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not yuochube, but archive.org commen:

Reviewer: jjstevens - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - November 23, 2012  
Subject: It's easy to think "Conspiracy Nut". Not so fast. 

My review really begins with "OK" a bit more than 1/2 way through this. Because this topic is very controversial, but certainly has some very hard to argue against components for those who truly do their research with an open and curious mind, I decided to give a sort of brief bio on myself. I'm not Mr. Normal. I did that, reluctantly, for 20 years when I decided to get married and be a dad. I figured if my kids wanted to be like their weird old, bald, bearded, suit wearing, church going, ex hyper partier, they would have to learn that on there own. I set them right in the middle of the USA American population and gave them a taste of not following the crowd. So far, so good. Their good girls. Good and kind people. And, they don't do drugs. Well, one daughter has smoked some pot. I wish she didn't. I smoked it like a coal fired power plant for 15 years until I quit that, booze and cigarettes at 30. My point is, I don't believe I'm a whacko, a hypocrite or a conspiracy nut. I am an open minded thinker who delves into everything from a highly eclectic music collection and search to Quantum Physics. I like to cook, too.
Here we go:
I'm a pretty smart guy with a lot of street smarts, several different career choices all successful, yet I remain a child of the 60's. I really don't care for owning cars, houses, and keeping up with the Jones. Although, owning a great Apple Laptop, iPhone, iPad and whatever else I can get my hands on there is very important to me. That's about it.
I did the grown up thing and put got an education, beginning at 31. I put on a suit and for 18 years raised a family and did the whole middle class American routine. I did pretty well. Didn't get rich but had much more than I needed and lots of trips.
So, here I am, disabled, 58, 6 year mostly in bed, religious (LDS/Mormon by personal seeking, finding, reading prayer, investigation, prayer and then somehow being taught by the Holy Ghost. I don't know how it works. I just followed the directions in the Bible and didn't believe a man. Just me and God.) That's the most out of the main stream thing I've done except being a 60's minded bald hippie Deadhead who wears Garcia ties.
I study everything. Going to college in my 30's I maintained a 4.0 in a math/science Assoc. Arts/Sciences degree then became a headhunter. I recruited C-level (CEO, CFO, CIO, COO), Pres., VP, Dir. and so on for companies below a $Billion. Usually growing companies in the high tech sector growing from $5MM up to $300MM or so or $100MM to $2Billion. Remained a bearded guy in a suit. Played the game. Didn't buy into it.
Oh, yeah, after a 4 year stint in the Coast Guard as an Aviation Search & Rescue Weather Forecaster I bought a bar in a coal mine town (2-3 miles by 1/2 mile big) in a Pennsylvania town I'd never heard of. I did that until I turned 30 and went to school.  
OK. So all of that and nothing in the way of a review.
I wanted you to know who I am. Because, this conspiracy stuff is very often very flakey. However, I do believe, an intelligent person, with an open and curious mind, can either (or both) find the pieces of a puzzle and put the picture together, and still recognize that you may have some wrong pieces. Or, you can feel you way through truth and find resources to verify.  
Kind of like the "Scientific Method" of searching through journalistic and other editorial or conspiracy BS.
So, regarding this guy Myron Fagan.  
I've heard lots about the Council on Foreign Relations both as conspirators and from some of the most brilliant and ethical, highly educated men & women who have been involved, more on the sidelines, with the CFR.
Same with the Masons, Illuminati, and Knights.
When I get to too many obviously outrageous claims and insanity I know enough to shut it off.
I have listened to very few all the way.
I have not yet listened to this whole 2.5 hour audio. I am going to listen to it all and take notes.  
I have done my research on this fellow.  
However, with what I have heard of the audio I was very impressed that he connected a lot of dots, tying a great many of often individualized conspiracies into one big happy family.
I wouldn't tell too many people about listening to this stuff. Unless you're part of a conspiracy whacko group. Then, definitely talk it up. You'll be the hit of the day.
But, in all honesty, I'm no dummy. There are too many things in all of this that make sense. Yeah, I think he's tied some stuff in that doesn't belong there. Some of it is correct but he tied it in incorrectly because his source material was too generic. He needed cleaner stuff.
In the end, because I think the smart people of the world ought to be aware of these things at this depth. I'm giving it 4 stars to lure you in. Take some notes. Then do a couple of years of homework.
There's no use getting all worked up over it. There are way too many people with a lot more influence, venues and money who are doing that already. But, it might put your nose on an interesting trail. I would only do it in short doses.  
Have fun.
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