold have risen in the nation’s official reserves. The share of the precious metal in the reserves climbed to 4.9% in April, the highest according to central bank data going back to 2015.

I also heard (but did not confirm) that gold has outperformed US bonds at a rate of 75% since 2021

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  • 4 weeks later...

Using “gray zone” tactics – actions just below what might be considered acts of war – the China Coast Guard, its so-called maritime militia and various police and maritime safety agencies could initiate a full or partial quarantine of Taiwan, possibly cutting off access to its ports and stopping vital supplies like energy from reaching the island’s 23 million people, a newly released report from CSIS says.


that makes pretty good sense...would be well in line with the general Chinese tactics.

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On 5/18/2024 at 4:36 PM, decibal cooper said:


I also heard (but did not confirm) that gold has outperformed US bonds at a rate of 75% since 2021


Looking forward to the Hegelian Aufhebung between China-loving tankies and libertarian goldbugs

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/7/2023 at 6:41 AM, decibal cooper said:

Some potential good news, US and China nuclear non-proliferation talks: https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/11/06/united-states-china-nuclear-meeting-no-first-use-arms-control/

Darn it, looks like these talks just got scuppered this week, with China citing American arms sales to Taiwan as the sticking point for suspending nuclear weapon non-proliferation talks between China and America



But China's foreign ministry on Wednesday said recent U.S. sales of arms to self-ruled Taiwan were "seriously undermining the political atmosphere for continued arms control consultations between the two sides."

"The U.S. has... continued its arms sales to Taiwan, and taken a series of negative actions that seriously damage China's core interests and undermine political mutual trust," foreign ministry spokesman Lin Jian said.


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^TSMC stock dropped 30billion dollars based on one stupid thing Trump said about Taiwan…not a great round of news.

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  • 1 month later...

In his announcement proposing to crack down on "unsafe, unfairly traded products," President Joe Biden accused China-founded e-commerce platforms selling cheap goods of abusing the "de minimis exemption" that makes shipments valued under $800 duty-free.

Platforms taking advantage of the exemption can share less information on packages and dodge taxes. Biden warned that "over the last 10 years, the number of shipments entering the United States claiming the de minimis exemption has increased significantly, from approximately 140 million a year to over 1 billion a year." And the "majority of shipments entering the United States claiming the de minimis exemption originate from several China-founded e-commerce platforms," Biden said.

As a result, America has been flooded with "huge volumes of low-value products such as textiles and apparel" that compete in the market "duty-free," Biden said. And this "makes it increasingly difficult to target and block illegal or unsafe shipments" presumably lost in the flood.


cheap crap flooding a little too much for someone's pockets. i imagine however they go about this won't be the best way to force some changes, but probably a good in the long run overall.

pretty worrying when the President is being called on to enforce some sort of rush actions to do some laws Congress can't handle being able to enact itself.

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