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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

Friendly Foil

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about the leak:


I could imagine they had it in the German radio show and someone did some kind of direct recording out of the closed maybe even digital system at the radio station via a portable recording device and some audio jack cable (iphone maybe or something better which would explain the apple format and clipping)


they don't use CDs at radio stations often do they? its all on hard-drive


This is what i was thinking. Perhaps some little odd time differences can be attributed to the itunes crossfader or some equivalent people were talking about as well.


I really enjoy the album, I feel like we've gotten plenty of this type of sound layered in the work before under nice rhythmic percussion but now its more focused or present. I never clicked with regular music theory of scales and stuff so perhaps odd note progression is less important to me and I am just digging the atmosphere and odd development through the songs...ae got me into more beat heavy and hip hop based music as well so I'm sure that tips the scale as well. I've only listened to it twice so I may be back with a better understanding of what i like...


If its not ae i have a new favorite artist, if it is ae i have a new favorite album.



edit: also they better come to the bay area cause the quaristice show was 21 over and now that is not a problem lol


I would also do the audio jack cable rip in case I could not take the cd out of the studio and did not like to leave traces + its unlikely they have a cd ripper installed there which you could use without leaving traces + install some external hard drive to copy the files afterwards


attaching an iphone via audio jack cable and record it is the fastest and least traceable method


you could even remove it very fast in case you did it while nobody was there and you are being interrupted


even ripping the cd to a laptop would be much harder to hide in case its a studio where people come and go and expect these things to happen

Edited by o00o
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Loving David Hasselhoff has nothing to do with gayness, and you know that.

"... as a german" you are saying? :emotawesomepm9:

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alright, on my first listen finally...ilander is fucking great, nice creepy pad in the background..the track after that is ungodly horrible though ugh.....now i think im on see on see...i like it?


overall, a lot of fun on this album, and seeing as i couldnt stand quaristice, a welcome change for now.

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maybe he was even interrupted while playing the track that is there twice and started the track again to have a full recording

For the record, to me it doesn't seem like ilanders repeats. If you pay attention to how it sounds at the beginning and also at the supposed loop, they sound quite different. I think it's just a fake-out type of false ending like Ae have been known to do.

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Guest Otto Krat

maybe he was even interrupted while playing the track that is there twice and started the track again to have a full recording

For the record, to me it doesn't seem like ilanders repeats. If you pay attention to how it sounds at the beginning and also at the supposed loop, they sound quite different. I think it's just a fake-out type of false ending like Ae have been known to do.


Wow. Finally someone is saying that after 40 pages.


I Was going to say it too: ilanders twice doesn't sound strange at all for me. Especially next song being ?:?? as far as it concern the timing.

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If this was in fact recorded to an iPhone, that would explain the compression/muddiness to this "master.". It seems like with the timbres used, the mix should be opened up a bit more. It just all sounds like what really bad headphones sound like... Blown and only reproducing the mid to high ends semiaccurately. Which is to say, the actual release is gonna sound even more lush and immersive

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It's what Autechre mean when they say you begin to prefer their previous album before the new one: that however chaotic and complex and bewildering their music can be, it's always underpinned by good songwriting that reveals its genuine quality over time.

So just to recap, the quality of Ae's material reveals itself over long time periods, and on that basis, you are able to confidently state that the music you heard 12 hours ago does not possess that quality.

Thanks for playing.



I found it tedious on first listen, tedious on the second listen, and tedious on the third listen. And so on. It couldn't sound anymore like someone read the interview snippet and heard the radio show and hurriedly put together his best soundalikes amongst the two tracks. I think everyone is on a huge wind-up anyway, something to do to pass the time. If it is legit, then, well, they've lost the ability to make ineresting songs. Except, coincidentally, the two from the radio show, that is so weird??!?!


It's just mind numbing bland mush. Nothing breathes, it has no gravitas, none of it is distinctive and memorable. If people are going to mistake someone having that opinion as 'well, it just takes time! Surely when you heard every other Autechre album you also thought it was tedious bland mush!' then, yeah, go ahead.


Anyway, see on see is coming up now. It's great. weeeee

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I believe these are the actual songs, but the m4a format leads me to believe this is not an accurate representation of the sound quality. Maybe an un-EQ'd line in to a minidisc or something. It's funny, it's like I can hear that it's supposed to sound huge, and I know that it will, but this mix is just compacting the whole thing.... Like it's a recording of a recording taken in a plastic bag

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If this was in fact recorded to an iPhone, that would explain the compression/muddiness to this "master.". It seems like with the timbres used, the mix should be opened up a bit more. It just all sounds like what really bad headphones sound like... Blown and only reproducing the mid to high ends semiaccurately. Which is to say, the actual release is gonna sound even more lush and immersive


lol the more I think about the iphone idea the more genius it is


you could even pretend to listen to the audio on headphones while recording the sound to the phone via audio jack and having the headphones not plugged in


even if somebody would directly see you like this you could keep on pretending to listen to the sound via the headphones


but at the same time it would be impossible to control the volume which explains the clipping

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Sometimes the simplist answers are the most telling. Why would Warp offer 24bit wav files if *this* was indicative of the final mix/master ??? I can literally hear things suppressed that should otherwise come forward. It's almost there, just not there completely. I really think a 24bit wav will reveal much more than a shit proprietary mp3 that has likely been transcoded. I have to keep going back to the increase in quality given the newer version of that 2005 soundboard and how hearing it that way was like hearing it again for the first time

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Sometimes the simplist answers are the most telling. Why would Warp offer 24bit wav files if *this* was indicative of the final mix/master ??? I can literally hear things suppressed that should otherwise come forward. It's almost there, just not there completely. I really think a 24bit wav will reveal much more than a shit proprietary mp3 that has likely been transcoded. I have to keep going back to the increase in quality given the newer version of that 2005 soundboard and how hearing it that way was like hearing it again for the first time


yeah totally agree the final version will be 10 times better in quality

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I'll do a full review of Oversteps at some point but I want it to sink in for a while first.


Why don't you wait until Oversteps is released first...

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