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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

Friendly Foil

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Personally I didn't get a gamelan vibe on Oversteps but certainly on Maphive6.1 and Gaekwad.


Simmm is pretteh fucking gamelan (at first, and then from 3 minutes on).

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so are you guys saying the Vb0 mp3 files are not higher quality than this m4a file? because to my ears they clearly are.

don't fuck with me like that :wtf:


but srsly the fades are the same, so imho we can safely assume that this one-file thing is the source of all evil? isn't it unlikely that someone made separate tracks from a higher quality file with the same fades?

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maybe the duder who split it up also let it run through some "enhancer" plugin…?



how much space is r ess taking for you? 9,252,045 bytes? 4m:42s?

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ok i believe that, but i dont get why the mp3s i have sound so much better than the m4a, how is that possible if its transcoded from the m4a?


i know you have good ears robbie, but perhaps it's a result of the anti-aliasing the variable bitrate encoder applied to the original recording?

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I think the digital-analog-digital conversion is very plausible. I don't have the files anymore but I can't remember seeing frequency cutoff on those m4a files. At least not like 128kbps or even v2.

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hmm, id be really surprised if what i was listening to was enhanced from that original m4a. the consensus here is that this is 128kbps right?


I probably haven't been paying enough attention, but is there something out there other than the cut up version or versions of the m4a?


The fact that Bleep hasn't (or someone at Warp won't allow Bleep to) release the WAVs yet is starting to feel fishy. It's like a jacked up file was released intentionally jacked up. If the only watermarking is a repeated ilanders (or other tracks), that would be pretty easy to cut around, and surely another promo would have leaked by now.


I'm definitely not saying these are fake tracks, as they are obviously the real shit, just that of this some stuff still smells off somehow. Seems to violate chaotic net-leak rules, and feels a little managed.

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I think the m4a was probably generated from this mp3s version. Perceptually, the individual tracks *do* sound better, however I swear I still hear clipping. Some call it distortion, but I think it falls at a more unintended range. AND YUOP CUTS OFF ON ALL VERSIONS. That is why I say both the mp3s and the m4a are cut from the same "inferior" cloth

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no, but the radioshow was german.


again, i wrote that many times now: this wasn´t played on some shitty internet-radio-station. it was aired on "radio fritz" a channel of rbb, a radiostation based in the berlin area with ~5 million people. the djs were editors of germany two biggest eletrconic-music magazines "de-bug" and "groove". they even said in the show that they got warp´s permission to play oversteps tracks.


so if there are still people saying that the m4a is a fake, here is a message for you: go get yourself new brain fucktards. /hug


Heres something you could do with a new brain:


Imagine the possibility that Autechre sent out a promo that didn't contain the songs that will be on Oversteps?


Fuck, that couldn't ever happen could it?


no, it couldn´t. because why should warp send out faked promotional copies to the press? magazines had to review the fake stuff and the customers would buy a completely different product. i think warp´s marketing deprartment sucks, but they wouldn´t be THAT stupid. btw. 123 you american by any chance?



They would do it because it is still promotion, because it is still by Autechre, and it is to promote Oversteps. To go into more detail about this concept than I can really be bothered to; it could even be the equivalent of sending out the Quadrange EP as promotion for Quaristice.


Where are these reviews BTW? And as if Autechre's market buys their stuff on the strength of a review? Who's ever done that?


Oh and what an intellegent comment, because America is full of Americans is it??? I'm not from there and I don't live there, not that it matters.

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It's far too legit and complete sounding. I would be incredibly surprised. However, if they were to reveal that this is just a decoy album for the real oversteps or some loose change conspiracy shit like that, I wouldn't be as surprised. That being said, I don't expect anything like that will end up happening.

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I was thinking more along the lines of a controlled leak to prevent higher quality leaks, therefore driving interest in the high-quality product (the one you pay for). But that's too conspiratorial; the truth usually outs pretty quickly once the final product actually exists; info wants to be free, etc.


I can't see them releasing a promo copy that didn't have the final product. I don't think they're money-grubbing assholes, but I don't think they (or more accurately, Warp) are totally careless about marketing the product with reviewers.


