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Squarepusher taking over Guardian Music for 1 week

Guest frankbank

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fuck me , it gets even better.


heres an exclusive track he did for the guardian, plus video interview inside his studio.

this is going on all week.

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Guest JohnTqs
the drummer alex is the luckiest man in the world.



wow 5 posts under your belt and BAM!!!! the gayest post in the history of WATMM


i commend you


you're an asshole

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the drummer alex is the luckiest man in the world.



wow 5 posts under your belt and BAM!!!! the gayest post in the history of WATMM


i commend you


you're an asshole


he's not, usually

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Guest hahathhat
the drummer alex is the luckiest man in the world.



wow 5 posts under your belt and BAM!!!! the gayest post in the history of WATMM


i commend you


you're an asshole


he's not, usually


oh yes he is... but in such a way that i've developed a grudging respect for him

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what exactly is assholish about comploimenting someoines post. if i could make post as gay as that , believe me, i would


(i try all the time)


and also


how can anybody disagree with my statement ?




"that drummer alex is the luckiest man in the world"



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I think Squarepusher's latest efforts sound much better live than they do as studio recordings. I quite liked this anyway.


Yep, I really enjoyed that Guardian track. :)


I still don't like JAS, but after watching that clip, I'm keen on seeing one of his next live shows.

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Guest tv_party



Kids in Glass Houses - Fisticuffs


"So many bodies on the street tonight. And we're not leaving here without a fight/So many hobbies broke my back tonight. And we're not leaving here without a fight/Don't tell me I don't know, what it's like to be alone/Don't tell me I don't know, how to run this fashion show."


Fisticuffs is a painfully honest and potentially liberty-threatening portrayal of the band's favourite hobby - starting punch-ups with dead bodies strewn on the street. "But!" I hear you cry, "They're already dead, they can't be any trouble to Kids in Glass Houses now, can they?!" But the band beg to differ. They don't like dead people. Some band members have even broken their backs in demanding altercations with decomposing human remnants. That they are a band only reinforces their sense of solitude, consolidating their intuitions that to be a "corpse-puncher" is to tread the perilous territory of the misunderstood outlaw. You'll be treated to an aggressive riposte if you accuse them of not knowing what solitude is like. Don't go there dude. But you might be excused in telling them that exhibiting their disintegrating victims in a fashion show might be a little bit intemperate and land them in serious trouble with the police to boot. Actually don't go there either, dude.



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Guest AOOproductions

That track was fuckin ace. I love this new style of his. It has grown on me so fucking much. It's just jazz, but it's so distinctly squarepusher at the same time. I wish every artist featured on this forum was still developing like he is...

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