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The Walking Dead - AMC TV Series (spoilers everywhere)

Rubin Farr

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ps bought the graphic novel compendium in the play.com sale, issues 1-48... All sorts of awesome


I have an original printing of issue 48. It's my favorite issue. I'm going to get it signed some day [hopefully a week from this Friday].

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The casting is awful, everyone of them makes my blood boil, except that redneck guy, he is cool (the writers of this show are so bad that they'll probably kill him next episode)


what?! no way.


except for the little kids i think all the characters are well cast & the acting is great.

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not a great start to the second half of the season.

that car crash licked balls.


also, what was the point of that scene with the dudes from philly? Just to show rick being a bad-ass?

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this show is starting to just seem like a really dark episode of the show Wainy Days by David Wain where they're perpetuating the tension as long as possible of the main dude's wife fucking the psycho guy again or realizing her own husband is not a very good protector/survivalist

Edited by Awepittance
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i think to illustrate he is changing? he is going more into shane mode to protect his pack.

Setting up the alpha-male showdown?


probably. no doubt those two will come to a head at some point. then the group splits in two...


yadda yadda jack yadda locke yadda yadda

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The scene in the bar was rather ok, on its own. It was probably the best acted scene on the show in recent memory, thanks in no small part to the little Cajun dude from the first season of True Blood. It at least developed Rick's character in a non-sentimental pussy direction. I take that as an improvement.


But the overall structure of the episode was still seriously messy. The car crash played so badly -- even Lori's motivation for getting in the car to check in on Rick was pretty fucking bizarre -- that I thought her character was just going to get killed off/written out. But since the crash wasn't discovered / resolved, we can assume she's alive and soon to be missing or dead and will only be discovered as a zombie at some "dramatic" moment. Which, yeah, like YO303 said, works really well for this show.


Or maybe it'll just serve to abort babby and we won't have to deal with forthcoming zomg protect teh babby BS?


Whatever the case, it screamed awkward plot contrivance. Unless she's currently being raped by the Governor I don't really have high hopes tbqh.

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I thought the episode was good. The only thing that bugged me was why Lori drove the car to get Rick. It felt like just another random thing to complicate whatever the group is trying to do at the moment. I mean I expect the group to run into complications regularly. But when they start becoming far fetched like that it kinda pisses me off. They could have done something more creative to put her in a dilemma.


The dudes at the bar was a good complication. It was well thought out and executed properly.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

This season has been known for its constant use of cricket sounds.


I've seen people complaining about the cricket sounds on the show, but I barely notice them. I guess growing up in the south I've learned to tune out the sound of bugs in the summer, except for the choruses of cicadas; those things are loud as fuck.




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not a great start to the second half of the season.

that car crash licked balls.


also, what was the point of that scene with the dudes from philly? Just to show rick being a bad-ass?


To show the old guy that Rick is a good leader and thereby convince him to let them stay together as a group with Rick in charge.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I really just wish they would pick up the pace of the show storyline-wise. also, more younger female characters. :pedobear:

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i see the women of this show are still totally incompetent/useless and all depend on the men. going for a sunny drive? carcrash. friend in medical need? go get dad down at the pub. zombie family member just got shot? run up and try to hug her. kid finally turns up as a zombie (and gets shot)? keep sobbing like you've done for the past 6 or whatever episodes.


what im saying is this show could really use some strong female characters. i guess maggie showed some promise, but now she's getting all emo too with the asian kid.

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