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ICE creating gas chambers for undocumented immigrants

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Report finds ICE detention center is using a disinfectant over 50 times a day that causes bleeding and pain


Two advocacy organizations have filed a complaint alleging that Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center is using a COVID-19 disinfectant on the facility over 50 times a day.

The report, drafted by Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice and Freedom for Immigrants, states employees at the Adelanto Detention Center in California are spraying HDQ Neutral — which manufacturer Spartan Chemical warns can be harmful as it can cause skin burns and serious eye damage when inhaled — in poorly ventilated areas filled with detainees.

The complaint filed on May 21 compiled a slew of interviews with inmates describing the poor conditions in the facility. According to multiple accounts in the complaint, guards have been spraying HDQ Neutral every 15 to 20 minutes all over communal areas with devastating consequences on those imprisoned. 

"The guards have started spraying this chemical everywhere, all over everything, all the time. It causes a terrible reaction on our skin," one inmate said. "When I blow my nose, blood comes out. They are treating us like animals. One person fainted and was taken out, I don't know what happened to them. There is no fresh air."

Another inmate said he started profusely bleeding after coming into contact with the bathroom, which an official sprayed with disinfectant. They said the official told them it was HDQ Neutral. 

"I started bleeding from my nose after being in contact with a strong chemical they are using," they said. "I am still bleeding, more than five hours later." 

Since May 11, at least nine inmates have fallen severely ill. 

GEO Group Inc. — the company that runs the detention center — was previously accused of not doing enough to prevent the spread of coronavirus in its facilities

The GEO Group Inc. runs detention centers and correctional facilities across the United States, Australia, South Africa, Canada, and the United Kingdom. 

The Adelanto Detention Center falls under GEO management. This is not the first time a complaint has been launched against one of the companies facilities. 

Throughout the course of the coronavirus pandemic, GEO facilities have been criticized for not taking the spread of the novel coronavirus seriously — leading to a massive number of COVID-19 cases among those imprisoned 

US Rep. Nydia Velázquez tweeted her outrage at the conditions of New York City's only private prison owned by GEO Group, where at least 38 inmates had tested positive for COVID-19. 

"Conditions at these detention centers are so poor that this man contracted #COVID19 TWICE," Velázquez tweeted. "These institutions are not a safe place for inmates or those detained. We need compassionate release of vulnerable populations who present no public safety risk."

The facility in Adelanto specifically had previously been criticized by Freedom for Immigrants for not properly cleaning to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

"It is appalling, but not surprising, that GEO staff at Adelanto are repeatedly subjecting people to a toxic chemical with no remorse," Rebekah Entralgo, media advocacy strategist at Freedom for Immigrants, told Insider. "To us, this is an apparent act of retaliation for publicly reporting that GEO staff was previously only cleaning with water."

GEO Group referred to ICE for comment.

Alexx Pons, a spokesperson for ICE, told Insider the department is "committed to maintaining the highest facility standards of cleanliness and sanitation, safe work practices, and control of hazardous substances and equipment to ensure the environmental health and safety of detainees, staff, volunteers and contractors from injury and illness. Disinfectant formulations used at Adelanto are compliant with detention standards, registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and used according to manufacture instruction for routine cleaning and maintenance of the facility. Any assertion or claim to the contrary is false."

People are voicing their outrage on social media over the reported conditions at the Adelanto facility, likening the poor ventilation and exposure to toxic chemicals to gas chambers used to kill Jewish people and other minority groups during the Holocaust. 

The immigration detention centers have also been frequently called concentration camps, especially after a wave of unaccompanied minors from Central America arrived in the US in the summer of 2018. Many of them were swiftly locked in detention facilities, shocking the world with images of small children locked in cages. 

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The thread title is a bit hyperbolic and click-baity, but that doesn't mean ICE's latest treatment of immigrants is justified.

At my work we use Virex for disinfectant, but we have to dilute it for safe use because it's corrosive in its raw concentrate form. I wonder if ICE have been using the same thing, but only the original concentrate and in amounts beyond what's considered safe.

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36 minutes ago, timbre monke said:

The thread title is a bit hyperbolic and click-baity, but that doesn't mean ICE's latest treatment of immigrants is justified.

At my work we use Virex for disinfectant, but we have to dilute it for safe use because it's corrosive in its raw concentrate form. I wonder if ICE have been using the same thing, but only the original concentrate and in amounts beyond what's considered safe.

"look technically its not a gas chamber, its just a room, and theyre filling the air with a chemical substance.  now is this chemical substance gas? it's unclear, but it looks like concentrated cleaning fluid.  therefore this is not a gas chamber"

this is literally the exact line of reasoning holocaust deniers use.  "zyklon B is just a de-lousing agent, there aren't enough ovens, blah blah"

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From what it sounds like to me they're doing this because they were reprimanded for not taking antiviral measures, but now they're going overboard with it. Someone needs to instruct them on proper use of disinfectant, not to mention humane treatment in general of undocumented immigrants.

And if I were an actual Trump supporter, I would have made that obvious four years ago. So tread lightly with your accusations.

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I’ll let this one stand, it’s way better than his first attempt. 
I just wonder how disappointed Zeff is going to be when he finds out America isn’t the worst country in the world.

