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Everything posted by zero

  1. did you happen to attend a holiday gathering recently in which a chemically scented drink labeled "kool-aid" was being given to the attendees?
  2. I made it approximately 50 minutes before giving up. BUT I dove back in again last night picking up from where I left off, and found it was somewhat enjoyable. I tried to pretend that the first 50 minutes never happened, and am watching an entirely different movie starting at this point. around this part of the film is when they finally get around to showing the sentinels/CGI "real" world stuff, which gets some points in my book, as it's eye candy at least. I didn't make it to the end though, may try and force myself to do so this evening. I just don't understand how this happens. there were apparently test screenings as well. how does no one pre-release realize this is a total disaster of a film? it's like Lana had a half-baked idea to take the Matrix into meta land, which someone at the studio must have liked, and then gave her full reign to go further and further down the rabbit hole...until no one had any clue what this thing is about any more. aren't there people involved in the film making process that try and jump in and steer this thing back to sensical waters when this happens? I read bits of interviews with some of the actors who said that they were just as confused on what this is about as well. apparently they'd ask Lana to explain a scene, and she'd ramble on for 10 minutes, then they'd be even more confused than before. the tone of this film feels entirely off, the editing sucks, the special effects are amateur hour, the acting sucks, and on and on. so disappointing. the 2nd & 3rd films had their problems, but at least the tone from the first one carried through in those. this new one is like a bad joke. but who knows, maybe that was Lana's intention. to ruin the franchise in order to stick it to the studio or something. can't imagine they'd do another one now.
  3. saw a billboard for a a funeral home promoting $895 cremations and $3,995 funerals. I'm not sure what the intention is here by advertising this. is this to try and get people to think about going with a cheaper option? like fuck it, just burn me. won't know the difference at that point. let the relatives spend the money saved on beer or weed or something.
  4. he's already bananas though. doing that may...normalize him? like he takes acid, and suddenly starts behaving normally lol
  5. don't ask me why, but I was curious to see melanya's nft. here it is - and at the record low price of 1 Solana! (wtf that is, no idea. but apparently it equals $150 USD)
  6. not to rain on your parade, but chen effed up in listing her right next to you in the first place, because that T-Swift album was actually from 2020. I should not know these things, but sadly I do.
  7. depends. I am not into this whole crypto/NFT world and am no expert, but have a good friend that is heavily into it. I asked his thoughts on NFTs, and he mentioned that people he knows buy them as some sort of "badge of honor" in the crypto world. that if you have super expensive NFTs in your portfolio, this somehow indicates you are a player, and are accepted into other crypto circles because you have them. just pointing this out as an example that not everyone buys them with good intentions of supporting the artist.
  8. pretty much this. I wonder how much of a pay check he gets when one of those $11,000 turntables sells... wasn't he also selling some super expensive app awhile back? none of it seems worth it to me. but I'm not the target market here. maybe if I had millions in the bank I'd think differently about it. who knows.
  9. gave this a proper whirl last night after seeing it on so many of the best of 2021 lists here. I agree with the comments mentioned above, this is such an enjoyable, positive, and easy to like album. anyone else get Plaid - Reachy Prints vibes from some of it? there were some moments that reminded me of that. Reachy Prints was also very well received on here I remember, and had a similarly positive vibe about it.
  10. that shit screams German. speaking of which, where TF is ding? that dude was a master of German humor.
  11. there's a crying while masturbating joke here somewhere...
  12. kids. they like it. don't you remember? you were one once. but yeah, after the kid years, it just gets depressing thinking about the materialism / consumerism / fakeness of it all.
  13. ^ the gears are definitely turning, and I respect that. but may I remind you that dudes have been talking about things of this nature for some 10,000+ years, and still haven't been able to figure it out. all we can do is debate and question the way we live, and ultimately don't end up making much of a change at all. even if there is some earth shattering mass casualty event, and the survivors scramble up through the rubble, they will still probably end up with something similar to what we have now. striving for utopian ideals fills humans with thoughts of "hope," yet reality always shows up to crash the party. my take on this is if we all live together and rely on others for things like food and survival necessities, then someone needs to be able to tell another someone what to do. can't do this without some power structure in place to make things move from point A to point B. there's also the whole animal kingdom thing in play - animals living in packs, pack leader, nature > nurture, etc. I don't think the concept of power over others, dominance is always a bad thing that needs to be done away with, as has been alluded to above. here's an example of good power. every morning when I wake up, I let the dog out to take a leak. this morning, it is cold and drizzly, and when I open the door, he doesn't want to go. I pick him up and put him in front of the open door, still nothing. I push slightly on his shoulders to force him out, he pushes back and doesn't budge. I am trying to do something that is helpful, not harmful, as I know he needs to get some relief. I am then forced to push on his rear end until he gets out of the house, and sure enough he runs out and pisses on the grass. when he comes back in he still gives me the evil eye, even though having power over him was helpful here. yeah I know this is not a human vs. human dominance example. but since it seems things are being discussed conceptually, wanted to throw this into the mix.
