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Guest brianellis

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Hi all :smile: just joined the forum! DSC00733.jpg


Kaoss Pad 3 + Yoda = Awesome




dope, whats in the rack? ive got a similar set up just no F.R. or kaoss pad. well, i got one of those mini-kp's.. i used to have a nord lead 2x and a micro modular but since i got the elektrons i sold them.

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whats in the rack? ive got a similar set up just no F.R. or kaoss pad. well, i got one of those mini-kp's.. i used to have a nord lead 2x and a micro modular but since i got the elektrons i sold them.



Yamaha MG/12 mixing desk with send 1 internally rewired thu the mute switch so the sound is cut from the reverb if muted on the fly. The Kaoss 3 is routed into the spare sub out so I can select any combination of channels (in stereo) to be affected (post fader/eq) separately or with the main mix then the KP3 is then fed back into the desk on the last stereo channel.


Underneath there’s a Quadraver2 which serves as a separate reverb and delay via send 1&2.


The Machinedrum goes thu an old Ultraflex Pro which a mate gave me which is kinda like a ripped off Aphex Exciter and gives the Elektron an edgier deeper sound.


Underneath that there’s a Studiotech amp for my HHB5 monitors and a hi-fi valve stage tied under the right of the mixer which you can’t see.


I’m trying to keep things simple and minimal these days as too much gear can be distracting although I have just got a Yamaha AW16g which hopefully sync much better than the DAW I’ve lost interest in.


All I need now is to get on with it! :rolleyes:

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

is that a bitstream3x on the right?


also, is the apogee duet any good?

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Guest hahathhat
Yamaha MG/12 mixing desk with send 1 internally rewired thu the mute switch so the sound is cut from the reverb if muted on the fly. The Kaoss 3 is routed into the spare sub out so I can select any combination of channels (in stereo) to be affected (post fader/eq) separately or with the main mix then the KP3 is then fed back into the desk on the last stereo channel.


i got an mg16/6fx... never considered modding it, but you've got me thinking... tell me about what you did please!


i do a bit of SDIY; soldiering irons don't scare me. :ok:

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is that a bitstream3x on the right?


also, is the apogee duet any good?


Yeah it's a Bitstream! It's awesome! It's built solidly enough to survive a bomb, I really like it's midi lfo and I swear you could control a plane with it over sysex.


And the Apogee blew my mind when I plugged it in! Got on a recent trip to NY so glad I decided to go for it. I had a saffire pro before that (and still do) which don't get me wrong is a very good interface but the preamps and converters are so clean and natural. The down side is that it has unbalanced outputs, the line inputs are xlr (the jack inputs are high impedence instrument inputs) and it's only 2 in 2 out. Now I'm saving up for the ensemble. Or the Prism Orpheus (my housemate has one and it's the best interface money can buy!)


I've added a description to my original post




List: (left to right)


Elektron Monomachine

Universal Audio Remote preamp

Apogee Duet

Wave Idea Bitstream.

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12
is that a bitstream3x on the right?


also, is the apogee duet any good?


Yeah it's a Bitstream! It's awesome! It's built solidly enough to survive a bomb, I really like it's midi lfo and I swear you could control a plane with it over sysex.


And the Apogee blew my mind when I plugged it in! Got on a recent trip to NY so glad I decided to go for it. I had a saffire pro before that (and still do) which don't get me wrong is a very good interface but the preamps and converters are so clean and natural. The down side is that it has unbalanced outputs, the line inputs are xlr (the jack inputs are high impedence instrument inputs) and it's only 2 in 2 out. Now I'm saving up for the ensemble. Or the Prism Orpheus (my housemate has one and it's the best interface money can buy!)


I've been looking for a good midi controller for ages, that bitstream looks like an improved version of the uc33 and it might be the perfect one for me, I hope I'll be able to buy it by the next summer..


I've read somewhere about the prism soundcard, and it's waay out of my budget :sad:

Right now I have an audio kontrol 1 but I'm thinking about selling it and trying another soundcard, maybe a duet or an ultralite..


Nice setup btw

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i got an mg16/6fx... never considered modding it, but you've got me thinking... tell me about what you did please!


i do a bit of SDIY; soldiering irons don't scare me. :ok:


If you get the back off you'll notice a spare set of terminals on the mute switch so I basically broke the signal going to the send knob and rewired it thru the mute switch with a couple of wires however you can only really do this with one aux send.

There's a bit of trial and error getting the right end of the terminals to cut but when you get it right for one you just copy the for the rest.

I got pissed off with having to also turn down the send levels to the reverb when a channel was muted so this way everything is cut apart from aux1 which on the first four mono channels have rewired the pre/post switch to act as a direct on off switch so I can punch in the effect in and out instead but you can't do this with the other stereo tracks.

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