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7 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

I’ll let this one stand, it’s way better than his first attempt. 
I just wonder how disappointed Zeff is going to be when he finds out America isn’t the worst country in the world.

"I'll let this one stand"

super cringe







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the fundamental issue of industrialized society is the desire to assert authority, and the personal normalization of the act.  it makes these cops feel powerful when they push people to the ground and beat them.  it made nazi prison guards feel powerful when they ridiculed starving prisoners and killed them.  it makes the rich feel powerful when they have someone else do work for them and give them the majority of the profit.  it makes people feel powerful when the structures inside of which an interaction is occurring give them greater power over others than those overs have over them, and this desire to seize power is only made capable by the existence of power.  power should be abolished.  its mundane application becomes regular and predictable, and then accepted by those who it doesn't affect.

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Yeah the fundamental difference is that those two cops who pushed the old man to the ground have been fired, the one who kneeled on George Floyd’s neck is facing jail time (never fun for cops, and he’ll likely get raped for being a cop, and of course you can’t abide that, right zeff?). Are the penalties severe enough? Most of the time no, but in Nazi Germany there was no retribution whatsoever. 

The system is messed up, and culture and policies need to change, but hey guess what - you, individual you, have that power. Go. Vote. In. Local. Elections. 

And I said “I’ll let this one stand” because clearly Tim J was referring to me. And the response to me locking that other thread seemed to indicate general approval. Your use of the word genocide in particular was morally bankrupt. 

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19 minutes ago, sweepstakes said:

lol why did Zeff change his username? Did he think people would be less annoyed at him or something? This behavior is raising some flags for me

I'm not allowed to change my username?  Why are you asking an amorphous crowd of people rather than asking me?  And I don't know anyone who's annoyed at me, I'm not sure why anyone would care enough about this website to get annoyed at me over something I've posted here.  I think you should speak for yourself

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Just FYI this happened before. I knew of many egregious US anti-immigrant efforts and the various human experiments done like the Tuskegee_syphilis_experiment but this was new to me. It's well documented as well.



3 hours ago, cyanobacteria said:

"look technically its not a gas chamber, its just a room, and theyre filling the air with a chemical substance.  now is this chemical substance gas? it's unclear, but it looks like concentrated cleaning fluid.  therefore this is not a gas chamber"

this is literally the exact line of reasoning holocaust deniers use.  "zyklon B is just a de-lousing agent, there aren't enough ovens, blah blah"

The 1917 Bath Riots occurred from January 28 to 30, 1917 at the Santa Fe Bridge between El Paso, Texas and Juárez, Mexico. The riots were sparked by the dehumanizing and deadly practices of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which required Mexicans to "strip naked and be disinfected with various chemical agents, including gasoline, kerosene, sodium cyanide, cyanogens, sulfuric acid, and Zyklon B before gaining entry into the United States." Zyklon B, the fumigation of choice on the U.S.-Mexico border, was later used in the gas chambers of Nazi Germany. Police officers were also accused of taking and sharing nude photography of Mexican women bathers.[1] A year earlier, 50 Mexicans had their bodies sprayed with gasoline and set on fire, causing 27 of them to burn to death.[2] All of these conditions contributed to the riots, which began when Carmelita Torres refused to submit to the procedure. Torres was denied a refund of her transport fare, so she began yelling at the officials and convinced other riders to join her. After three days of rioting, the protest subsided, but the process of disinfecting Mexicans at the U.S. border continued for another 40 years.[3]

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42 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

I'm not allowed to change my username?  Why are you asking an amorphous crowd of people rather than asking me?  And I don't know anyone who's annoyed at me, I'm not sure why anyone would care enough about this website to get annoyed at me over something I've posted here.  I think you should speak for yourself

Do whatever you want THIS IS AMERICA

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14 minutes ago, sweepstakes said:

lol why did Zeff change his username? Did he think people would be less annoyed at him or something? This behavior is raising some flags for me

Apparently this went right over my head at first. Now it makes a lot more sense.

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3 hours ago, cyanobacteria said:

power should be abolished. 

lol do you realize how utterly ludicrous this statement is

1 hour ago, cyanobacteria said:

I don't know anyone who's annoyed at me

idea volunteer GIF

also, yes. for the record ICE/border patrol/detention/etc doing crazy inhumane shit like in the original post is horrible in every way.

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1 hour ago, auxien said:

lol do you realize how utterly ludicrous this statement is

It's like an onion, a paradoxically brilliant statement of sophomoric laziness, unfurling like a blossom. And in so few words. I admire its elegance.

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Look at the bright side, Zeff isn't a 5G antivaxxer chemtrail lunatic. Just imagine.

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5 hours ago, chenGOD said:

I’ll let this one stand, it’s way better than his first attempt. 
I just wonder how disappointed Zeff is going to be when he finds out America isn’t the worst country in the world.

i don't think anyone's happy about this. the terrible things that happen in this world aren't a fucking competition.

i don't know what it would take for you to get your head out of your ass enough to realise this, so, idk. there are dozens of world issues just as horrific as the one in this topic, just do your thing ChenGOD. you tell 'em.

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