I could see RDJ releasing something fucked up in lieu of the real deal, but not really Autechre. They always seem to care/obsess about proper versioning and packaging and presentation(see Quaristice, control over soundboards.)




Edit: the YUOP fuck-up is just so glaring.

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Guest Fat Roland

Which band is Autechre again? Are they the ones with the bobbing headlamps? No, wait, they're the ones that did that song with Tammy Wynette, right?


Oh, I'm such a wag.


Incidentally, the m4a is poor quality, but appears to have been done so deliberately out of respect for the band and the fact they need to shift a few sales when the album finally comes out. Oh and the Altered:Carbon leak (anyone remember that now?) was released as 'Autechre' by a mate of their record label, was put up for one day only, then the internet went mental over it and the rest, as they say, is history schmistory.

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I think it's their best since Draft, and it is their most friendly album hands down. The asperger-y chilliness that has been there since Incunabula is pretty much gone. It sounds like they are just having a lot of fun being weird. There is no way anyone could call this album pretentious (apart from maybe the track names and cover art).

hahahahhahhahahahahahhahahah this is the best description i've ever heard. i can't wait 'til i get my copy so i can go get a mild case of autism.


i don't understand how to keep up with threads that are 224 pages long!? do you just look at the last few pages and go off that? i always try and see the whole conversation so i don't repeat. are you guys just maniacs?


I gave up after like 50 pages, but I've checked in a couple times, and, from what I can tell, there is nothing really to keep up with. Some people say they hate it. Then someone asks "am I the only person who likes this album?" Then some people say "no we hate it too". Then someone says "Oh, so I'm the only person who likes it". Then a bunch of people say "no, we like it too". Then someone says "Okay, so I guess I'm the only one here who isn't listening to this until it's officially released." Then rinse and repeat.

yeah, this seems to be it. i guess that's kind of the schtick with every ae album... and to whomever said the whole thing about "then, you come back to it for some strange reason"... it's because you're too damn afraid to not like it.

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Which band is Autechre again? Are they the ones with the bobbing headlamps? No, wait, they're the ones that did that song with Tammy Wynette, right?


Oh, I'm such a wag.


Incidentally, the m4a is poor quality, but appears to have been done so deliberately out of respect for the band and the fact they need to shift a few sales when the album finally comes out. Oh and the Altered:Carbon leak (anyone remember that now?) was released as 'Autechre' by a mate of their record label, was put up for one day only, then the internet went mental over it and the rest, as they say, is history schmistory.

you're an alright guy


what's your deal

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if the m4a rip aka a leak of an album even before any official reviews come out was done 'out of respect for the band' i find that kind of funny. it sounds just fine to me, most people are content with the quality , listening to it multiple times already.

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if the m4a rip aka a leak of an album even before any official reviews come out was done 'out of respect for the band' i find that kind of funny. it sounds just fine to me, most people are content with the quality , listening to it multiple times already.

my lastfm page has me at 111 plays total for Oversteps (1 per track played, not times album was played lol)


It's been more though as I burned it to CD for listening in the car.

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if the m4a rip aka a leak of an album even before any official reviews come out was done 'out of respect for the band' i find that kind of funny. it sounds just fine to me, most people are content with the quality , listening to it multiple times already.

my lastfm page has me at 111 plays total for Oversteps (1 per track played, not times album was played lol)


It's been more though as I burned it to CD for listening in the car.


So when are we going to see your review? :emotawesomepm9: I'm looking forward to it.

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Incidentally, the m4a is poor quality, but appears to have been done so deliberately out of respect for the band and the fact they need to shift a few sales when the album finally comes out.

hey william of ockham roland long time no see


i think you nailed it there

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if the m4a rip aka a leak of an album even before any official reviews come out was done 'out of respect for the band' i find that kind of funny. it sounds just fine to me, most people are content with the quality , listening to it multiple times already.

my lastfm page has me at 111 plays total for Oversteps (1 per track played, not times album was played lol)


It's been more though as I burned it to CD for listening in the car.


So when are we going to see your review? :emotawesomepm9: I'm looking forward to it.

Soon, probably tomorrow.

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