  14. DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT MY DRINKING!!!!!! kidding of course. yeah I can only go based on my personal experiences with the stuff. I know the stereotypical raging alcoholic train wreck doesn't apply to all cases, that many people struggling with alcoholism do so largely without making it a known thing. I'm sure just about everyone here has known someone, or has a personal example of how the booze has had a negative effect in their lives, and that it's common to compare your own drinking vs. that of others to be able to say "at least I'm not like that guy." I had a period some 15-ish years ago where I went through a dark period with alcohol. the main factor back then was a girl I was sort of dating who was drinking vodka for breakfast. it was actually more like drinking and fighting than dating, now I think of it. I was already a social drinker, but she helped amplify that to the next level. once she left the picture, it did take a minute for it to release its grip on me, but somehow was able to dial it back to "acceptable" levels. but yeah, I completely understand not everyone can fix themselves, and asking for help is not a sign of weakness at all. for me personally, I am not a fan of the hard stuff. not saying you can't be an alcoholic with beer/wine, but IMO vodka/whiskey are usually what you hear are the culprits when the worst shit happens. props on the 6 years. that is not easy, I'm sure.
  15. some thoughtful comments here from the lab director at the facility where omicron was discovered: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/12/16/1064856213/the-scientist-in-botswana-who-identified-omicron-was-saddened-by-the-worlds-reac
  16. relatable. I think everyone that is a drinker has questioned this at some point. if we all went by the textbook definition of alcoholic (you know the more than 2 drinks per day for men or whatever it is), then I'd say the world is overflowing with them. if you are drinking first thing in the morning, constantly getting in angry drunk fights, or any of the stuff described in the AA meeting circles, then yeah, it's a problem. I too have encountered people like this in the real world, and makes me realize they're playing in a whole different drinking league than the one I participate in.
  17. wtf is going on with melonya's face here? looks like agent smith is trying to morph into her or somethin
  18. I had a sales job once in which they attempted to brainwash me. the job was to sell insurance plans to people working in strip mall stores. low income people who's bosses didn't provide any form insurance coverage to them. those were the targets. we would go soliciting them with a whole planned out sales pitch to try and get them to sign up. it was a rip off and I knew it. I got a pay check for the 1st 4 months regardless if I sold anything. I stuck around for 4 months, sold nothing, hung out in my car a whole lot, then quit. anyway, every morning we were required to meet in a crappy little office (that we had the option to enter into through the side door of a dry cleaning place) so we could get our morning brainwashing session. the leaders of this racket would recite passages from some book that was written by the owner of the company. I shit you not. there was a whole section all about "positive mental attitude," or PMA as it was called. they would literally chant "PMA" and some other hokey slogan stuff while standing around in a circle. I realized what they were doing. they were trying to make me believe this crap. I remember there was a Russian guy there who totally bought into it. the communism thing must have helped make his mind more susceptible. he was like a fucking robot by the end of the session. he and I kept in touch for awhile after I left and used to tell me all sorts of scammy ass shit they were doing. he snapped out of it after a year or so, called me after he left to tell me he finally quit. that is the most obvious wage labor brainwashing example I can think of.
  19. I have a work colleague who earlier this year was anti-vax recently come around and get the shots. just throwing this out there because it seems rare that you hear that at all. most people I feel at this point have dug in on their stance and are not budging. his rationale btw was that so many people he knew had gotten the vax and didn't grow tails, die, or whatever crazy stuff they say about the vaccines, and so therefore must be ok for him to take it. I was like whatever floats your boat, man...
  20. totally random, but when I saw those 2 words together, I immediately thought of this:
  21. heh wishful thinking. but some other fox news knockoff (like OAN) will no doubt step up to the plate and carry the torch, should FN ever flame out. there is no easy out with this stuff. minds have been polluted to the point of no return. the fact that the right wing media machine knowingly does the brainwashing AND gets away with it, is a crime against humanity. how to stop it is the question. I think we have to reduce the number of players in the media realm. but that is a pipe dream. never going to happen thanks to $ influences. remember back in the day when everyone got their news from either a newspaper or evening TV broadcast? that died whenever 24/7 cable news started. then internet came along, and news kept on coming. news spread to social media, then fake news happened, alternative facts started, aaaand here we are...
  22. nah man, the lawyers got this stuff so fubar'd that none of those guys are gonna be held accountable for shit. they can also use donald's favorite go to - "I was just joking," like he did so many times when he got called out on saying things that were questionable, and possibly illegal.
  23. I was never a massive fan or anything, but her influence on the whole vamp/goth scene is worthy of some respect. she is also a New Orleans icon, and helped add to the mythos of that place. a long time ago I was friends with a girl from nola that briefly dated her son Christopher back in high school, before he came out. I remember that girl's family's house was down the street on Napoleon from that orphanage that Anne Rice bought back in the '90s, which itself was a minor tourist attraction after Anne Rice's celebrity status took over after the Interview movie came out. RIP Anne Rice.
  24. agree. putting a kid in a position like that is a horrible parenting move.
  25. ^ dunno about that. but I do know he is a massive fucking d-bag for starting this Q anon crap, and turning what should have been an online fringe movement into something that is actually having an effect on our political system here in the US. the fact that people believe this nonsense is pathetic, and relates back to what V Honest/Less Rude has gone on here about people not able to filter out the fiction from the facts...
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