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The Walking Dead - AMC TV Series (spoilers everywhere)

Rubin Farr

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brain checked out. no old character deaths. just newbies. They best start wackin' some old favs soon though. playin it safe right now.


haha, thanks.


Yeah, this whole prison full of undeveloped redshirt expendables getting chomped is so contrived that I can't even stay interested. That could have been a pretty great sequence. I mean, Glenn was in jeopardy, I guess, but even after coughing up half a lung he's "going to be fine." Glenn should be in a fucking coma or at least unable to move around without wheezing for the remainder of the season. I mean, realism only goes so far in a zombie show, but this season has been making it pretty hard to suspend disbelief.


I mean, come on, at least have the Guv'ner pissing on a log in the woods instead of comically peakabooing behind some scrub oak.

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I liked the silent leaves gettin swooshed.


How hard you laugh when the governor was revealed jules?



yea i guess that was a little cringeworthy, but probably because it was the cliffhanger. if that happened a few minutes in and we saw more gov stuff, probably wouldnt have been as bad

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brain checked out. no old character deaths. just newbies. They best start wackin' some old favs soon though. playin it safe right now.




I mean, come on, at least have the Guv'ner pissing on a log in the woods instead of comically peakabooing behind some scrub oak.



peakabooing behind some scrub oak. LOL.


what does this say about Michonne's tracking ability. pretty shit I gather. Or did the Gov just happen to walk up there at the same time the zombies infiltrated the prison. I mean...C'mon man.

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they should kill everyone and continue with the series from zombie horde pov.


That would be great.



This week on AMC's The Walking Dead


The horde rocks up in Vegas and chomps its way through survivors holed up in a casino!

Who survives? Place your bets! My money's on Red!

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my gf is mildly angry that they're making the governor into something other than a horrible sadist/rapist etc, but the thing is, the governor guy is very clearly the best actor on the show

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the governor guy is very clearly the best actor on the show


He's terrible!

"Uuuuurrhh, I'm so angry! Check out this mean stare..."



lol I didn't mean to suggest that the bar was set very high

but I mean at least he doesn't half-cry and lean over whilst limply holding a gun in every other scene

it's really mostly the eye patch. eye patch = serious gravitas

Edited by baph
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seriously this last episode was so fucking horrendous I just couldn't believe what I was watching. Was it this crazy out of touch corporate suit's idea to have an emo light rock song play in every episode? jesus christ. If they are seriously trying to redeem the governer it's really poorly done, if they aren't and he's fooling everyone then what's the point of the episode we just watched? Either way it's real shit
Besides Dexter, this show has become the ultimate hate-watch show on tv right now

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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seriously this last episode was so fucking horrendous I just couldn't believe what I was watching. Was it this crazy out of touch corporate suit's idea to have an emo light rock song play in every episode? jesus christ



It's such a terrible attempt at making the show cool, chip and contemporary by adding down to Earth music to a show that's all about gore. I know exactly what they're going for, but it simply doesn't work. I can't put my finger on what goes wrong in their attempt at making it cool, but it just doesn't work. Maybe it has something to do with the music being so fucking terrible. I can pull better stuff out my ass.

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Are these episodes getting darker in terms of lighting. Can hardly see what's going on. Throw in the fact that snake pliskin was whispering for most of it as well.



haha, i was wondering this too.

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Who here is keeping up with the comic? Is that still going strong or wavering yet?


I have the 2 compendiums (so issues 1-96).


It's the same shit over and over. Location to stay for eternity, reason to leave it behind aka evil guy, new location, new evil guy, sex chat in between everything, zombies chilling out in the background. All the raw parts are done already, so the moral shock coolness is also almost gone.


I would say that the best product in regards to TWD is a video game by Telltale. It has your typical melodrama, but giving you a sense of participating in comics/series is a refreshing take.

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