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How does the World view China these days?


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What on Earth is happening in China? The country that has been trying to present itself to the world as an appealing alternative to Western-style democracy looks like the stage of a sinister mystery play, with major characters disappearing from view, and government officials acting like nothing unusual is going on. But this is not normal. Or perhaps it is: Unexplained disappearances are a feature of repressive autocracies.

The latest to vanish from view is China’s Defense Minister Li Shangfu. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) general became defense minister barely six months ago. Now, nobody seems to know where he is. His last public appearance was in August. Asked about the enigma, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson replied, “I’m not aware of the situation.”

just disappearing people over there. they've also recently started to restrict some exporting of chip-centric minerals and supposedly have ramped up some military exercises around Taiwan. tensions slowly ramping, and the economy is still in decline there too from what i've seen.

Edited by auxien
rewording for clarity
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China diversifying its investments, sells over 53 billion dollars of the US debt that it owned in bonds: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-sells-record-sum-us-040447496.html


With China selling dollar assets, its holdings of gold have risen in the nation’s official reserves. The share of the precious metal in the reserves climbed to 4.9% in April, the highest according to central bank data going back to 2015.

I also heard (but did not confirm) that gold has outperformed US bonds at a rate of 75% since 2021

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